Survivors/killers mains

So I see a lot of survivors/killers mains crying about nerf/buffs.

It's mostly the bad players changing the game. I feel like devs should watch people gameplay (the ones complaining) so see if it's them or an actual issue.

Btw I'm a survivor Main.


  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    out of curiocity (and i have no idea what this thread is about), is it allowed to post other players names on the forum, like they can be seen in this picture?

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I don't know to be honest I just simply black out names if I ever post screenshots

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    So long as there's no negative connotation towards the player it's fine

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    i see. thank you. i assumed it wasnt allowed actually. kudos.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    you're fine as long as you dont associate them to anything negative.

    if you post a pic like OP did where it doesnt matter who you played with, thats a-okay. if you however are making a post where you complain about behavior in chat or sthg like that, blurr out the names to avoid a witch hunt towards these players.

    personally i have gotten used to just scratching out names whenever i post a pic here, just so i can make sure i dont run into any unnecessary trouble.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    i see a lot of people scratch out names, yet they often forget to scratch out their names in the chat...

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, people have already complained about the matchmaking for a while now, and the devs have said that they're going to be changing the system.

    As for your build though, 2 pink add-ons is kind of hard to go against. And I'd swap Spies for Whispers. More thematic and fantastic with Static Blast.

  • SwoleyJesus832
    SwoleyJesus832 Member Posts: 10

    It's about people that aren't good at the game complaining about things that they think needs to be changed in the game. Weather is this killer needs to be nerf. Seen post about hillbilly even though he's fine we're he's at. Or devs "favoring survivors" some how.

    The developers should really check their game play out to see if it's just them playing bad.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm pretty sure the devs realise that a good proportion of the complaints fall into the "just bad at the game" category. Which is part of why they look to people like the Fog Whisperers for an indication of whether a mechanic is really problematic in high-level play.

    However, they also look at the experience of newer players, because just because a mechanic is fair doesn't mean it's fun or accessible. And games, above all, should be fun. No one should feel miserable playing a game, and if they do, that can also be an indication that something is wrong.

    The point being, there are a lot of factors that are considered when the devs look at player feedback, and the probable skill level of the players giving that feedback is one of them. I can guarantee that they don't just sit down and go, "well, most of the people on the forums are complaining about this so we'd better just nerf it with no questions asked".

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    You playing one match well against red rank survivors doesn't say much about the balance of the game. It just means you played well, and just liek you're assuming people are complaining when they're just bad. Maybe you won because the survivors were bad? Survivors get into red ranks really easily. If you want to prove there's not an issue, play a total of 25+ games and perform this well more than 75% of the time.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    Survivor gameplay and survivor pips are so braindead that it's putting survivors in much higher ranks than they should be, which ends up with games like this.

    Seeing as you're only rank 11, wait til you hit rank 7 and onwards, you will exclusively get red rank teams, and they will be the strongest players in the game. At rank 4, the average playtime of survivors I play is 2000 hours.