Why is the pig so weak?



  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    I feel most people who say the dash is useless just don’t understand how it works

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775

    What if her blade extending noise became map-wide? Make all the survs tinkle a lil at once?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    She's definitely not weak the problem is that she 3 negatives going for her.

    1, She has still yet to be compensated for her loss of endgame that was literally one of the strongest parts of her kit and she was the killer with the most dangerous endgame with the only contender being debatably old Freddy. Yeah not a single bit of compensation was given for this change you took away one of her strongest game elements and replaced it with nothing they didn't make traps stronger throughout the game it was just nerf and move on.

    2) A lot of her addons are just a very bad or completely situational.

    A: The status condition add-on for traps are only really good if you plan on going after people with traps which is counterintuitive to her playstyle.

    B: Tampered timer, rule set no 2 and similar add-ons can be completely rendered useless by how the game works generators get rushed once a trap is on ruleset number two is useless no generators get popped until a trap is removed tampered time is useless

    C: Amanda secret and interlocking raises are fundamentally useless add-ons

    interlocking razors because let's be honest nobody messes up skill checks at higher ranks and you have no perks that can benefit that cause huntress lullaby doesn't work on boxes and unnerving presence by itself does more harm than good when it comes to skill checks.

    As for Amanda secret it's just an awful add-on there is literally nothing good about it.

    3) this is my own personal grape but I think that her terror radius change was the second worst things to be implemented for her (first being the uncompensated endgame change)

    This has more of an issue with behaviours new interests in consistency.

    Which for the most part has led to some very questionable changes

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Why is the pig so weak?

    Because she's turned vegan and she's not getting enough protein in her diet.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    You can say that, but if a survivor runs away from the loop the moment you crouch, they get away for free. I have NEVER been hit by pig's dash. It's too weak, and the roar ruins the surprise, they have plenty of time to run away from it. Even if they stay at the pallet when you dash, it's still a mindgame, and can easily fail or be dodged.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Pig is the killer I'm best with, i.e. against decent red rank survivors I'd be more confident of getting a 4k with pig than spirit. The most important thing is learning her dash attack, there's no point using it constantly and it's a waste to not use it at all but on certain semi-safe loops you can use it in a way the survivor has to leave or there's a good chance of you hitting them if they don't. Sadly most pigs I come across as survivor don't use it well (and it isn't that hard either) and do other weird sh#t like crouching everywhere + only going after already trapped survivors.

    Apart from making her traps slightly less RNG-based I wouldn't want to see much change to her base. Add-ons need a big rework though, most of hers are just bad.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    Unnerving presence to my knowledge does affect jigsaw boxes.

    Its only hex-lullaby that doesn't affect them

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Woo, ten Reverse Bear Trap kills in one session. I'm happy. Pig still weak tho.

  • GOAT9898
    GOAT9898 Member Posts: 4

    I will never understand why people think the pig is weak. She's one of my absolute favorite killers. If you use her traps right and run pop goes the weasel you absolutely destroy gen progress. Not to mention her stealth and dash let you end chases faster than most killers. Her dash is for ending loops! not surprising people! You're better off sneaking up to a gen and simply standing up rather than using her dash. Her traps give you Info pressure and a kill every once in awhile. She's a great counter to the gen rush issue.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    her basekit its fine the problem its her addons are horrible