Finally bored of this game..

I think it's the matchmaking that has done it. I'm a survivor main, but I play killer more and more these days. The problem is its bad on both ends.

As a survivor you wait at least 5 minutes to get into a game and you're either with a group of similar ranked players, but facing a higher ranked killer. Or your with maybe one person near your rank and 2 potatoes. Which usually ends up causing you to lose pips or at best break even.

So I switch to killer and I get the same thing. I end up playing mostly boring 4k games against potatoes even though I'm rank 8 currently. And then there's the occasional hatch jumper or SWF who might get 2 out the door as they have the *cheating* ability to talk about every strategy, location, and opportunity. But usually I can still kill 3-4 of them with the right perks as well.

So I've found I'm pretty bored of the games dynamics at this point. Everyone's complaining that "they're fixing matchmaking!!". Well guess what, you won't be able to see other peoples ranks anymore with the update so you won't know how bad it will still be!

Oh and camping will get extremely bad because now as a crap rank killer camping a high rank survivor you will cause that survivor to lose even more pips because the rank progress will be based off of the difference in rank to begin with. Smh...

End rant. I'm out. Peace.
