Playing Killer is more stressful than survivor

I've played both survivor and killer and it's pretty clear that playing killer is more stressful. I'm not saying survivor can't be hard, but playing killer is a very tense experience compared to survivor. Generator and match speed goes way too fast for these map sizes, (especially for killers with little to no map pressure like Clown), a lot of killer perks are obsolete and fall short of others while survivor perks are far more flexible, and to be honest, a lot of killer addons are useless, some are powerful but feel unfair to the survivors like Iri Heads.

When the devs nerfed Ruin, they mentioned one of the reasons they did this was because a majority of killer mains ran it. But I don't think they stopped to see WHY they ran it. Some killers without it were just too slow. If you wanted to run Clown, ruin was a must have. A 5/5 perk at slowing down survivor progress so you could go and hunt them effectively without having to go across the map only for the generator to inevitably pop, completely out of your control.

The new Ruin is mediocre. Let me give you the numbers (no, this is not my findings):

-It takes 80 seconds of repair to repair a generator (if a single survivor with no toolboxes was repairing a gen)

-Normal regression when a generator is kicked is 0.25 seconds (meaning it would take 320 seconds for a 100% generator to go back to 0%)

-With Ruin, generators automatically regress at 200% this speed, so 0.5 regression (160 sec to fully regress a 100% gen)

This speed is laughable. It takes 40 seconds for 20% progress to be removed from the gen. In a game this fast paced, that is not very good, especially with perks like Pop & even Sloppy Butcher. Also remember: this is a HEX perk.

The new Ruin is not a bad perk. If you can already apply map pressure than this perk is very useful, as the survivors have to stop focusing just on the gens and have no choice but to let them regress, without you needing to go over and kick it. But again, this is a Hex Perk, and with any hex perk, it can be cleansed and become a dead perk. This could happen in 20 seconds, or happen 5 minutes into the match. But regardless, this proves that, despite what the devs said in their statement, their IS a risk to Hex perks. It's right there. A survivor could easily find my hex totem and destroy it, rendering me weaker for the rest of the match.

But even if they brought back the old Ruin (which they never will), this would just be a bandaid fix to a bigger glaring issue: the games go by too fast for killers to be able to react to what a survivor does. I believe that something like a map overhaul, a secondary objective, or something could fix this issue, and give killers more time to deal with survivors. Toolbox nerfs are a great step in the right direction, but more can be done to compensate for some of these pitfalls.

I encourage descent, and for you to tell me your thoughts and opinions on this whole situation, which I am very late to. And some of this isn't even my saying. A lot of this came from the thoughts of various R1 streamers I watch, comments, etc. which I just happened to agree with and thought I'd share here.


  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I think the reason killer just feels more stressful ignoring every factor in this game is because you are all alone. Killing everyone.

    The survivors can run like rats and it would still feel stressful because you need to keep track of all 4 survivors at all times and sometimes predict where they might be alongside doing your objectives.

    With Survivor, you have 3 other people to take the load off of you. Which makes it much more relaxing just because you have teammates.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Agreed. Maps need adjustments in order to make killers have more mobility and fix the infinites.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited February 2020

    Get two teammates who kill themselves on first hook, self care in the corner of the map, drop every pallet upon their interaction button being displayed, crouch walking to unhook someone, too scared to touch a gen so they hide in a locker.... and then come back and post about how less stressful it is as a survivor.

    The fact that as killer you don't have to rely on someone else to eff up makes a huge difference and takes off some of the stress weight alone.

  • Nestilana
    Nestilana Member Posts: 15

    Why does it matter if all three of your teammates are dummies? Don't you know? You get a free hatch and can escape like that! You can have the worst teammates in the world, if you find that hatch, ain't nothing the killer can do. And even if they get the hatch, you can still go for one of the exit gates.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    I'd love to see the mental gymnastics someone comes up with to say that survivor is the more stressful role.

  • bakedtater96
    bakedtater96 Member Posts: 4

    Strongly agree. The game is so survivor biased that it is no fun for me to play either side anymore. The loops in the game are far to strong for survivors and if you face a swf team they all just rush the gens together and the game is over in 5 minutes. How is that fun? The perks that are supposed to slow the game down are pretty useless if y oil u dont play a meta killer and even then it is hard. Ive had far too many games in the last few days where pop is completely useless because by the time i hook the survivor and spirit phase to the gen it is already done because the other 3 are on the gen. I believe that gen placement needs to change to where a maximum of 2 survivors can be on a gen at any time. The devs wonder why nobody wants to play killer. The matchmaking needs to be fixed because i am tired of going against red ranks as a rank 11 killer. And on the flip side survivor is so boring to play because I most of the time i am paired with complete potatoes (i am a red rank survivor) whilenit is the exact opposite on killer. To sum up i will not be purchasing the new dlc until the core fundamentals of the game are fixed. Bbn i would rather play a game that i enjoy lije apex or destiny 2.

  • StuMacher
    StuMacher Member Posts: 110

    The only time I feel stress as a survivor is unlocking the gate. I don't know why but it always gets my heart rate going.

    Killer is stressful all game.

    This is not an accurate representation of DbD (see attached):

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    Yea just had a daily as legion and it was the worst experience of the week for me gens went in 5 minutes just horrible I usually play killer/survivor 50/50 but I think after I do these rift challenges I’ll play survivor more until the devs sort out there game

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    Balancing the game around newbie survivors is what got us into this mess. The devs need to put their foot down and tell these people to git gud. Instead of making it easier for them. Every time they give a buff to help the new or crappy survivors this makes the good survivors even stronger and screws with the balance. If your playing survivor and losing you feel that you can improve. As killer however it feels like even if you improve it is still an uphill battle. There's somethings you simply can't improve because it's 4 v 1 and not all killers are equal. Many lack map pressure or the ability to end chases quickly unless the survivor makes a mistake. The problem with modeling a game around one side making mistakes is what happens when they make zero mistakes? Your at a disadvantage and there's not much you can do when the game is designed that way.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
  • yoyofrost
    yoyofrost Member Posts: 17

    Yup. Go to twitch and you will see the vast majority of streamers are playing survivor because they can just chill and interact with their chat.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    This can not happen at all, unless you are afk. Even with Brand new parts on all 4 players, you still should there in time to stop the gens they are working on. If you have a problem finding survivors in the beginning, use whispers until you are experienced enough to know where they spawn and then usually go first.

    Topic: Killer is definitely more stressful, but thats it. There is no need to discuss balance, killers are more then fine.

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    That's something I see too often.

    Even in a supposed reality where DbD would be the daily basis of some people, the first image wouldn't even be a thing. Being stuck in a loop where no matter what you do you wouldn't die would drive you insane, and over time if you previously did not get crazy to a point where any rationnal thinking would evade your brain like bugs under a rock, you would eventually adapt and become more and more optimal while struggling to survive against nightmarish creatures.

    The gameplay is actually pretty accurate, same goes for the evolution of people playing survivor to begin with.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    That's not the reason killer is stressful. Killer is stressful because if you make one mistake, or if one thing goes wrong for you with RNG, you lose.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Reminds me of Evolve only in reverse. If you were a hunter, part of the 4, if one person made a mistake it was over. Just a domino affect from there. That game was built for friends, not solos. You could have some fun match ups but hardly with randoms.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Actually yes, it can. A lot of people run Prove Thyself and it is absolutely a possibility that two gens will pop before your first chase ends.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    If i remember correct is was "before he started a chase" and not after he finished a chase. After a chase... yes sure, BNP and 4 Toolboxes are enough for that, if the killer is not leaving chase very soon.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897
  • Big_Trash_Panda
    Big_Trash_Panda Member Posts: 72

    The reason for the stress as killer is because you have much less margin of error. If you're a survivor and you make a dumb mistake at the start and get hooked quickly, you are easily still in the game and can laugh at what a dumb ass play you made.

    Killer took to long to get the first hook at the start ? 3 gens pop, others maybe already being worked on. Maybe go through the motions of getting another hook, maybe 2, maybe 3, maybe 4, etc hooks spread out among 4 survivors, GG it was probably already over at the 3 gens popping at the start.