Even in desperate times you'll help your team in any way possible
Activate-able Perk.
Scopophobia can only be activated when in a Chase with the Killer.
Being in a Chase with the killer for 30/25/20 seconds activates Scopophobia.
Once Scopophobia is activated, press the Active Ability button while moving to reveal your aura alongside the killer's to all other survivors but you for 6/12/18 seconds.
Scopophobia deactivates once it has been used.
Figured this might be an interesting idea, I like the idea of adding perks not to destroy 'meta perks' but instead interest and entice players to use something that might be a little more personal to their play-style.
SCOPOPHOBIA would charge like stake-out where you can the perk charge at the bottom right of your screen with your perks.
Curious what other people think about the times? Too long? Too short? Comment please!