People Who Say SWF Should Be Banned Has Never Gone Against People That Work Together

How is all God is SWF op. Where did this come from...

I've regularly found on the dbd forums that killers complain so much about useless things because you just came out of a game with 0 kills and you need to argue for some reason...

So SWF like any other game benefits you because you can actually have someone help you...

Now I've played a lot of solo que games and on average 30% of the time I died first person and first hook. Literally hardly no one saves if you think you just pulled off a terrible chase and people can't go near you to save then trust me you were the best player in that match and I don't care if the rest of the people in that match disagree...

I've also had my fair share of games with killer and see at least 1 person every game die first hook and give them a free props for at least trying dude...

So if anything SWF should be meta by my point Explained so far. You actually have almost a 100% of being unhook by a teammate because someone is literally trying to help you and it surprises me that killers literally have the nerves to call that op...

With SWF you can also get 2 things done at once for example someone could be looping the Killer while another is doing a gen. People are telling me this is op. Just. WHAT.

People in solo que games do that anyway. I can understand if it's a full squad of friends but dude you know your a good killer if you can actually take them all down. People complain about useless things which is why I never use this place for information or anything like that...

And I get it when your teammate is Hooked its like a living Kindred but do SWF teams mess about sometimes. Obviously. I was going into a game with one of my mates to find that the other 2 people dropped all the pallets and were a SWF duo to. Which honestly I found hilarious...

Addiction in this game is to much man. I get bugs at stuff but to complain that there is a system where you can play with friends is just idiotic man some killers just need to shut up man instead of complaining actually counter what you call a problem dude don't complain about it.


  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    You dont get this kind of info when solo like me.

    As solo my surv rate is pathetic. I am actually now starting to derank without even trying.

    They cant, wont and are not able to balance this game. They can throw band-aid on after band-aid but they are incapable.

    As surv i see nothing but 4ks all day long. As killer when i was playing it was the same. 4k

    I think they balance out the 2 out and 2 die with the fact that people like me are not destined to ever get out. When ever i do get out after a long string of not getting out it is not due to my skill. It is due to teh fact that they gave me a killer who sucks even mroe than i do a surv. I am not a good surv. Not when it comes to losing the killer out in the open. And by the time i am caught most of the pallets are gone and i am down.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    The amount of time saved by saying "hey I'll go unhook you stay on gens" alone is enormous in a game so time dependent.

    If it stops 1 person from wasting 20-30sec running to unhook when someone else is three times in a game that's a gens worth of time.

    That is the most basic aspect that any group of uncoordinated casual players can achieve on comms.

    As solo I run kindered

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    you are right but thats because there are no red or purple rank killers around anymore. i haven't seen a red or purple rank killer in i don't know how long. every game i have is against a green or yellow rank killer these days.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Play some more Seal Team 6 squads then come back to us about how they're not meta.

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    I'm not gonna lie this the only reason I stopped going into the forums. So I thank you for saying this.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    You don't get why swf is op. Compare the amount of information you get as solo and as a 4man swf in your head. If you think every survivor should get the informations of a 4man swf, most killers need buffs.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the reason SWF is so strong when compared to solo is, because SWF allows all participating survivors to obtain a lot of information that should usually be unobtainable for them.

    here an example:

    "the killer is camping my hook with insidious! dont come here!" - with this a SWF knows exactly what the killer is doing and can counteract accordingly.

    solo survivors however do not have the ability to get that information, unless they sacrifice 25% of their perk slots for kindred. they will most likely run straight into the killers trap and die.

    but the free information is by far not the only benefit SWF has. coordinated gameplay is extremely strong in this game. they can spread out and work on generators a lot more efficiently than solos, who most of the time have no idea what their team is doing. they can coordinate hook saves in order to not lose any time on their gens - a simple "i go for the rescue" is enough and no one but one is gonna leave their gen. solos - again - only have this kind of information when equipping kindred. and even then the information is, unless they are the one hooked, only obtainable for them, so there might still be someone going for a rescue from across the map when you are basically next to the hooked guy.

    time is a crucial part in this game, killers always race against the clock and having a team coordinate against you and therefore not wasting any time is very strong.

    not to mention, SWF can also adjust their builds to one another prior to the game. like, a solo player does not know what their team brings into the trial. we can only assume and see the item they have, but thats it. SWF knows exactly who brought what. a good example for that were the old insta heals. a coordinated SWF was able to pull off the most crazy ######### whith those, yet 4 solos rarely ever got to use them efficiently.

    this game is balanced around having 4 solo survivors play against a killer. yet allowing the survivors to team up kinda breaks that balance. the survivors obtain much more knowledge and can be much more coordinated than solo survivors could ever be or the killer could handle.

    the main problem here is, that we cant balance the game around SWF, since that would make the solo survivor experience horrendous, yet not balancing around SWF means that they will be able to stomp a lot of killers with ease.

    its a lose lose situation, really.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    Its all about the communication that takes place.

    Solo survivors communication = finger pointing and the come here gesture

    SwF communication = its the hag, theres a bear trap on the corner, theyre running spirit fury, i'll run through shack so you can head on stun, hatch spawned in the freezer room, the hex totem is in the drop down meat area.. and so on and so forth

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    SWF is not OP but the game is balanced according to SWF so solo survivor is really hard as is playing as killer against SWF when you get easy solo kills. So killers start complaining that SWF because they can say whether a killer is camping, which side of the map they are on, and totems they might have found, and solo are complaining because they don't have that advantage of knowing everything. The problem is that the game is being balanced for SWF when there are still solo players like myself so it's impossible to balance without one side being upset. They need to just make comms. for all survivor's so they can really balance the game. As of now killers are actually very strong for the most part but have a hard time against well coordinated SWF teams so they think the game is broken. I play both sides as solo so that's my opinion, just sayin...

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I don’t know if the game can actually sense if people are communicating via swf, but if it can then maybe the devs could try to balance it out a bit by making it so if you are using mics then that ipso facto counts as a perk, therefore you would lose access to one perk, having to play with 3 instead of 4. Just a thought. Otherwise, no real thoughts about it. It doesn’t really bother me much.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    A large portion of the bad killers will quickly shout SWF after getting rolled by solos.

    Really unsurprising. Even if people mention an all meta team with x item (which they also refer to as death squads), and that they are really good at looping and split gen etc etc; they are 1 in a dozen. It's rare for killers to face death squads let alone back to back. Both sides always have something to complain about and for whatever reason instead of targeting the meta perks more they go after SWF and call it cheating lmao

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Killers can tell the difference between good solos and SWFs by the timing of saves, team perks such as BT vs seeing solo perks such Bond or self-care and style of play such as the prevalence of body blocking and running past lockers with Janes in them.

    Also when everyone is teabagging, they are probably on comms.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Agreed except BT can also be a solo perk. It is a useful perk in general. You cant really tell a swf from BT. OoO and head on are much more telling. Head on becomes super coordinated when used by swf cheat squads and OoO makes it obvious when only one survivor has it and yet they all know when you are coming and from which direction .

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I dont mind people play with friends what I mind its that game isnt balanced for it and devs are starting to fix it now not the day they added it to game.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583
    edited February 2020

    That's not true at all lol. It might give some clues, but do you play solo survivor?

    (From a solo PoV)

    Timing of saves are entirely dependent on positioning. It doesn't matter if you're playing in a group or not. I could be closer than anyone or the furthest away.

    The only solo perk you mentioned is Bond, which might give some indication of Solo Vs SWF, but I typically see this perk run in SWF groups with members less than 1k hours who don't particularly know the map too well other than the simple places (ie. Killer Shack). Borrowed time is a general use perk and I gladly use it while playing solo. Actually I'm not the only one, Tru3Talent has used this perk a lot when playing solo as well. The only perk that might cue you in to swf is OoO. I hardly see this perk in solo play.

    Last note, teabagging is not swf exclusive.

    If Killers can generally tell the difference then I sincerely doubt it's the way you depicted it to be.

    ***There's no real way to 100% be sure without asking in the end of the game or checking profile friend lists***

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "No, no. I said that SWF players should BAND together."

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    One person teabagging doesn't suggest SWF. One person running BT doesn't either. Neither does a particularly well timed save.

    Now consider all of the above together and on three or more survivors.

    • Everybody more or less running the same team perks.
    • Everybody teabagging at each pallet
    • If more than one person has a flashlight, they will ALL be clickers
    • Most of the saves being timed just as you are beyond the point of returning (or the complete opposite - saving in front of the killer's face when they all know they have the full suite of second chance perks between them)

    Together these do suggest they may are more likely to be a team. You also see similar play styles: Some teams all love to body block, some teams prefer to run near lockers to get Head-ons to activate, particularly altruistic teams tend to ALL be altruistic.

    Remember there was a time when we KNEW that we were playing against 4 solos. That can be used as a point of reference as to how solos might play.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    - everyone running the same team perks can be more of a coincidence

    - everyone tbagging at pallet drops, maybe. I'll give you this one

    - more than one flashlight and all clicks? Debatable, I've done it in solo play to grab attention, I've seen many solo youtubers do this as well. (Not to be toxic, just get attention away from gens).

    - Hook dives are indeed more common with SWF, but I've seen more cheeky solos do this to farm BT than I'd like to count, and as I said before, with DS being such a popular perk, you can almost assume a person has it and be right a good amount of the time.

    Head on plays are a good indication though, I will give you this one as well, I've run it in solo play but out of all the times I have I think I've used it as a team play about ~15 give or take

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230
    edited February 2020

    First of all, OP, what even is this title? "People Who Say SWF Should Be Banned Has Never Gone Against People That Work Together" when, clearly, they have gone against people that work together. That is the entirety of what SWF is.

    >on average 30% of the time

    >Literally hardly no one saves

    So the other 70% of the time you were saved?

    >someone is literally trying to help you

    As a solo Survivor, I disagree with your percentages. It's almost guaranteed that anyone will save you. I've saved plenty of people and they've saved me plenty of times. That's how teamwork works, you don't have to be friends to be a good teammate.

    >People are telling me this is op. Just. WHAT.

    Yes, it's OP. "Information wins wars" - Dr. Stone.

    >People in solo que games do that anyway.

    Solo's can't talk to each other during the round. So no, no they cannot.

    >you know your a good killer if you can actually take them all down.

    Don't try to spin it around and act like the Killer's just not skilled enough.

    To finish up. You literally just literally said that like literally? Literally?! Why would you literally say that it literally happened like that, like literally?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited February 2020

    Yep. People also forget the game has changed A LOT.

    You have way more tracking perks as a killer than you did before. Because if you want to complain about what the game ‘used’ to be about, immersion is right up there. Immersion is almost gone because the killer can spot you pretty quickly via tracking perks and they have also made maps brighter a long with clothing to prevent immersion.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    Y'all realise that If we get rid of the option for people to play together or give a penalty just because your playing with friends then half the survivors are gonna quit dbd, including me and my friends. Swf is the only thing survivors can do to have fun in the game anymore. You guys act like all swf is a bully squad and is determined o ruin your game.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    you aren’t supposed to have info like when the killer leaves the hook, is in chase, etc. unless you specifically have a perk to have access to that info. that’s the point of the game?

    comms kill the game.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Its just reality, that highrankeds are flooded with toxic 4-swfs.

    I dont mind survivors playing with their friends, you guys are awesome. Thats how SWF should be used. Have a good time with friends in an online game.

    But thats not how SWF at highranks is used. The reality on SWF is just very toxic

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    It's a minority that wants SWF straight up removed or "banned" (I assume you mean swf removed and/or VOIP bannable by that?). And for good reason, as it's completely unfeasible and anyone taking that as a no-comrpomises stance should just uninstall to save themselves the frustration of never getting what they want, ever.

    It's a tricky situation as there's no denying it's an advantage that people can get as much as they want out of (from your everyday casual party of people having a laugh to "death squads") and most actual discussion about it tends to be about stuff like buffing base survivors ("solos") and killers, letting killers know about SWF in advance or extra points. Or mechanical handicaps like decreased repair speed, and while I think even that's never gonna happen at least it's more feasible than "remove SWF".

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    Yet I can get on rank 1 on killer and I don't run into toxic swfs. I rarely run into the "toxic" swf groups your talking about. The only swf groups I run into is the people who just wanna play the game with their friends.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080
    edited February 2020

    Well thats some bullshit to say they dont exist.

    Tunnelcamping doesnt exist. See?

    Why would toxic SWF be such a big topic since release, if it "doesnt exist" or "rarely happens". Obviously its a big ######### deal

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    You cant be successful in today's market if your game doesn't allow friends to play together. The SWF door can never be closed.

    I'm a killer main R3 ps4. I hate playing against SWF. The good teams you just cant stop very often. They know everything their teammates know. Some maps you know it's over when you load in. I just try my best and take my entity displeased.

    The only way this issue can be resolved is to give all survivors game chat. How can you balance the game if even the survivor pool isn't balanced. Their is such a huge gap between solo's and SWF.

    If your a survivor main who doesnt like to hear chat. Just mute it. Dont like a particular player or his music? Mute him. Dont want to talk but listen. Mute yourself.

    Once we get survivors on the same level. Give us killers a buff to match the strength of SWF. I really think the game would be more fun for everyone this way.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    Point out where I said it doesn't exist. Exactly you can't because that's not what I said. If you actually read my comment then you would see it say it doesn't happen as often as you say it does. you might run into a few in red ranks but it's not every few games.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080
    edited February 2020

    "I don't run into toxic swfs."

    Point is, i dont really care wether its 40% or 60% or 80%. I've played years against 4-swfs in their sweatiest forms and know about the unbalance and how they never get fixed. We dont even get rewarded, no bloodpoint bonus, no balance changes. You get free insults though, now tell me, why a casual player would want to do this. Im a pretty hardcore gamer and i can beraly tolerate this

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    You queue up for a game with minimal chances of winning and maximum chances of negativity. It would be insane to still look forward to it after 100's and 1000's of repetitions, expecting something different than a game that is heavily stacked against you outside of the games intended balance.

    Or stop hitting yourself idiot. my 2c

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    Communication is not op its extremely necessary imo. Playing solo is terrible due to the current match making getting.paired with rank 17 and 19s or players who just crouch and hide and wait for hatch to spawn is ridiculous. Playing with 3 others you SHOULD be able to communicate with each other if you're on the same team.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Well said. My former squad ( they quit playing ).😭😭 were all experienced players. We had been playing together since the game came to console ( ps4 ). We all played to relax, joke around, and have fun. Private chat room talking about all kinds of crazy stuff ( adults only ). Lol.. Not just the game. If the killer was cool, we sacrifice ourselves at endgame. If they were douchebags, well, they learned what an experienced squad can do. Our intention was never to bully the killer, but to make the game fun. ( Boop the snoot, butt dance with ghostface, ect. ) it's all what you make of it, and we try to make it fun.. I mean, it's just a video game..

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Watch any of the plethora of streamers that 4 man swf and you will know without asking this question.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    Btw how killer should play against four sabo SWF premade after patch? Camp basement?

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    I'm under the impression that your vision of an ideal game involves 4 minutes+ of a killer searching every locker/bush/corner on the map with barely any interaction between players. Please correct me if I'm wrong because that sounds boring and simply unhealthy to the overall state of the game.

  • Krystress
    Krystress Member Posts: 52

    I've destroyed so many SWF because some of them get so crazy trying to unhook or flashlight save in front of me. They throw the game with only 2 gens left. Sometimes I pretend to play like a potato, so they let their guard down.

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    dead up my other topic i linked in here... thats what dbd wants, and how it turned out.

    As swf you dont need ANY "see killer" or aura perks because of voice com." which, compared to solo players, is highly unfair