Gens are flying with and without toolboxes

As a Mainsurvivor, gens are flying with and without toolboxes. It is to ez and boring atm. No wonder why killer´s stop playing more and more. How they can do more pressure ? Theres no way.
1 chase 3 gens done ....its a joke
Maybe some killer's should change their builds, I noticed some pretty good and interesting ones. If the killer fails to pressure the gens, its their fault 💁
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Dispatches from the brown ranks.
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Lmao, I think the Devs truly know the changes to toolboxes are a joke. I mostly play survivor and don't bother with toolboxes to have a semi interesting game. Gens pop left right and centre after one chase because the killer can't be everywhere.
I have noticed killers facecamping and the gen strategy if they can depending on the map.
Killers will leave and we will find ai killers which will make the game as boring as hell
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You need to learn when to break a chase. That seems to be your problem.
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Learn to apply pressure and dont panic if 3 gens get done at the beggining of the match, you can always make a comeback.
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jUsT ApPlY PrEsSuRe
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Correct. There are plenty of perks that help you with that.
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I had to run afk after the 1st 60 seconds of a match. Running Trapper. Wife screams because the faucet shoots water everywhere so I run in, get water shut off and eventually return. 1 gen left. I 3k on the match because they got cocky and tried to swarm my hook, but I pre-trapped it in the beginning. That starts a snowball where I get the time to isolate the remaining gens with traps and start picking them off.
This was Groaning Storehouse with 1 gen on each side and the mid gen remaining.
Gens are fast, but smart play can counter.
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You're talking about SWFCs who try and save their friends. They probably were around purple ranks?
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And there you have it, apply pressure to 7 gens with 4 survivors, don't forget to stop chasing survivors for too long, apply pressure to gens, then to the exit gates, then make sure they aren't near the exit gates once open, you will win so many games following these instructions... I'll refrain from mentioning any good killer perks because there are so so many </s>
Post edited by andyollolloll on0 -
Red. Lowest was rank 3. 2 were SWF, the other 2 solo.
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im just waiting for these survivors now that never played killer on rather higher ranks and comment "learn to play then" or "git gud"...
Its easy to say git gud, but ive never seen just one of these dumb survs, showing me how to git gud if the problem remains of gens flying
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yeah bzt sad is without fixing gen speed killers are forced to play almost with specific builds and with no strategy or experimenting with new perks..
most of killers are pretty much forced into same build for almost all killers, gj devs. With old ruin you can pick up some another perks, but now you cant.
and new perks from deathslinger are trash and are not gonna stop survivors from gens to be done.. dead mans swithc is a joke becasue it has too many drawbacks, long cd, n oregression while gen is blocked, obsession need to be hooked, nemesis needs to be integrated in order to work properly so its a trash,
hex retribution : come one its hex ! its bad for normal use but I tihnk people will use it in hex meme build otherwise trash
and gearsomething perk : yeah its ok but again too many drawbacks, 2 times hit survivor and need to trigger skill check.. I was playing as survivor and on whole gen I had only 1 skill check, awesome balance devs once again so no its bad once again
so no killers are pretty much force to same gen protection builds as they were before.
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A single survivor takes 8-9 minutes to do all gens solo.
There is no reason for the game to still be going at the 10 minute mark.
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I guess git gud = pressure gens now.
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Skill is not a question. The game is broken. Killers have to use meta perks, meta killers, 3 gen, and anything else I didn't mention to stand a chance. Killers success depends not on his skill but by the survivors skill. If the survivors make zero mistakes and decide to rush gens the killer is at an extreme disadvantage. Git Gud does not apply if your game doesn't work.
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I want to see your gameplay as clown making sure survivors at red ransk don't finish 5 gens in less then 4 minutes
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JuST PrESuRE gens!!!
Total meme dude. Stop using it to defend this garbage.
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I couldn't really agree more, I've said this on the forums many times, the fact that they think bandaiding toolboxes would actually solve anything is laughable. The devs and balance team have really lost sight of this game. If myself or someone in my swf ever use a toolbox, it is usually to meme with, I would say 90% of our matches are just gen rushing until the end game. Our games on average usually last 6 minutes, unless we are ######### around or purposely 3 gen to make the game remotely interesting. This is at rank 1 mind you, although that probably means less and less when the matchmaking puts us against a red ranked killer 1/20 games. Pretty much everything about this game right now is complete #########.
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Clown is an exception because his tools for applying pressure are poor and he doesn't really have any snowball potential, but every other killer? Even legion and bubba both can apply big map pressure if played correctly.
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I don't think this guy plays at a high level (the person you are replying to), if anyone is actually defending this game right now, they are blind. Further down he is saying legion and bubba can apply pressure on large maps means he is playing against bad survivors. This can only happen if survivors make the mistakes (ie survivors making the map small enough to patrol), or you slug. If you are playing against good survivors, or anyone with a brain, you will not win.