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I watch many dbd youtubers and everybody calls decisive strike or adrenaline "meta" perks. What does meta mean?


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited February 2020

    Meta is an abbreviation of "meta-game", and what it literally refers to is everything to do with the game outside of the game itself. Tier lists, for example, are part of the meta-game. Part of this, and what people commonly refer to as "the meta", is player ideas about what perks, builds, characters etc. are the strongest.

    So the "meta", in the context you're hearing it, refers to what is generally accepted by the majority of the community to be the strongest builds, characters and strategies in the game. If something is a "meta" perk in DBD, that means it's among what most players consider to be the strongest perks in the game. If you hear someone referring to a killer or a strategy as "meta", they mean that most people consider it the strongest or one of the strongest killers or strategies available.

    It does not mean that it's the most commonly used build, character, strategy, etc., although some people wrongly use the term that way because often the accepted strongest build or character is the most commonly used - but not always. Some will tell you it's an acronym for "Most Effective Tactics Available", but that's also not true, it's just something people made up, not how the term was actually conceived.

    It's also worth noting that the meta is all about what players believe to be the strongest builds/characters/strategies in the game, not necessarily what is objectively the strongest. That's why the meta will sometimes shift if light is publicly shed on the untapped strength of previously underrated builds or strategies, because the meta is all about general public opinion.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    It's a play on words to describe the over powered items, perks, and Killers in-game.

    The term "meta" can define many things, like a specific character being stronger than the others, a specific loop in DBD being stronger than all the other loops, a specific Killers power being more rewarding and strong overall than the other Killers, etc.

    When someone says "Those are meta perks" they're saying that those are perks that're usually used the most out of any other perk because of how strong they're (when used right) and how often the Top-Tier players use them. The same can apply to Killer perks like old Ruin, old Ruin was the most used perk in DBD for Killers because of it's ability to slow down gen-rushing and being able to combo with other meta perks like Pop Goes the Weasel and Corrupt Intervention for a strong Anti-Genrush build.

    Another example, Killers like The Spirit and The Nurse are considered "Meta Killers" because of how their powers work. In the hands of a good Nurse, the Nurse can negate literally every loop with ease, she's just harder to learn now because of her nerf. The same applies to The Spirit, The Spirit now has counter-play, but in the hands of a "Pro-Spirit" she can negate ALMOST every loop to get to you if she's experienced enough, the only exceptions being loops that're "meta" in themselves or loops that're too large to phase walk to.

    the point i'm trying to make though...

    When someone says "This Killers meta" or "This perk is meta" than they're using a slang term to describe a Killer or Perk being over powered and over used as a result of how strong they're.

    So when you see perks like Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Iron Will, Decisive Strike, etc, being used a lot more than other perks and being called meta, than you'll know why that's the case, it's because they're inherently strong perks with some or no downsides (when used right). The same goes for Killers, if you see a Killer like Spirit or Billy being used more than the other Killers, and that Killer is called a "meta Killer", than they're just pointing out that the Killer they're using has an inherently strong power, which is stronger than other Killers.