It actually infuriates me how blatantly unbalanced the maps are

After queueing into ormond, lampkin, lampkin, bedham, mother's dwelling I'm just infuriated
"Oh entering mother's dwelling this game"
"As usual the gens are 17 miles apart from each other"
"I see a survivor but he has 93 windows to utilize and can press spacebar to down pallets"
It's like this kind of map, I have to decide which gen i'll give up right off the bat cuz going over there to check on em just isn't worth it
Badham is a good map tho. As the rest yes there are unbalanced for killer but, well survivors experience first it's the reason why lery was reworked instead of other maps. Lery was one of the most deadly maps for survivor.
Now lery have many pallet and windows.
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Badham balanced? I don't see how.
Badham has an infinite (school) with up to 3 god pallets and up to 2 quite safe loops that can easily be linked into it. It also has the house of pain which i don't even need to explain why its unbalanced. The school can also be accessed pretty much anywhere on the map with a one hit speed boost.
The only balanced thing is probably the filler loops in between tiles, but if they spawn next to - lets say killer shack window they pretty much become god loops.
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Everything except the school and maybe some of the set-ups with the houses are fine.
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I agree, there's quite a long list of completely busted maps.
Maps like Ormond you are not winning unless you're playing a top tier killer or the survivors completely throw the game. The win or loss is totally in their hands.
Lots of them have design issues, but even just shrinking many of them down tremendously would do a lot.
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to be fair it always had 800 windows, and if RNG was feeling frisky it would spawn infinites.
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Nurse MAP, AZAROV, IRON WORKS, if the map has tall boxes and youre a tall killer youre #########, if the maps has cars with pallets on them you re ######### too
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Just had a match as leatherface on mothers dwelling. Someone spawned on top of haunted grounds while I was on top of a survivor. Even being right there, I couldn't get a hit. Any map that's huge and has a majority of safe pallets needs to be deleted from the game.
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Yes i know it's the map with the most windows. And it's why cruel limits only kinda work on that map.