So is slugging one of the last two survivors the meta now, cause everybody nd their mom is doing it.

I know why they do it but am I the only one who really thinks it’s basically taking the game for hostage? I know why it’s done, you don’t want the survivor to escape but recently just played against the Oni who wouldn’t stop slugging the last two survivors and the game lasted over 35 minutes just because he wanted to get the 4K. He sadly managed to get it cause nobody managed to find the hatch, not even the ONI. Then the ONI decided to taunt the last slugged survivor by repeatedly hitting his slugged body with his ability. Like wow you just had a 4K by taking the game hostage congrats.

The reason I thinks it’s basically taking the game for hostage it’s because there literally only ONE perk that helps against slugging technically 2 with No Mither but who even uses that #########.And it won’t help you 100% of the time. Once your slug you can’t do jack ######### but wait for that sole person to help you. I am not fully against slugging, for example if a recently hooked survivor literally goes toward you to get a hit because he wants to use DS. It is very clever to slug him to completely avoid the perk in the first place but making the game last WAY to long cause you want a cheap way to get a 4K truly annoys the hell out of me. But I don’t know, I am just taking this out of my chest. Feel free to disagree with me or agree with me.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    It's pretty annoying, but it's also fair enough in a way. Most killers don't enjoy 35 minute games where they're just constantly slugging one survivor and searching for the other either, but they consider it a necessary evil if they want to get all their kills.

    Having said that, the Oni you mentioned sounds like they're just not a very nice guy. Not because they slugged, but because they felt the need to rub their victory in their opponents' faces afterwards.