Will I get banned if I DC in this situation?


I got basement hook error in an hour ago, and I was stuck in game. Could you (devs) please tell me what I should do in this case?

P/s: matchmaking is also broken


  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited February 2020

    Wait, after watching, you werent stuck in game? You just bugged out when hooked.

    When you died the game still ended....

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    As long as you record the bug (like you did) and report it, then DCing should be fine if you're physically stuck in-game.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    You can just wait, on the other players screens your just standing in place by the wall of the basement. The killer can still hit you, and survivors can still interact with you. Even if they couldn't see you the entity will kill you at EGC anyways.

    You wont' get a ban for dcing though, you will however get the dc penalty unfortunately.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,023

    Looks like the killer was trying to help you. You dont actually get teleported out of the basement or anything, so once the killer pulled you out of there, if you had wiggled off it wouldve fixed it. I THINK that killer was trying to tell you to wiggle and help your friend up. Either way, you'd still catch a DC penalty if you DC so id suggest if your in a situation like that one to suicide on hook.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    They were stuck in a falling animation whilst in the injured state, or are we watching different videos?

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    They were probably stuck in disbelief so didn't know how to react once they were free.

    Also, hook suicide when they're not hooked?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited February 2020

    Yes which eventually ended, resulting in going to the postgame screen. Did you not read the post or what I said?

    Also, they were falling after being hooked, even if the HUD didnt show it. Watch it again. Then they got pulled out of it. Even less reason to DC.

    They dont have to DC because they're not STUCK IN GAME. It's a bug, and it's unfortunate, but it ended and kicked them out. They were only bugged during the hook, which I stated, and you obviously didnt read, and were not stuck in the game indefinitely. There is no need to DC when the game did that for them regardless.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    Watch the whole clip. I will go through it step by step with you.

    First, they were hooked. This made the screen go black but they weren’t in a falling animation, essentially they were blind.

    Second, they were unhooked. Look at their health state when it changes from hooked to injured, it glows a brighter shade of red. This indicates a change in their health state. The unhook put them in the falling animation. From the players point of view, they are stuck in a falling animation; they can’t wait to die on a hook as they are not hooked, they don’t know if they will ever return to the map, they think they are permanently stuck in an animation they can’t get out by themselves. Disconnecting here is not a bad option and the Devs should be highly understanding why it was done.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,023

    When the originally got the black screen, they WERE hooked

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited February 2020

    I did watch it. You dont have to attempt to speak down to me to feel better.

    They got hooked.

    They bugged out.

    They get unhooked and picked back up, fixing the bug.

    Then they get hooked and killed.

    Game ends.

    Explain which part requires you to DC to be able to leave?

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    For 15 seconds, that’s a bit short of a wait time before considering hook suicide. I would have done what they did and waited to be unhooked to see if the bug to fixes itself, unfortunately that didn’t happen.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited February 2020

    Yet, it did fix itself as soon as they were unhooked and picked up.

    Why are you so dead set on justifying a DC right now?

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    I’m not continuing this argument with you, you are intentionally ignoring what I’m saying and I’m not going to continue feeding a troll.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited February 2020

    No, you ignored what I asked you on my last post.

    "Which. Part. Requires. A. DC. When. It. Resolved. And. Ended. The. Game. ?"

    Answer me that.

    You're done arguing because you have no actual response or argument other than "let them dc".

    It fixed itself. And you've continued to ignore the very obvious proof that I and even LordGlint pointed out.

    You cant feed a troll when you refuse to answer me.


    I'm not a troll hon, check my post history. You refuse to see or hear logic that didnt come from your own mind. But it's okay. You cant admit you're wrong, but some day you may get there.


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    After 3 minutes yes. Personally, I'd have DC'd and explained to the killer/survivors what happened. Would you enjoy being stuck like this for 3 minutes knowing theres nothing you can do, and others think you just decided to go AFK?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It's no worse than being slugged for 4 minutes. It doesnt REQUIRE a DC.

    And as with every other bug I encounter, yes. It would highly entertain me. And I would record it and submit it as a bug.

    But I wouldnt try to vehemently defend DCs on the forums when something already resolved itself.

    But that's just me. 🤷‍♀️

    If you cant wait a few minutes to see what happens, then DC, take your ban, and live with it.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I doubt they ever banned anyone for dc

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Slugs are different though, You can do something about that. You recover until another player can help you. What can another player do to help this situation? Nothing because as far as they see, the survivor just got unhooked and remained standing there doing nothing. But, if you find being stuck in a bug fun, then more power to you. I'm just trying to see it from the side that it isn't fun being unable to do anything

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    It doesn't matter if you dc or lose connection. You gettin' that fat ban.

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    Honestly, I feel a DC is justified the moment they where unhooked and couldn't continue to play.

    There's no reason to force players to stick around in that case. In fact, why are DCs such a big deal in general? I don't imagine anyone would have more fun if you where to AFK instead of DC in any situation.

  • gelukrait
    gelukrait Member Posts: 172

    You are right, but only in your point of view after watching the whole clip, where you know what will happen.

    Let's see what I thought during this match:

    1. I was stuck in black screen in first hook, I tried all button to suicide but nothing works. I only have 2 options at this moment, DC or wait for someone comes and recuses in hope that might fix the bug. And, I do not know how long I have to wait till it happens
    2. I was unhooked then stuck in falling animation. I tried push every button again, and nothing works. I have to choose similar 2 options as above

    At second point, if killer did not interact with me, he just killed 2 of my friends (in clip) and "play" with the last one to keep the game longer. Or simpler, he killed all but did not close the hatch. In those cases, I would not know how long I should wait to leave this match without DC.

    P/s: I am not sure that the killer want to help or it's just a toxic behavior. I refuse to wiggle in order to make the game end ASAP.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    I'm honestly surprised anyone takes you seriously when youre so dismissive of opposing opinions. Carpe gave a solid rebuttal, and youre treating them as if they're crazy, or stupid, for not agreeing with you.

    You dont HAVE to disconnect when you bug out like this. Its not a requirement, so refuting that makes you wrong. Thats not an opinion, thats a fact. Whether you choose to dc or not is up to you, and you can reason it however you want, but as seen in the clip, it does get resolved, so a disconnect is not mandatory.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255
    edited February 2020

    Seemed like a pretty legit match to me.

    Can we talk about the map drop though? Is that the new meta? What a power move.

    Clarification edit:

    Ya dropped the map, then the map dropped you. LULZ

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    edited February 2020

    I'm treating them like a crazy person because what they're saying is in the video isn't factually correct, they are completely ignoring the player's PoV (and anyway who states this), and they have heavily edited their comments to make opposing comments look bad.

    I will not continue a discussion with someone like that.


    You need to remember that the player did not know they were going to be free, they thought they were stuck in the falling animation after being unhooked. If you are stuck due a bug and you don't know how long you'll be stuck (5 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour), then disconnecting is definitely an option.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited February 2020

    I think what others are trying to say is that it was just that, an option. The point of contention seems to be whether or not a DC was necessary in this scenario, on the premise that a DC is only justifiable if the player has no other choice. It may have felt necessary to the player who didn't know what was going on, but it can't be justified on the basis that there was nothing else they could do, because there was.

    For the record, I don't believe you were arguing that they had to DC. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seemed to me that you were just trying to say that a DC would have been reasonable under the circumstances, if one takes into consideration the fact that they didn't know what was going on and had no way of knowing that the problem would resolve itself. Carpe was saying that since that bug did resolve itself, a DC was unneeded and therefore unjustified. In a way, you're both right.

    Either way, @gelukrait, the answer to your question is that what you should do in that scenario is wait for a resolution, unfortunate as that is, because you're not actually stuck indefinitely in that scenario even though it may seem like it. You can disconnect, obviously, but I wouldn't encourage it and neither, I'm fairly certain, would the devs. You won't get banned from the game for a DC unless you make a habit of it, but you will get locked out of the matchmaking queue for a short time.

  • gelukrait
    gelukrait Member Posts: 172

    Haha, you have hawk's eyes, Sir.

    I equipped "Ace in the hole". So, I intended to drop it outside, then come searching chest in basement and recuse. That's why I chose the locker which is next to the chest. If I get worse item or a med-kit, I will give it to my friend after unhooking, then go back and pick up the map. LUL

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    Pretty much hit the nail on the head.

    Although disconnecting is a bannable offence and heavily frowned upon in the community, it's an option that needs to be considered for some situations. The Devs won't approve but will be fully understanding if you choose to DC for the above.

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    I dc'ed when getting mori bagged once. Small time frame to sit out since I dont normally DC. Still getting punished because I wanted to leave that situation is dumb. I dont care to report players either because we have a small community. I'd rather not get people banned unless they're making homophobic or racist remarks.

  • CandyBard
    CandyBard Member Posts: 54

    Yeah, I understand your point, I just prefer not to excuse the disconnecting behavior, regardless of if its justified, because each time you accept a justification, you make a new line in the sand. The game devs dont discriminate with their punishment for any reason, because if they accept one excuse, they have to accept that excuse every time, and then people start trying to make new excuses, and keep trying to push the boundaries of whats acceptable.

    As a player, I dont like when my teammates disconnect because it makes the game harder on us(even having a bugged out 4th is better than them leaving, cause its an extra distraction for the killer), and as the killer, I lose out on potential points by having players leave. I guess the flip side to that would be that we as players need to discourage behavior that encourages disconnects, like mori spamming, hook camping, and hook farming.

    That might just be me though. In this situation? I'd say you shouldn't leave the game regardless, but if you feel like you need to leave, do you, I guess.