A potential mad grit change

Obviously mad grit is a very weak perk and most people would rather forget it exists but I think that if you added a stipulation that if you get stunned while carrying a survivor the stun is reduced by 50% this gives it at least a situationally usefulness also it could help with ds complaints because it adds back the bonus that enduring had against old ds
Mad Grit isnt a weak perk at all, its a counter to a gameplay mechanic that (for some reason) isnt all that prevalent anymore, namely survivors bodyblocking all the way too the hook.
Just does not happen anymore.
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So you just explained why it’s weak and yeah it is because 95% of games it’s useless
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Better it stays this way. Then at least can we hope that bhvr does not change it for "balance" reasons. If I think on their other Legion changes, it stays better this way. Sorry I am just too scpetical.
In the time between I am happy to have something usefull against bodyblockers - the for me most toxic guys that can this game possible offer to a player like me^^.
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no, its an answer to something that isnt a problem anymore, but why its not a problem anymore is unclear.
It could come back as soon as it went and then this perk is there to counter it.
just for the record though, im not against your suggestion, I just dont see a need or value it will give.
I dont think people will suddenly start using that because of this buff.
Also there is a reason why enduring changed.
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I would use it on my Nurse if it reduced the DS stun by 50%. I used to use Enduring for that purpose back in the day.
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yeah and there is a reason it doesnt anymore.
Would be really weird to nerf function out of a perk only to add that very function back in another.
Its also weird to add DS as an anti-tunneling perk, then give killers an Anti-anti-tunneling perk ;P
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Mad grit is insanely satisfying and fun. I'm biased, so I don't have much to say except the aforementioned statement. ^-^
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DS is not anti-tunnelling, its anti-momentum.
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It’s not an anti anti tunneling perk because ds isn’t really anti tunneling perk anymore and it’s more like counter play the same way if a survivor squad has all items in a lobby you’d bring Franklins demise