Y'all Is Big Whiny Babies

I joined up on the forums to learn about cool stuff from the game. Maybe some tips and tricks. Fun things that people who play the same game teach each other.
But y'all just cry 24/7.
Change my dang mind, Chillens.
Not all of us do. SOME of us try to remain neutral and unbiased since we play both sides.
Unfortunately in a game like Dead by Daylight, where we have two separate sides playing completely different games, all demanding changes for their side. Killers want "muh fehr keh" pretty much every game while survivors for the majority just want to have a bit of fun with certain elements of the killer base starting to force them into perks and strategies.
With camping and tunnelling legitimised by the developers, all that some of us can do is simply use the perks that stop the killers from doing this for the most part. They find it works really well against everyone, then normal killers have to go up against these strats. The community is putting itself into it's own death-spiral, but most of them are too biased into one side to admit anything.
Stop lying and saying that DH/DS/BT nerfs are for "balance" when you do it THIS much or while camping and tunnelling can go so unpunished. Survivors can also stop abusing certain mechanics when unprovoked. You all know what I'm talking about.
We are forcing this all upon ourselves, and if you say that I'm belonging to one side, or just saying that I'm "just wrong" then you have proven my point.
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you're crying about people crying.
change my mind.
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lmao this, I dont know how I have managed to stick for so long on the forums when constructive criticism is rare and all most people here know to do is criticize the devs and call the other side OP
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Don't act like survivors aren't the same. Just like how a good amount of killers believe they are entitled to a 4K, a good amount of survivors believe they are entitled to escape every game. I had a game yesterday where someone was calling for nerfs to Bubba because they didn't know how to dodge his chainsaw, and claiming BBQ was OP, while they ran DS and BT. I'm not saying BT and DS are OP, but yikes. There are unreasonable people on both sides.
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Both sides can be equally terrible, but the forum just has a larger quantity of killer mains. (Probably because they have more to complain about)
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That's why lore, off topic and creations are the best parts of the forum xD
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Yeah people are just chill there. :P
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Yall proved this man correct! LOL
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I can't say I disagree.
But I don't think everyone is like that, the problem is that the legitimate posts get drowned in all the other ones.
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No U
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Closing this, making a thread just to insult everyone really isn't the point of this forum.