I am with having Dedicated Servers, and here is why

Rexis Member Posts: 190

After watching a podcast between Tofu, Pug, Ralph and Oz, one of the things they touched was dedicated servers and how much they hate it and they with to go back to p2p and how dedicated servers spoilt the fun for some them somehow but they forgot how is it for others which a lot of people share with me the same experience

I live in Dubai, going the old ways p2p was a nightmare.. minimum ping was 180.. to the point that I have to play a 300 ping games.. and if I find a 100 ping I'll wait forever before we get 5 players ready just because the ping was not satisfying for everyone else

Now with the dedicated servers it's different.. we have a Middle East Server with 60 ping.. biggest issue was the amount players on the server was very few.. I'll play with the same players over a course of 5 hours.. and within 1 hour I'll have maximum of 2 games

Recently I have been getting on other servers 150 and some times 200 ping.. which made me so happy finally they raised the match making minimum ping required to join a game so I can actually play a decent amount of games with worse latency yes but it's a trade that I'll take any day of the week

While others in the US, Europe find this as a bad move cause they get into servers with high ping, players from parts of the world that doesnt have enough players find it a relief that they can actually enjoy a diversity of players to have fun with.. and that's what most people from US and Europe had no idea about and that's why am with having Dedicated servers with high minimum ping required to join a game

I really hope the same situation will remain as am regularly now between 60 to 150 ping and I can actually play 5 to 6 games per hour

So what's your experience or do you find it good or bad?