A Quick Reminder About Iron Will
there has been a bug that makes survivors make no sound when they're downed, and some people actually think its iron will in effect, its not, specially after we check in the post-game lobby that the ones who didnt make any sound while downed didnt have iron will, Iron Will DOES NOT work while a survivor is downed.
the bug happens even when not downed and without iron will not sure what causes it seen it happen sometimes.
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Personally, I think Iron Will shouldn't work when downed anyway. Its purpose is to help you lose the killer when injured, making it harder to be found when downed is just annoying. In fact, I think Iron Will should have its numbers switched with No Mither, it's ridiculous that you basically have to run Iron Will with No Mither if you want to stealth.
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No mither isnt intended for stealth. It's for resilience builds and recovering yourself.
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The counter is Deer Stalker. Or looking for blood trails or pick-up prompt in tall grasses. Sound is the cheapest way to find someone (no perk investment I mean).
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Yet everyone runs Iron Will if they have to use No Mither. I just think No Mither should do more than Iron Will since it also has a major disadvantage to it.
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It does. You dont bleed, you are quite, and you can heal yourself numerous times. How is that not doing more than just being quiet?
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There are such better perks. I can find someone on the ground with Iron Will using the things you mentioned, or just wait for them to bleed out, but that's not fun for anyone.
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You one of those people who refuse to use lightborn in a full lobby of flashlights? If you refuse to use the counter then you must deal with the consequences. Yours is missing bodies. Never work at a morgue please.
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You don't bleed- who cares? That'll at best screw over a Spirit with the glasses or someone with Bloodhound, both of which are very situational, and both of which are cases where you're better off just being at full health.
Tou are quite- I'm assuming you meant quiet, and this is very important! But if you want to be quiet, you bring Iron Will! If you actually want to not be grunting the whole match, you have to bring Iron Will, too. Which I think is a problem.
You can heal yourself numerous times- I'm assuming you mean pick yourself up. But this is almost entirely useless because the killer knows you have it. No experienced killer will slug someone they see started the trial broken. Imagine if the killer knew you had Unbreakable. And in fact, if you want to pick yourself up with No Mither, you often have to use Unbreakable for the recovery speed.
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Yeah, I won't use Lightborn in a lobby full of Flashlights, I'll just make sure nobody is around or look at a wall before I pick up. That or I'll bring Franklin's.
But again, my issue isn't that being silent on the ground is unbalanced, it's just annoying and drags games out unnecessarily.
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Bleeding also screws over non running jukes, hiding in lockers while being followed, etc.
And yes, quiet. Auto correct.
Recovering yourself is a good thing. Even if the killer knows, that means they cant leave you alone to chase someone else they see. It's free pressure they HAVE to address.
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All those things still don't make up for being permanently injured. It's like if that Yui perk, Rough Break or something, lasted the entire trial and No Mither only lasted the first however many seconds.
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Except that using lightborn to counter flashlight is a thing, while being forced to use deerstalker because downed people don’t make sounds is straight bullshit.
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Franklin's doesn't help at pallet blinds if you didn't already hit them and are getting pallet looped.
And with the chance of getting a slug hatch or using unbreakable/adrenaline, I don't want to be found immediately for something out of my power. Iron Will guarantees I set some of the rules for what happens to me. I'd be dragging the game out hiding in a locker. It's all the same. The goal is to find me. They already set the line in the sand with bleedout timers and EGC.
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Stop being rude. Most people don't need perks to track survivors on the ground. It's not hard to go "oh this is where they were and they headed this way"
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Ok. But clearly in this case they do.
Edit: Just a reminder, my original case wasn't that this bug doesn't suck. It's that Iron Will should work that way.
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I'd rather someone blinds me while I break a pallet than put more distance between us.
And yeah, sometimes not getting found while down can help you. But if you crawl to the Hatch it's almost always because the hatch spawned nearby you, not because the killer walked right past you.
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They lose distance if they're trying to blind you at a pallet. It's advantageous for a hit after a pallet stun.
I know the struggle of killer having to deal with second chance perks, but getting slugged is yet another health state just like being healthy and injured and deserves it's own set of rules, not just a fail-state as people seem to want to imply. Some of my best games as survivor were when everything seemed hopeless.
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If it's a separate health state then wouldn't it make sense that Iron Will doesn't apply? Iron Will applies to the injured state, and dying is it's own state, not just injured minus one.
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No the bug sucks because tracking with sound is actually how advanced killers play. They use blood and sound. Scratch marks are the easy way. Stating people should use perks for everything is honestly narrow minded.
If the killer knocked down the Jake with lvl 3 iron will he's done his job even if he slugs because he found someone else running up so restarted a chase. The killer shouldn't be affected by yet another sound bug or have to run a perk to see. If Jake was not picked up by himself or teammates while the killer was in chase that's not a killer issue and shouldn't be made into one.
If sound wasn't an issue then neither survivors or killers would required headsets or any speakers for volume.
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Like most slug perks it's too situational and offers little to no benefit for it's function. You're not doing gens, not healing teammates, not opening exit gates, not reviving other teammates. You can either simply hide or wait. Iron Will quieting slugs would benefit the former.
I've said this before but I think a fourth health state is needed. You recover into crippled where you can only walk and not run. Trapper style you can just scoop them up when you want to hook them.
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Interesting idea with the 4th health state... would you be able to do gens? Would going from crippled to injured take a full heal?
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Not without a huge debuff. You're trying to act independently without assistance. Lorewise you're ripping open your wounds trying to stand up. Disable perks too so no self heal.
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Problem is, if your healed, you could also just waste more time in a chase, also youll be out much faster being the easiest target
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I feel like killers just have issues hearing survivors... it’s not necessarily bugged.
I huntress called me an immersed bug abuser because she couldn’t hear me... I was playing Ace so...
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Ok but it should at the very least be announced, i mean i dont want that but at the very least they could say it in patch notes, otherwise its not fair for killers to worry, not to mention it occurs without iron will sometimes
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They definitely need to fix sounds. But I also think Iron Will should also effect you on the ground.
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I figure you'd have all your perks disabled and some sort of debuff speed to other actions. After all, you'd be trying to move independently rather than waiting for a teammate. No Mither would recover up to injured, unbreakable recovers once. Tenacity's speed boost would work better slugged.
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Why iron will should not apply when you are slugged: because the fun of a single survivor should not trump the fun of a single killer.
In the economy of a game being enjoyable to play as a game in a 1v4 scenario, the 1 should be given allowance to do things like end the match quickly if they so desire it in a 1v1 scenario.
A slug rolling around in the ground leaves the single player to pick their nose and wander aimlessly for several minutes before they can queue again, which is not an enjoyable experience.
Even if a single survivor would have more fun for those few minutes trying to look for the cheeky hatch escape, survivor enjoyment only outweighs killer enjoyment as a group. Single slug scenarios do not do this.
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Flashlights, over all, these days are not the threat they were at one point.
Flashlights have not changed much but the people wielding them have.
Gone are the days when i did not have to think twice about getting lightborn if i saw two FL.
If i see two now i am not really threatened by them anymore unless i am wraith.
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Flashlights will screw over a Wraith or a Hag and do diddly squat to anyone else.
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Personally, I think Iron Will shouldn't work when downed anyway.
It doesn't 😑