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Fix slugging for the 4k

Member Posts: 2,533

The practice of slugging the third person and waiting out the bleed out timer to try to ensure there's no hatch escape is completely killer sided and lacks counterplay.

The game won't end normally with two survivors left and all the options for the last survivor only appear after the third one is dead.

I think that doubling or tripling the bleed out timer when there are only two survivors left would do wonders because it actually puts pressure on the killer to hook instead of leaving them slugged. And it makes the game end faster when the killer holds the game hostage by waiting out the bleed out timer when the last two survivors are both are slugged


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  • Member Posts: 2,533

    If both sides deserve an equal opportunity to win, how is slugging for the 4k supporting that?

    It's circumventing the odds for the survivor to find the hatch and stacking the deck in the killer's favor

  • Member Posts: 148

    Endgame collapse begins as soon as the third survivor is dead. The killer can break the hatch rendering it unusable at any time it spawns on the map.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    In my experience, doors are just as likely to nearby each other than on opposite sides of the map. And even if you get lucky with door spawns, billy, spirit and nurse exist. Plus hag, demo, freddy and trapper can place stuff near both doors to slow you down and notify them you're there.

    In most games, the hatch is your best chance of escape. Once the hatch gets shut its usually gg because the doors are too easy to defend.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    There is always a chance for the Killer to kill you even if you don't slug for the 4k because the hatch mechanics are random and slightly killer sided. You just don't like my point.

  • Member Posts: 425

    but if you force the killer to hook, then what about DS? because thats a good part of the reason many killers dont always try hook when he has one on the hook already or the gate is open or theres 1 gen left. its simply more safe to slug.

    We are not entitled to 4k and you are not entitled to survive. but it still is a killers job to actually kill. If i increase my chances of you getting out by trying to hook so you Decisive strike out of my arms and maybe try and save the guy i have on a hook as well, then why would i? i can just leave you on the ground.

    This is espcially true if the gates are open or theres only 1 gen left.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    How are the hatch mechanics killer sided when it's survivors who can open the hatch with a key, or just jump in in front of the killer and they can't grab you. Although, I am curious if the cowboy can harpoon you while jumping in. That would be hilarious!

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Killers need to learn, that they not deserve to get 4k.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    A. Going to the hatch is pointless because the Killer will be looking for it and if they find it they usually just sit on it.

    B. Demo, Freddy, Trapper and Hag can booby trap doors. Billy, Nurse and Spirit can easily check both doors before they can be opened. Plus, even if you have a low mobility killer the doors can spawn very close to each other and/or the hatch can spawn really close to a door which save the killer time and usually lets them check both no matter who they are.

    C. There's no point in helping the slug because two survivors won't finish all the gens by themselves. And even if they do, only one will survive because you'll have to split up and pressure both gates and the killer will defend one of them while the other will escape.

    200+ hours. Already level 105. Purple Rank survivor that hit Red Ranks last season. The only way I've escaped when a Killer slugs for the 4k is with a key or a really lucky hatch they couldn't find

  • Member Posts: 494

    Do it to a freddy then cos in a lot of my games one gets out eiher by means of hatch, door number one or door number two. In my games the doors spawn far apart in a lot of games. This is the dev's way of makign sure that a tleast one gets out. I am fine with this. It does not piss me off and i rarely go slugging the 3rd. They would have to really piss me off with either a FL, pallet slam after pallet slam after pallet slam and then tbag for the third to be slugged like that.

    You can pre-load the door up to the first E letter i think it was without a light showing.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    If 200 hours is a baby, then I guess I'm a baby in your eyes. Can't change that.

    But I can say they I picked up this game quickly and can outclass plenty of people that have thousands of hours

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    The game rewards hooking survivors multiple times and having chases, which doesn't happen in steamrolls that involve slugging and camping even though they might end in a 4k

  • Member Posts: 494

    While 200 hours in and in the red ranks means not much anymore it is still impressive. Of the 1600 hours in i spend about 50/50 kill/surv. Rank 6 on killer and i want to kill myself and highest i got on surv was rank 6 and i also wanted to kill myself.

    I dont really belong in surv purples. As killer, rank 6 i earned.

    But i am an old man. I dont have the reflexes anymore. The mind is not as sharp as it once was. Kids in the morning run circles around me. I still hit them but we have a CD so that makes hitting them a bit tricky at times. You have tomake it count.

  • Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2020

    "there should always be a chance for a survivor to escape, even if its not that high."

    What you just described is exactly what slugging for the 4k is. The 4th survivor could always finish a gen or 2 if the killer is sitting literally right on top of the slugged survivor. The unlugged survivor could go pick up the slug if the killer goes looking for the unslugged survivor. The 2 remaining survivors could gasp complete the generators once they are both up, you know, since they failed to do so before the killer outplayed and killed the rest of their team. None of this is even taking into account the option open to everyone to bring Unbreakable if it bothers them so much.

  • Member Posts: 494

    Which makes me a decent killer i guess. I find them quick. End the chase quick. I hook them quick and then i leave the hook to find the next one even quicker.

    The devs must love me. I play the damn silly game they want killers to play. hook and leave. hook and leave. Hook and leave. Hook and leave. Hook and leave. Some games up to 8 to 10 times it seems. Some games i get a ton of hooks but because they are rotating on purpose or just the way it is i get no kills.

  • Member Posts: 1,056

    Not really sure why there's the entitlement to always have a chance to escape. If the rest of your team is Down and not every generator is complete by the time the killer is slugging for the 4k then frankly no second chances should be given at that point - survivors already have a plethora of anti slugging perks : tenacity, unbreakable, buckle up, flip flop, for the people, botany knowledge, the red syringe.

    And if its bugging you that much. So much that you require to see another drastic survivor buff, run a key - Franklin's can't counter a dull key and it's purple add ons that keep the key safe. Especially if you run plunderers instinct.

    Actually. If you don't want to bring a key just run plunderers, I ran it trying to get a map and I got 3 ultra rare keys.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    The hatch is earned. You have to track it down before the killer and if the killer finds it first they can close it.

    Unless you have a key, a hatch escape is an accomplishment.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I agree. It’s a really boring part of the game. There’s little the survivor can do at that point, especially if everytime you help the other survivor up they go back down. Or the killers follows them and they rat you out.

    How you would change it to where killers don’t feel robbed of a potential 4k I don’t know but the devs should brainstorm how to make it work. I just find that by that part of the game all the excitement is gone as both killer and survivor. Something to end the game faster would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    They should completely rework the Hatch. The EGC only solved Hatch standoffs.

  • Member Posts: 494

    With gates open, 3 out and last guy on the ground near th eopen door hookign them is a big risk.

  • Member Posts: 286

    Slugging JUST for the 4k would be tremendously reduced if Hatch wasn't a thing. Slugging as a whole wouldn't be changed because if the Killer wants they will slug whatever the reason is.

  • Member Posts: 375

    they should add a scoring event that allows the killer to get extra points if the last guy resorts tot he hatch to escape. that way killers arent punished in their emblems/BP because RNG decided to make te hatch appear in front of the last guy who did no gens.

  • Member Posts: 179

    Winning is all 4 escape or all 4 dead. 2 either way is a draw. You and I have very different definitions of winning, yours is closer to farming.

  • Member Posts: 1,946
    edited February 2020

    yeah...that goes for both sides... if the killer finds it/gets there first they close it AND THEN still have to get you, and you might have adrenaline on top of that or Hope or so....

    If the survivor finds it first, they are just out, nothing more required....

    that is about as fair and balanced as you could ask for.

    A key however spits in the face of the killer who found the hatch first fair and square AND again, you can just go to a door on top of that, come on man.

  • Member Posts: 515

    Not true this method is fine we need 4k we need to punish them for gen rush.

  • Member Posts: 949

    It doesn't need fixing. It's a perfectly fine tactic. If the killer thinks they can get it, they can try and get it. If you don't like it, run Unbreakable or No Mither. Otherwise quit whining.

  • Member Posts: 157

    The original post says to fix slugging for the 4K by speeding up the bleed-out timer when it's down to two survivors.

    That might make a lot of players happier on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 869

    The fact alone that there is such a thing like a hatch is survivor sided... Remove the hatch and the problem is gone while it’ll be more balanced.

  • Member Posts: 40

    If you can rush gens in 3 mins why shouldn't I slug you and stop the momentum. You have so many options like unbreakable, pallets, infinite loops...etc.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Allow survivors to speed up their bleed out if they want. Similar to recovery, you hold the button and you bleed faster. Your aura changes, so that the remaining survivor can tell you are doing this.

    I do think removing the hatch would reduce slugging a lot. I'm not sure if it would help the game though... survivors don't like to be slugged but they REALLY like getting their hatch escapes. I think, unless you have a key, you should have to physically open the hatch and it should operate just like an exit gate. The killer can tell if the survivor is working on it, and chose to camp it, or go look at gates. Effectively giving the last survivor THREE points of exit, but all of them need some time.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Why should you be guaranteed the hatch? you failed your primary objective and the killer obviously completed half of theirs.

  • Member Posts: 68

    I feel pipping for killer should be easier. You really have to play salty to get them pips. Also give us the bonus 5k bp if three are dead instead of four.

  • Member Posts: 671

    So basically, yall are saying that they need to remove the hatch so killers can get an easy 4k almost every time if the survivors don't repair ALL the gens and open the exit gates? lol.. All jokes aside, you're all complaining about SWFs. End of story really.

    I can SORTA see the argument from the killers perspective vs SWFs. But again, you guys don't give two ######### about SOLO players or even NEW players trying to get their bearings in the game. The hatch is needed because it gives survivors a 2nd option. Especially if the game gets dumpstered really fast due to DCs and/or survivor suicides. Because the other 3 survivors didn't do anything, afked, or suicide/dc I don't at least get an attempt to escape? Yup. Enjoy that infinite killer queue. The survivor pbase would vanish overnight. Promise!

    I have never and will probably never see a suggestion for the hatch that isn't killer sided. This thread is a good example of that. There's only 2 perks you can personally take that counter slugging. Unbreakable and No Mither are the only 2 personal counters to getting slugged. Everything else requires another person. No other perks assist in countering getting personally slugged. No Mither just makes the game harder for you since taking Dead Hard is just a meme since server latency even in the mid-low 80s is all but useless. Unbreakable is a one time deal and if you're slugged super early with 1 or 2 gens done.. No thanks. I'd rather take 4 hex perks and have all 4 of them spawn in a cluster out in the open.

    I don't care about the DC penalty. Ban me. If you slug me for the 4k and you're just going to let me bleed out, i'm going to DC. I'm tired of seeing people crying about game mechanics when they abuse ######### like slugging just so they can 4k and odds are, black pip and not even get anywhere near ranking up.

    If my fun isn't your responsibility, then neither is yours. Fun is subjective, but if you're going to intentionally ruin another players game experience, don't complain about getting a toxic response. That's like robbing a store and thinking their wont be repercussions. None of you know what "gg" actually means. If you did, you wouldn't be playing like asshats.

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