You had to face camp cause you just don't know when to stop... It's a bad call mr killer



  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    "Cheat with friends", LOL, I can 3k+ those, killers need to get good, that's all, this doesn't apply to Legion, Bubba or Clown

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    I can pull it off with the pig, assuming I'm actually playing well

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited February 2020

    PEOPLE! PLEASE READ! I'm not complaining on being face camped, I'm advicing killers to break chases without having remorse about it. As an example, I narrated 5 games I had yesterday, a SWF with BT is always gonna win a stand out against a camper at the EGC. I survived in all of the games I got face camped

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2020

    If youre the type of cancerous surv that tbags the killer because you managed to get to the next godloop with your DH, ill make you die by facecamp/slug/tunnel and everything else thats needed to bring your azz to the hook, doesnt matter if you got 8 swf friends due to a bug in one lobby or just 3 others. And for a Killer, like me, its more then just a victory if i make you die or dc, even if the game says i did loose... i dont care about pips, idc about bp...

    i would call it justice... simple justice...

    And thats something no one could give me for my hurt feelings.

    Did i mention that pips and ranks, especially as surv doesnt say anything bout ur skill, if not just bout ur playtime?

    Had to edit this post, just to mention it. :)

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I know. That's why I said "even if you had died". My comment was directed towqrds those that say "take the L". First of all you didn't die and secondly it wouldn't have been a loss as it's team survivor vs team killer and not 1 vs 1 even though some killers seem to think so especially those that are too stubborn to break a chase.

    Chasing only 1 person allows said person to loop every pallet on the map. Breaking chases results in quick downs as pallets will be gone and people will end up in deadzones as no one knows what pallets are gone after a short period of time. That's something killers need to learn/understand.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Man... Show me a single person who doesn't like a W... Please, one... If they don't break the chase and manage to hook me only one time, it's a 4 men escaped unless it's a Bubba... Come on, I'm advicing people to win and have more fun, if you kept chasing me and got nothing from it you had a horrible time and that's one of the reasons why killers are leaving the game.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Agree. People should play how they want. This isn't exactly new information, or a new game. If people are face camping you, or tunneling, its because they want to. After a two years of playing this game, I camp, tunnel, face camp, and do other "toxic" game play because variety is the spice of life.

    I also think if a killer has to break a chase, they've already lost. Its one of the huge mechanical problems of this game. The devs decided to turn it into a game of tag rather than a game of hide and seek. Yes, chases are kind of the most fun part for either side, but gen rushing is real, and a killer chasing isn't getting any objective done, while the other survivors are. Breaking a chase just means you're letting a survivor go do a gen, and you probably STILL don't know where another survivor is, so you waste more time looking.

    You say its OK to break chase but the bottom line is unless you know where another survivor is, your wasting your time to go look.

    Its one of the major reasons why SWF communications are so terrible for the killer experience. If you can talk with your other 3 teams and take the chase away from any active gens or other survivors, then when they finally break chase they are out in the middle of no where with no prospects.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    They call survivors entitled but if you outplay them for multiple gens they get salty and just stand there hitting you on hook and nodding. How dare that survivor try to survive! They are so entitled.

    Normally I’ll loop and evade these players and they only get you down with a combination of bloodlust and NOED.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    If your intention is to help killers, start a discussion about map tile balance or matchmaking that is clearly putting you against killers that are way out of their league. An M1 killer is at the mercy of the survivor at so many tiles in this game. They could break off chase, but the game is over if you've sunk 40+ seconds into a chase without a hook against a 4 man SWF with what sounds like a bunch of second chances (if needed).

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Once you hit rock bottom, you can only go up. Bubba punishes those who want to run in a straight line. He also have survivor's faces to wear.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I'm pretty sure if you could loop the killer for 4 gens and essentially it's game over for this killer, they literally have no reason to not face camp you since your chase lasted the entire match. Also, if you can loop the killer for the entire match I doubt that killer has to worry about getting into red ranks anytime soon, lol. I know it sucks getting face camped but I'm sure it sucks to chase 1 survivor for an entire match too....

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800
    edited February 2020

    For sure my dude, ive been running a killer the entire match every other day or so, and it blows my mind how hard some killers commit to me, im a solo queue survivor tho, and if my team can get me thats fine, if not oh well i won because I wasted his time. Then there are times where my team arent on any gens and are crouchwalking everywhere when im hooked lol ugh sometimes my team can be so dumb Haha

    As a killer you have to know when a survivor is not worth your time and to drop chase and put pressure on someone else. I dont know its just silly to me to see a killer so dang committed to a chase. Like to me if the chase goes on for 30 seconds or more with nothing out of it (no hit or pallet) then i drop chase. But i understand if the killer camps me at the end of a long chase who can really blame them since they committed all game and its end game, all camping and tunneling goes out the window anyways. I will say this, as a console killer main, i hate going against swfs.

    Post edited by Nemmy_Wemmy on
  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Nah man, you're abusing matchmaking and how broken the maps/gen times/hook grabs are, to bully killers less skilled than you, and you're hiding behind the "I'm doing it for them" excuse. I bet you left lane camp in traffic, to "keep people safe".

    I don't care how good you are, or what killer you're using, if you get 4 skilled loopers, you will not leave with more than a 1K, so it's up to the individual killer to decide if he wants to shoot for brutal, or facecamp for the entity displeased. I got a horrible tile spawn on Shelter Woods, with a bunch of safe loops chained to the god window and the killershack. I pushed gens, I kept everyone injured, I dropped chase, I broke the right pallets, I mindgamed, but in the end, we were over 7 minutes into the game, they had 3 gens done, and I had downed a total of two people, losing one to a flashlight that shouldn't have blinded me.

    So basically I followed the jUsT aPPly preSSure, and GiT gUD baBY kILler playbook, and still didn't stand a chance.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951
    edited February 2020

    The TL;DR of this thread boils down to this "KiLLerS NeeD 2 GiT Gud AnD nOt ChAsE lOoPeRs. DrOp ChAsEs ImMeDiAtElY. Im NoT tRoLlInG eVeN tHiUgH iTs FuLl SWF wItH mEtA pErKs, GGGIIITTTTT GUUGGGUUUDDDDDDD"

    Edit: Holy cow, 145 posts?! Thats awesome!!

  • Gamer29
    Gamer29 Member Posts: 26

    You sound entitled. Booohoooo killer has been face camping me bc I exploit the game, I still get 4K, but the killer should of just walked away so I can get more BP. You are the kind of arrogant entitled players that has ruined the game and community!

  • doodledot
    doodledot Member Posts: 70

    Most of the time its the killer being mad at his own mistakes by chasing you and letting all the gens get done. "If I can't win this game, he isn't either" -mad killer.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited February 2020

    Logic LVL 100... If he walks aways I don't get more BP, if he camps, I get unhooked with BT, take protection hits and am chased to the exit gates I GET MORE BP...

    I just can't understand why people make this kind of comments...

    Good, sir, what I said is, if the survivor outsmarts you, break the chase and go after the small sheeps of the herd to get at least a 2k, so that you don't have to face camp as a tantrum at the end for a 1k or even a 0k like in this cases I mentioned...