My Personal List of Killer Buffs

How's it going lads and lassies of the Fog? Today I'm going to go through a detailed list of killer changes/buffs that I believe would make the killers more interesting/less bulliable. These changes are up to constructive criticism from both Killer mains (such as myself) and Survivor mains alike. These changes aren't necessarily to make the Killer ultra-S tier, just to make them more fun to play as and to go against (add some scare factor back into the game you know?). Not all Killers will be represented on this list, as I simply don't have 4k hours in the game like much of the community. I am not able to competently represent the precise strengths and weaknesses of all of them, and I'm truly sorry for that. Without further ado, let us begin.

Let's start with my personal favorite, who I don't think requires much work to make better.

Demogorgon - Overall one of the more balanced Killers. The change I propose for it is a bonus power, much like Doctor's new Static Blast.

New Ability - Leap: The Demogorgon summons an evil hunger within itself and bounds up to normally unreachable heights. Allows the Demogorgon to leap up to edges/Balconies/etc. On a hefty cooldown of 80 seconds. The leap animation takes approximately 3 seconds to complete and is not able to be cancelled once started, allowing a brief window for counter-play by Survivors.

My only other suggestion for this Killer is to reduce the amount of noise it makes whenever it performs actions such as hitting and teleporting. Make his sounds audible only within 50 to 55 meters.

Wraith - Another Killer I personally consider to be relatively okay, he's mildly add-on reliant which is unfortunate, but a simple fix.

Two Ideas for Wraith - The simple fix for him is to simply make his brown add-ons his basekit. The more interesting change I can think of is to give him a sort of "Freddy-like" effect while invisible, where he gains half-second bursts of total invisibility mixed in with a couple seconds of his normal partial invisibility. It would function much like Spirit's passive phasing, but on a faster scale. Perhaps every 2 to 3 seconds he goes totally invisible for .5 seconds (maybe able to be increased by add-ons). I believe a mixture of both of these ideas would be best, but am unsure in what capacity they should be mixed.

Afterthought After I had already finished the list - Give him the ability to Bing-Bong his bell while remaining invisible, startling survivors within 40 meters of himself as if he were going to appear behind them. This could allow for some insane loop-baiting plays where the Wraith waits in a nearby loop while ringing the bell.

Leatherface - My second favorite Killer, the big man himself, Bubba. I propose another new ability.

Tearful Rage - Saddened and enraged by the necessity to kill, The Cannibal flies into a fit of extreme rage and his fear of the Entity is dulled briefly, if only for a moment. When downing a Survivor with his chainsaw, Leatherface will refresh his assault with another 7 swings, accelerating even faster than previously possible, up to a maximum speed of 175%. If he hits an object while in this enraged state, rather than standing still while throwing a tantrum, he will stumble at 80-85% speed towards any Survivor within 10 meters of him. If no Survivors happen to be near, he instead recovers from his tantrum in half the time. I believe this change fits very well thematically, and adds the ability for perk synergy with Infectious Fright. It also allows for good Leatherface players to use their chainsaw to chain kills and transform it into speed (which in turn creates map pressure!). It would encourage slugging, which is kind of lame, but would also allow for less meta perks like Unbreakable and No Mither to be less frowned upon.

The Pig - This one is going to be difficult for me, as I have very little time on this Killer. However I think I can make it work.

My Main Idea - Revert the change and make Reverse Bear Traps kill the survivor if they attempt to leave with them on. That alone allows her to be a powerful endgame figure. Buff the speed at which she crouches and stands back up by a hefty amount (potentially up to 60%, putting her more in-line with Ghostface's crouch speed). Buff the speed at which her Ambush ability charges by a bit (20% at the ABSOLUTE MOST, but preferably around 12%), and play the animal roar closer to the end of the charging meter. Shorten her terror radius to 20 meters, like Huntress, but make her play a Jigsaw laugh noise quietly while within 40 meters of her every few seconds (5 to 10 seconds), this noise will play even while crouched. All of these proposed changes simply speed her up significantly and create a less janky feeling while playing her, while still allowing for worthwhile counter-play from Survivors. As for the RNG of her Jigsaw boxes, I'm not going to touch that can of worms, I'm sorry :)

The Clown - Boy oh boy, does this Killer need some love. The Killer that both Killer mains and Survivor mains collectively come together to state how ridiculously under-powered he is (Which is insanely rare on these forums lol).

Buff Idea - A simple numbers increase just like the previous Pig buff that I thought of. Speed up his reload walking speed to 105%, while also giving him a segmented reload bar in which every notch in the bar is a bottle. Get rid of the insane slowdown when he throws his bottle entirely. Slightly increase the slow effect of his basekit potions by 2.5%. Force a slow pallet drop animation while under the effect of his potions. If this buff is too powerful the numbers can be tweaked to raise or lower its potential impact to the game.

The Plague - One of my top 5 Killers. I really like this one thematically and will try to do her justice.

Proposed Buff - I believe this Killer is actually fairly powerful as she is, but a slight increase wouldn't hurt to add some pressure to her kit. Make it so, while infected, Survivors can only do Slow or Medium speed actions over window vaults and pallets. They also suffer from a -4% generator repair speed, and a -10% healing speed.

Experimental Buff Idea for Plague - Give her an infection meter for Survivors like how they see Doctors Madness on their screen. While within her terror radius, the Infection slowly spreads within Survivors based on how close they are to her. After the bar fills they are passively infected, much like Doctors passive madness. However, unlike Doctors madness, objects in the world also gain Infection over time while in her Terror Radius. Interactable objects (I.E Gens, Pallets, Lockers, Vaults, Etc.) become infected after a certain amount of time in the Killers Terror Radius, but only can become infected while a Survivor isn't currently using them (so Survivors aren't working on a generator that suddenly becomes infected lol).

Thank you guys for reading all of this, it took nearly an hour to write. Be sure to leave criticism and your own variants of these ideas in the comments. :)