Colourblindness and other Accessibility features.


I am not the first to say this nor will I be the last but Behaviour, you have done a disservice to your disabled community. The fact that you have not decided to implement any form of color blind options or other accessibility features is appalling and should be frowned upon.

Let me make this clear, as a non color blind person myself, I see people who suffer from not being able to see scratch marks to not being able to see certain cosmetics or even having Aura's visibly hidden from them. Granted, some people have resorted to putting filters over the game but these are merely band-aid fixes to a much greater problem.

Whilst we are on the subject of accessibility and colorblindness, we need to address that your sound indicators are flawed. I am referring to noise bubbles and the arrows point to said noise bubbles.They are misleading in most cases or down right don't show up. This needs improvement and should not be a thing players have to deal with especially those who rely on visual ques to discern direction.

Another thing I would like to point out is some form of font or UI adjustment to make the text bigger and more clearer for the visually impaired. Colored text should also be included for those suffering from Dyslexia and Dyscalculia. I do not need to provide points to why they should be included as these should be things every game company/developer need to include and it's down right atrocious that you haven't acknowledge nor have you attempted to rectify your mistakes.

Whilst this has been mostly a rant and a few suggestions of what should be included I am by no means saying you're a bad game company I am merely saying I am disappointed in your lack of effort to appease the disabled gamers of the world.


  • JewelTK
    JewelTK Member Posts: 12

    There's literally no reason for there to not be colorblind settings. All arguments against colorblind settings aid the arguments in favor. Too unfair because non-colorblind people can use it? True, we can use it. But it's better to allow everyone use it and have us all on an even playing field instead of throwing colorblind people in the shitter. Bump this ######### up, lads.