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Killer Antagonist/Protagonist roles in a revolution against the Entity

EmpathyModule Member Posts: 54
edited March 2020 in Lore

In the event of an uprising of the killers in the event of a weakened Entity, where survivors and killers are free to roam the Fog, this is how I think the killers would act. The Observer would likely be a major player in this event, perhaps even the cause.

Antagonist: Attacks killers and survivors alike, for their own pleasure or in defense of the Entity.

Neutral: Attacking only survivors or not taking part at all.

Protagonist: Working to defeat the Entity, might still kill survivors in their way.

The Trapper: Protagonist. Evan hates the Entity's control, as seen by the torture he has undergone with all the hooks and scars on his body. He would revolt in an instant

The Wraith: Neutral. The Wraith would likely fend for himself in the chaos, defending himself from any hostile force but not trying to fight the Entity or other killers for his own safety.

The Hillbilly: Antagonist. Just loves killing too much, too insane. Wouldn't have the capacity to fight the Entity, if he wanted to, just wants to cut up any victim he can.

The Nurse: Neutral. Would be in fear like the Wraith, too mental like Hillbilly, might kill survivors it comes across but might not actively hunt them.

The Huntress: Neutral. Hard to say how she feels about the Entity, seems to comply pretty well but unknown if she would actively defend it. Is probably tactical enough to know not to pick fights with most killers.

Michael Myers: Neutral Antagonist. Neutral because he's between going against the Entity and working for the Entity; would want to be free from its control but enjoys the killing, killers and survivors alike. Just evil. Killing spree.

The Hag: Neutral. Scared and hiding, like Wraith and Nurse, but snagging survivors for a snack if she can.

The Doctor: Antagonist. The abundance of 'test subjects' to unleash his sadism upon is all he wants. Would fight killers and survivors alike to stay in his haven, and might be intrigued by the psychology of killers.

Leatherface: Antagonist. Would probably hide and kill survivors who intrude on him if it weren't for his immense loyalty toward the Entity. Like his family in the movies, the Entity is a commanding presence that he complies with out of fear and because of his mental disability, so despite its weakened state, Bubba would continue to serve.

Freddy Kreuger: Antagonist. With the Entity weakened I would imagine his power restriction within the dream realm is not withstanding. Would prey on all who dare to rest within the desecrated Fog.

The Pig: Neutral. Originally she believed the trials were tests for her by Kramer, but now that the Fog has fallen to pieces her view has been shattered. Mentally breaking down, hiding, low chance of her siding with survivors.

The Clown: Antagonist. Would quickly be disemboweled by the stronger killers but would be aggressive toward all.

The Spirit: Protagonist. After realizing the Entity hasn't and will never fulfill its bargain of letting her have revenge on her father, all of her rage goes into fighting the Entity.

The Legion: Neutral. Travelling as a group, just trying to survive against the superhuman terrors lurking the Fog unchained.

The Plague: Antagonist. Also extremely loyal to the Entity. Enough said.

Ghostface: Neutral. Doesn't want to fight the Entity but doesn't care to defend it either. Would have a field day stalking survivors.

The Demogorgon: Antagonist. Hunger is all it's driven by, and it being an animal might allow it to be commanded even by a weakened Entity. Mauls and devours all it can, and being able to overpower most killers if need be.

The Oni: Antagonist. Doesn't care for the Entity, however, is greatly antagonistic to everyone for their 'weaker bloodlines' Actively hunts killers and survivors both.

The Deathslinger: Antagonist Protagonist. To Caleb, the Entity is a client, and he, the bountyhunter. Serves the Entity's command on his own will, bringing 'bounties' of those who oppose it, like the 'iridescent coin' add-on states. As Mikeadatrix said, Caleb only serves the Entity because he sees survivors as outlaws and those who wronged him due to the Entity's manipulation. With that veil broken, he would become an enemy of the Entity and wouldn't kill innocents. Probably gonna be the one to kill the Clown since he's hard to miss.

Post edited by EmpathyModule on


  • TheArchivist
    TheArchivist Member Posts: 34

    What about vigo, the observer and benedict? Add in the list.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890
    edited February 2020

    Flip Myers to Antagonist and Deathslinger to Protagonist and I agree.

    Myers is too evil to not want to kill anyone he deems as competition. Sure, he may hate the Entity for controlling him but he came here willingly remember. The Deathslinger, however, is being led along to believe that the Survivors are the bullies who abused him, the wealthy men who stole from him, and the Warden and Bayshore, as shown in the final chunk of his lore (this also explains why Spirit kills so openly, she sees her dad in the survivors, causing her to be full of rage). He's seeing a reality created for him by the Entity so he has no problem taking "coin" for killing those he sees fit to die. But remove this glaze over the eyes and the story changes. The Deathslinger realizes he isn't killing/offering bounties that are the people he hates most for a client, he's a pawn in a celestial being's game, killing innocent people to feed a powerful space monster. Caleb isn't inherently evil, cruel, yes, vengeful, absolutely, but keen on killing innocents? Why'd he choose to kill the thief who robbed the store instead of some random civilian? He had the prison Warden protecting him from swinging, he had a golden ticket to maim and murder and he chose not to. He's not a psychopath.

    Basically, this is just like when the Warden sold the prison to Bayshore. It caused Caleb to realize his role in the world, he's not a bounty hunter, he's a pawn. He would probably go as far to work with survivors considering how furious he is likely to get when he finds out he's being used. Caleb seriously has the potential to be one of the biggest threats to the Entity because of his anger, so as long as the illusion is maintained, the Deathslinger will keep on killing.

  • RavenTheWraith
    RavenTheWraith Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2020

    I kinda disagree with the leatherface part, it is said in his lore and his quotes that he doesnt enjoy killing, he is just forced to.

    Correct me if im wrong please :)

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    I would disagree with Wraith and Freddy. Wraith is a tragic backstory killer, so I believe he would be a protagonist. Freddy did not enter the Entitys realm willingly, so I believe he would love revolting against someone who would control him

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Just waiting for a campaign mode, if it ever comes, and when it does. I bet something like this will happen, but who knows, the archives in my opinion is kinda leading up to a campaign mode in which will eventually tie in the story of the game

  • EmpathyModule
    EmpathyModule Member Posts: 54

    Good point, I'll take that into consideration

    We don't even know if Vigo and Benedict are still in the Fog in the first place. As for the Observer, I'll add him

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    I don't think the Clown would be an antagonist, I think he would be neutral. He might be a creepy sicko, but he probably would be smart enough to not pick a fight with most of the killers. Also, I love the image of the Deathslinger harpooning the Clown.

  • Vigo
    Vigo Member Posts: 1

    I wouldn’t say the hillbilly enjoys killing so much as that he’s gone insane due to years of isolation and neglect