Truth Hurts Don't it

Moobz Member Posts: 32


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I wouldn't even mind the game balance if the game would actually work. It's a broken pile of garbage. They keep pushing updates introducing more and more bugs every time and then just leaving be, dedicated servers are trash, fps on console is an equivalent of a slide show and can overheat and fry your system.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Welp it's kinda true, but most killers/survivors want actual balance.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    > implying all Survivors and exclusively Survivors want the game to be balanced.

    Ok buddy

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    If the forums have thaught me anything its that killer and survivor mains dont want balance, they want their sides to be privileged over the other.

  • Moobz
    Moobz Member Posts: 32

    But don't you tell a mod or dev this because they get mad and remove your post, they only listen to a few "Special" people in the community. And considering i've had this game since day one and bought at least 3/4 of the dlc for this game i thought they would at least listen to people who pay to put food on their table.

  • Slival
    Slival Member Posts: 94

    ? DC penalties DID make the game better, for everyone. I don't think anyone argues that. Also, location perks are a direct counter to highly immersive dragging-on gameplay, often by coordinated teams choosing dark or huge maps to facilitate it. (And are going to be necessary given upcoming sabo changes) I don't deny that game balance would be a good idea, but the two things in the image in the OP are actually good changes in the right direction. An example of changes we don't really need would be breakable walls as a band aid for god loops, we should see all maps re-done and larger maps shrunk to balance the experience instead.

  • Moobz
    Moobz Member Posts: 32

    Their is no way that these two things are helping game play. Adding DC Penalties has made the que Times for survivor at lest 5 to 7 mins, If i can go to the bathroom, go upstairs to my kitchen, make a sandwhich and come back in time to sit in the lobby for 3 more mins before getting in a game is not making this better, and this started directly after DC penalties started. Also then the killer should be working on bettering themselves as a player instead of complaining to devs that i cant find anyone so they make it super easy to find everyone. Part of this game is hiding from the killer and not getting seen. If the players can't play killer they need to go watch youtube and figure out what they are doing wrong. Why even better yourself when someone can just make it easy for you?

  • Slival
    Slival Member Posts: 94

    I don't know what game you've been playing, but if you watch any big time streamer, then the DC penalties have demonstrably made the game better. Hatch tech, gone. Chili Tech, gone. People rage quitting on first down forcing an immediate -1 or black pip at best? Gone. Well, radically reduced, some people are still doing it. If you want the queue times for survivor to be better, get survivors to stop dcing.

    Think of it this way, if an epidemic of survivors using an exploit or hacking caused survivor queue times to go way up, you wouldn't blame the devs for punishing players for breaking the rules, you'd blame the players who did the stupid thing: exploiting, hacking. DCing is against the rules BUT the punishment isn't very harsh. your internet could kick you out of a match once a day, and you'd only suffer a 5 min penalty due to the cooldown. That's pretty generous. It does mean you can never rage quit a match, but you weren't doing that anyway, right?

    The devs have statistics on the percentage of DCs happening and they did say they've seen a marked decine and the DC penalties are doing better.

    As to your second point, I'd agree with you if survivors didn't have a ton of even more powerful location perks and items, if everyone gave up all location perks, that might be fair, then we'd just have locator killers like plague and doctor, and no aura reading perks.

    But as to 'getting good', survivors need to get good instead of using DC as part of their strategy.

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    This implies the survivors were okay with D/c's which screw the survivor side over. False

    This also implies that no killer wants balance. False

    And not everything a survivor wants means balance. Some of them say things that are pretty in favor of balance sure, but i see quite a few want things changed because "they are different" or are too lazy to adapt. The FIRST actual day of Doc rework instant "nerf him he is to op"

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t see anyone say to buff (example perk) bbq.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I had a good laugh.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    DbD could be a really great game if the devs actually cared about balance.