Some ideas I have for the game

Ideas for deathslingger:
1. If he could jump unoccupied hooks and if he shoots a survivor and reals them in they are instantly hooked. Give new meaning to phrase "insideous hook camping"
2. Give him an addon that shows distance limit
3. Give him an ability like freddies that has a cool down that lets him shoot at a cieling and rappel up a wall.
Killer perks:
1. Spontaneous torture
Once per game can a killer e summon a spectral hook on a downed survivor that instantly hooks them, disappears after unhooked or sacrificed.
2. These hills have eyes
When a hook is sabotaged that survivors aura is revealed for 20 seconds
Survivor perks
1. Its too quiet...
Whenever a killer is standing still for more than 2 seconds, their aura is revealed to you, (would counter oblivious and undetectable)
2. Cry for mercy
When you are downed withing 15 seconds of being unhooked, you are covered by entity vines for 45 seconds which has the following effects:
Cannot be grabbed by killer
Cannot be healed by survivor
Cannot move
Can only self recover a maximum of half your recovery progress untill the vines are gone.
So these are some ideas i had after seeing a couple of slinger games on ptb and seeing the new sabotage mechanics. Any you guys like or dislike utterly. Im curious.