General Discussions

General Discussions

The dead zones in the Battle Pass on the free track.

So. There is A LOT of dead space on the free track. Like a gross amount. Maybe you can slap like 10 Blood shards or 100 blood points two each of those or rotate them or something. Like level 1, 3, 5, etc. Give 200 blood points. While 2, 4,6, etc. Give 10 Blood Shards?

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  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I feel the same way... I would like that to be added.... give something to the free track

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    I like the idea. It's not like non-pass owners would gain an advantage or anything. We earn Shards from leveling anyway. Even throw BP into the free track too since we know earning BP is a grind to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    i prefer dead zones rather than joke rewards like a reskin for trapper's base weapon...

  • Member Posts: 315

    This is a manipulation by developers. This is obvious and understandable. What would the players see that they are not getting anything from the free track and have bought a premium. Just like a clear day. They will not give anything to empty cells in the free track.

  • Member Posts: 197

    Just because it isn't likely to happened. Doesn't mean it hurts to ask. I mean other Battle Pass Track offer the less worth while rewards. Like in games like Paladins. The free track has dead zones but nearly as many as DBD does.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Don't buy the BattlePass. Show them that you care for game health and bug fixes over dumb recolors of cosmetics you have anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,632
    edited February 2020

    Then buy the premium?

    Could you imagine getting a gift from someone, and going "Eh - the box is kind of empty, can I have more please?" 🤣

  • Member Posts: 354

    Are you new? Devs want their money lol of course your going to lack in rewards if you dont pay up

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    The only battlepass I'm gonna buy is the summer beach bod battlepass with lots of cleavage from both kate and clown.

    A little shards won't hurt anyone unless you step on them.

  • Member Posts: 763

    OP must have missed the first Rift, where rewards were plenty to hook you into buying it. Now the change is obvious. No more freebies.

  • Member Posts: 581

    That's literally every free "battle pass". I can't think of any game that doesn't do that. I think maybe the last Ghost Recon that nobody liked...can't remember. They could just give you nothing at all,unless you spent the $10 to be honest. First time I ever bought a premium pass ever. I'm up to level 20 and I don't even play that much. Plus some of the challenges are super hard,but oh well.

    You can get 1100 cells for $10 and there's 1000 on the pass,so if you play it enough you can earn your cells back plus 100 to go towards whatever or use them to buy the next pass. Which is also common practice. The rewards might not be super amazing,but the pass is far more reasonable and doable than some others I've seen. There's a couple where you had no hope in hell of getting to the upper tiers. Unless you played like 100 hours a week lol. Also cosmetics aren't cheap anyways. Regardless of if you but them with Auric Cells or shards.

  • Member Posts: 581

    I'm pretty sure people can do both. It doesn't matter what the game is or how egregious the micro transactions are... people will always buy them. Some people buy them even when they probably shouldn't. Some will buy them to get one specific item. That's just the way it is unfortunately. Devs make a big chunk of money that way. The only way is if every single person stopped buying it and that won't happen.

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