How is this fair?!

I mean how is anyone supposed to do anything against this? If anyone tried to unhook me, we would be downed instantly. I know that what the others did was the right thing to deal with this but I kinda wish that wasnt the only solution.

I know that camping can be necesary if the survivors are about to escape and you still haven't killed anyone, but this is just ridiculous. I also know that the devs don't really approve of facecamping but they don't do anything about it either. I mean how is this supposed to be fun for either side? The killer preetty much wasted his time and I was supposed to just sit there and watch as this guy just did the most scummy thing I have ever seen in any game. At least with the other killers someone can rescue even if the person is being facecamped but against leatherface there just isn't a way to save either person in the interaction



  • kawaiikannibal
    kawaiikannibal Member Posts: 74

    Super lame ... I don't get the point of it honestly, even as a killer main. Whenever I hook someone, the worst I'll do is leave and circle back if I'm suspicious someone is nearby about to unhook. Why just facecamp tho? Is a guaranteed 1 kill better than a potential 2+ kill ? To some people, I guess. Too bad! There's always gonna be people who do that 'cause they don't have the skillz!!

    Spectre is right... Nothin' to do but move onto the next game and hope it goes better.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Flashlight stun him, go for the save

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    As a killer main. I'm going to guess he is just a douche bag. Or he just got his teeth kicked in 3 matches in a row.

    Regardless, some of the toxicity we endure playing this game is ridiculous.

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    Where do I go to report? I kinda forgot to do it after the match so I want to do it now since I still have the video

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    Its not fair but the killer is bad and wanted their one kill. Just let them have it and move on, not all games play out like this.

    I have been in this situation many time and would rather just one die and other 3 escape. I have no problem to be sacrificed under that circumstance.

    C'est la vie!

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all you use the report feature at the scoreboard page at the end of the match, then you get information from their steam account go into settings - customer support - create a ticket - fill out that form. you may want to add a video of the actions you are reporting but be aware "camping" is NOT reportable as it does not violate the ToS.

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2020

    I don't believe it to be a "legit strat" but I can at least sympathize with a killer doing it when the survivors are about to escape, to at least get one kill so it wasn't a total waste, but that guy flat out did it in the middle of the match

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    I was the only one with a flashlight in that game but I lost it with franklin's, as soon as he chased me

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    I think we may have figured out the reason you got camped.

    But yeah, there should definitely be some form of counterplay to camping. I say make the killer aura from Kindred a natural part of the game starting 5 seconds after a hook. And if any gens are completed while that aura is active, then the hook progress is frozen for 20 seconds.

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    I play on ps4 so I can't report him outside of game I think (unless there's some page where I can go that I don't know about, but doubt it) but thanks anyway. And I figured that it wasn't really reportable, but at the very least they would've been able to see just how dumb it is for that to happen

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Do gens, leave. It's not that hard? Yeah, you get the finger, but the others escape. Or you can just die on hook and move on to another game. Again, not that hard a choice.

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    I ussually roam around a bit after I hook someone to make sure no one is nearby then chase down the others, but like I said, I can see the use of camping when you haven't gotten a kill and the survivors are about to escape, at least that way it wasn't a total waste of a game. Though that guy just did it in the middle of the match for no reason whatsoever

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    I would go with douche bag, he was running an endgame build (noed,blood warden, franklin's, and some other perk that was good for endgame, forgot) and just decided to waste the entire match camping me

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you can get to the customer support on their website as well and there is an option to select your platform as well.

    Also though it is a strategy that has been said by the devs to be not reportable, it is a weak strat by the killer, 3 players can get 2-3 gens done in the time it takes for someone to be camped to death and by then they are opening the doors generally unless you are unlucky. insidious was designed for camping aspects but honestly it doesn't get usually more than 1 or 2 kills. so in that way it is a legit strat, look at body blocking: if the killer blocks someone in to rev up a chain saw the devs have said this is acceptible but if you were to stand there blocking them in to mikie stalk them to tier 3, then you are going into unsportsmanlike play which is against the ToS. also flip it and if the killer can't take a short block of a survivor then survivors can't run in front of the killer or block the hook.

  • dekciwandy
    dekciwandy Member Posts: 2

    This happens all the time and I dont wanna be subjective but most purple or green rank do this often. There was a game where the killer(Bubba) face camp on the first hook and that just ruins the game and you lose the will to finish the game.

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    Yeah but I mean one thing is to get facecamped, another is to get facecamped by bubba while he's revving the chainsaw bassically making it impossible to get saved

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    You should report that.

    Yes, facecamping is a strategy, and can be countered by the other 3 players completing gens and escaping, so face-camping is on the list of non-reportable offenses....However, this assumes that the killer is trying to win. We all know that this game has players that intentionally try to derank to have easier matches, so they need to start taking a look at individual situations.

    This guy was not using face-camping as a strategy. He was not trying to win. If he had even turned around he could have downed another player. He was likely trying to derank without suffering a DC penalty or and afk report. Sadly, other players have to suffer for this type of behavior, and the devs need to start looking into some of these.

  • domsugarbooger
    domsugarbooger Member Posts: 24

    It happens just put ur big boy pants on and move on to the next game. What can u do? nothing...

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    They should just give us flash bangs for these types of situations. BREACH AND CLEAR! 😂

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    It’s just not fun man, it’s really not that serious that you must get a kill every single match or give up because you feel you’re getting gen rushed. The game rewards you for every little thing you do as a killer (and there’s A LOT) isn’t that Enough? 😂

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Killers rack in the points. You don’t have to call 4 kills a win, I call at least 30K bloodpoints at the end of a match a win even if I died as a survivor or got nobody as a killer. Smh.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Did you watch the video. It wasn't any kind of strategy. He didn't even attempt to hit the other two survivors that were there. He didn't even move, or look around. I saw a Billy do this exact same thing today. You have to start considering that this could be a new way to derank without getting reported or penalized. It's unsportsmanlike like conduct just like DC'ing and AFKing.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It's not bannable. It's simply a stupid thing that is in the game because of the laziness of the Devs. They patched hook blocking. This is an analogous situation, they simply won't do anything about it because they would have to rework Bubba's power. Too busy rehashing cheesy cosmetics instead.

    Reporting or creating threads will only get you generic inane replies from the community and the devs. If these things upset you, then the best way to voice your disappointment is by not buying additional content for the game. If you want to leave a game review, that's on you.

    Back on the topic, if you're on the hook, hold on if your teammates are doing gens, so you give them a chance and just move on to the next game. If the other survivors come for you even if the camp is obvious, then you can honestly just suicide on hook.

    If you're not the person hooked, if it's a Bubba or a Cheapface, assume they're camping until proven otherwise. Just pump gens in this situation.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    its fair enough. legit strat

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Remember when survivors were considered out of the game once hooked? They werent supposed to be entitled to more than one life, yet here we are.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    There is nothing to report. Devs have stated many times that camping is non reportable. I wouldn't waste your time.

    You may not like being camped, but killers do not like going against SWF but nothing will change i'm afraid.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    There's a number of things that the other players could have done to easily get you out of there. Camping is a losing strategy if you don't do it properly, and he didn't do it properly. You just got suckered because you had a bad team.

    No matter how much the dev's try to say "this is not a team game" that's exactly what it is, even the ranks expect you to play as a team to rank up.

    Suck it up, move on to the next game, get out of low ranks where you will see less of this entirely (because camping like this doesn't get you passed green ranks).

  • Evalion
    Evalion Member Posts: 17

    This happened to me tonight as well twice by billy. Killers are ######### babies. Survivors take our nerfs like a man repeated nerfs and killers get one nerf to hex ruin and go off the deep end. Its really quite pathetic. There has been a influx of this type of behavior since ruin was rightfully nerfed. Which to be honest hex ruin was a complete and absolute joke and was why i quit the game in the first place i came back because its gone finally. LIKE 1 perk 1 perk and they cry. Survivors have had multiple nerfs repeat over and over patch after patch to our main perks.

  • jrosedaily1966
    jrosedaily1966 Member Posts: 10

    It has gotten sooo much worse since the dc penalties.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    Oh please. Every nerf survivors get this forum blows up with cry babies. The difference is majority of the survivor nerfs are justified. The ruin nerf was not. Look at the current duration of matches and tell me it was wise for the devs to remove ruin without addressing the core issue it barely covered up. I bet you still think you should be allowed to vault windows countless times, have insta heal medkits and instant blind flash lights, or you should recharge sprint burst while running?

    Most buffs killers get are met with a shadow nerf of something else or a buff to survivors. Trapper is just now getting the ability to replant his traps without picking them up. It took them over 3 years to add that feature. DS wasn't working and they fixed that in a week. Hag still has teleport bugs.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    It's a sign Leatherfaces power is pretty poorly designed tbh. Other than this, Billy does pretty much anything he can do better

  • TheAntiSanta
    TheAntiSanta Member Posts: 128

    Despite what people who are wrong keep demanding in the forums, there's nothing that says you have to just sit there and watch as this guy do the scummy thing. You can always ######### on hook, and not waste your own time like that. You don't owe anything to your fellow survivors, to keep the bad killer at bay.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    Well, clearly this killer is a piece of #########.

    Odds are, they're a troll looking to be fed reportable flame.

    Fuck these piece of ######### killers.

    Just move on to another match...after another 30+ minute que.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Toolboxes are getting nerfed.

    Facecamping Bubba isn’t, but needs to be. His power needs a cooldown so he can’t rev the chainsaw forever. AT LEAST make it like Billy’s so he has to put a little effort into keeping it ready.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Those toolboxes are barely a nerf, it's pretty much just a brand new part and you get to keep the box after using it up. Oh and the OP sabo changes are also coming. What did killer get? A worse huntress and breakable walls on a single map.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    Toolboxes were gutted, don’t kid yourself. I don’t see how “keeping the item” is a big deal. You could use 99% of the item’s charges before in order to keep it.

    Facecamp Bubba is frustrating and needs some kind of counterplay other than leaving your teammate to die.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Yes it is quite unfair. And the sad part is this type of toxic abuse of killer power is "Not punishable"

    What kind of punishment do you want here? If the other three survivors do the remaining three gens and leave what did the Killer gain? Already they are losing Chase emblem points from staying near the hook. They are losing potential blood points and emblem points from doing nothing. Only way this pays off for the killer is if the other survivors reward him.

    Are you wanting out of match penalties for this? Do you want to see the killer ban for camping? What exactly are you looking for here?

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Don't know the exact numbers yet, but it looks like it's knocking about 20 seconds off from a gen. So while it's a nerf, it's not much of one, especially if there's 4 of them. Borrowed time and DS is the counter to facecamp bubba. Bait him to one side, he hits the hooked survivor, you unhook. I've seen it done and I've had it done to me.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179

    I want justice. I want post trial reports to actually do something. Penalty hell take away his whole BP for the sacrifice and the hits and the down. Unsportsmanlike conduct at its finest. Oh boo hoo he didn't make silver emblem. Big deal most killers that do this don't care about rank or piping. All they do is ruin the game.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    If the goal is ruining the game then losing bp isn't a big deal.

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    Ruin was somewhat justified. It's pressence was extremely high on a per match basis, the problem though is that the devs went way too far with the nerf, it's mostly useless now, it no longer slows down gen times nearly as much as it used to since it only affects those that aren't being worked on. What they should've done is revert the buff it got when they buffed all hexes, that way most people would have been forced to upgrade it to get any use out of it. The version we had before it's current state was just too good of a choice simply because it affected everyone without even upgrading it

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    I realized one thing while playing this game and that is that most people could care less about bloodpoints since what most people only care for is rank and piping. Killers by playing normaly average about 25-30k bp per game, which I believe to be preetty acceptable considering how much/well you would have to play with survivor to get that much when they tipically average about 15-20k per game while playing normaly

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    I think what he means is that there should be a better way to discourage camping since obviously whatever they have in place for this right now isn't working

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    How is the huntress worse? I didnt see anything about her in the notes