People are leaving, Matchmaking is broken or both?

My usual red ranks SWF and I played about 8 games yesterday, now...
EVERY GAME, I repeat... EVERY GAME we got to play against a yellow rank...
I don't know if it's a matchmaking new problem (we did get to play against a yellow every now and then, but not this constantly) or high ranks killers are leaving.
It's not fun to escape when facing a killer with this CLEAR disadvantage even when we never bring in toolboxes
I do play killer as a rank 1 trapper, but I'm becomming concerned about why I haven't encountered purple or red as survivor
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'They' only want to call it a matchmaking problem so that when the ranks are hidden under some new system they can claim the problem is fixed.
There just aren't enough killers. The reasons should be well known by now.
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Its a vicious circle. I'm not a high rank killer, and I constantly get pitted against red-ranks, which isn't fun... so guess what... I stop playing killer for a long time. I casually read my latest novel (Witcher books!) while waiting for a 15-20 minute survivor queue.
I think the problem is a drop in players, especially those willing to suffer through the killing experience. The fewer the killers, the fewer the good matches they can setup since they aren't going to make you red-ranks wait for a red-rank killer that may never show up.
Bottom line - make the killer experience better and you'll have shorter queue times and better matches.
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I'm purple rank and every match was against rank 18s yesterday. Clubbing seals.
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@Carlosylu what system do you play on? Steam data shows its been fairly flat, but still a lot of players. I think PS4 player count has dropped severely though, since match making is absolutely terrible there.
I think BHVR is just in a bad spot at this point. If they actually manage a rank-less-skill-based MM system, it could be fantastic, but I just don't see that happening.
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You queue up with SFW and you're worried about a huge disadvantage?
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They need to be careful. The game was flagged last week on 'hotukdeals' website as being on sale for PS4.
I read people making comments saying not to buy it as it was impossible to get a game.
Its not impossible and there are plenty of people playing but a 10-15 minute wait certainly gives the impression of a dead online.
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They’re actually worried about a competitive game, yes they are SWF but that doesn’t mean they want to bully a yellow rank killer.
I play solo red rank and it’s the same, no fun to go against rank 13 killers that manage maybe 1 hook even the entire game
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Xbox, red rank 1 survivor and killer
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I understand your comment man, but from my and our (my SWF) point of view, we help killers a lot by NOT bring in toolboxes, nor keys, only BT and no DS, and yes, we're not dropping our SWF cause it's WAY much of a better experience to play with friends than alone.
I cannot comment against SWF cause I can handle those as killer and I play as those as survivor, I know a lot of people think otherwise, but I just can't, I don't think SWF is broken, it's more of a maps and specific killers that need reworks/buffs problem.
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I'm not posting this as bait, it's a real issue taking away the fun of the game... I don't want to get bored of playing survivor, I enjoy both roles a lot.
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I tried playing killer again. Been to R1 a few times but I feel I don't belong there. I tend to play till like purple ranks. I don't want to have to try hard all the time. I want to mess around with non-meta killers and builds. When i came back to killer it was a long break. Just after the Nurse rework. I deranked back to 18. I had several matches where it was all purple/red survivors. If I was a new killer I certainly wouldn't be playing this game when I saw this match making.
I don't even want to play killer anymore because the option to mess around isn't there anymore. Every match is a gamble of what quality survivors I will get. Before if I stopped playing and came back I wouldn't have to worry about getting paired with red survivors until I ranked up again. Now I'm getting reds most of my matches at yellow. I just got back to green and it's like I never left r1. It feels like a slap to the face from the game. Like a drill instructor saying "I don't give a #@$% about your fun maggot! I got 4 other people who've been waiting for 10 minutes. Take one for the team!" Well I've been taking one for the team over and over. Now I'm sick of it. See you in Warhammer 2.
Post edited by EvilJoshy on7 -
Funny because I faced nothing but rank2-4 killers yesterday in my SWF. We are a rank 1,3,5 and 9. I couldn't believe I had found the unicorns!
I thought perhaps matchmaking was fixed, maybe just an outlier day, on PS4.
I must say, those killers were exceptional, it was nice to see killers that not only challenged us but often times destroyed us. Albeit with some serious tunneling , but I can't blame them at those ranks.
And also to the other point of SWF, we don't bring in toolboxes either and I don't think any of us play DS. We think it is unfair since Ruin nerf.
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matchmaking is broken that's all.
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Damn... I want those unicorns...
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When I play killer at rank 1, I get red rank survivors. When I play survivor at rank 1 I get red, purple, green, yellow rank killers. That, coupled with instant que times for killer and 10 minutes for survivor leads me to believe it is not a match making issue but an issue that there are not enough killers to go around. I could be wrong though.
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I've thought the same
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I'm on ps4 R3 killer. I haven't seen anything but red ranked survivors. Some are potatoes but not as many as last season.
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They basically explained that matchmaking prioritizes ping and wait time, with fairness being the final priority. With a lack of high rank killers and the changes to SWF matchmaking, you get killers playing people they shouldn't.
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and thats why they are changing sabo as new meta and really toxic swf for the people perk lol... yeah it sad
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I do think ping and wait time SHOULD take priority over fairness. What does it matter if you get a “fair match” once every hour? No one wants to sit in a lobby for 15-20+ minutes, more if the killer is a brat and dodges.
Killers should learn to get better/enjoy the current state or pick up a different game altogether. I’m not saying changes aren’t needed here and there, but if you don’t have fun playing as killer why stay in DBD at all?
I didn’t quit playing when I picked up DBD - I knew there was a learning curve and I overcame it. If you’re just a casual killer player then I’m positive you will get matched with green/yellow rank potatoes and an occasional SWF that has some red rank players. So what? Just play through it and learn from your experiences.
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That is such an entitled survivor mentality. You're literally saying that you don't care if killer has a fair and fun match, only that you get an easy game and don't have to wait. How about we move killer base speed to 5.0ms, make NOED/old ruin non hex and basekit, and revert the nurse/spirit changes? I mean, who cares if survivors get a fair match right? Just get better and enjoy getting stomped every single game. Play through it and learn from your mistakes.
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Me: Talks about how I’ve learned to be a better killer by playing good survivors.
You: Says I have an entitled survivor mentality.
Have you ever played FPS games? You can suck at Call of Duty because your aim is trash BUT still have fun. Why is DBD any different? It’s an asymmetrical game so it’s obviously harder to balance, but it’s ultimately a casual game. Either have fun with it/learn to play better or quit.
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If you don't want to sit in a lobby for 15-20 minutes go play killer... because killer is consistently not as enjoyable an experience, and you know that.
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I do play killer and enjoy it. Yeah, I agree that it’s a much more sweaty experience (at times) compared to survivor but that’s part of the fun. It’s challenging. I wouldn’t have fun murdering yellow rank players every game.
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But you missed the point. You are saying, "I shouldn't have to wait 15-20 minutes for a fun even match", and thats true. Just go play killer, instant games. To deviate the match making to not be fair for the sake of time is stupid, since they are basically acknowledging the fact that they have far fewer players wanting to play "the power role". THATS what is making queue times so long.
I'm not saying it would be easy to balance it, but the idea of them simply hiding rank makes me think they're giving up.
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"What does it matter if you get a fair match once every hour?" "No one wants to sit in a lobby for 15-20 minutes" "Killers should learn to get better/enjoy the current state"
That doesn't sound like getting better as killer. That sounds like "I don't want to wait 15-20 minutes for a game, so who cares if you get a fair match. Just git gud"
And for the record, if you're a casual killer, you don't get yellow or green survivors, you get bottom purple and reds EVERY SINGLE GAME.
I play to win, and if you have no chance due to broken matchmaking/broken game design, I will never have fun. Unfortunately, this is the only game of it's kind, so I don't have any other options.
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I think there are a few others... but I haven't found one acceptable on PS4 yet.
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I guess I could play killer and get instant matches, but I enjoy playing SWF equally. Waiting 15-20 minutes for ONE HALF of the game’s features (survivor gameplay) is ridiculous.
Seems like we agree that there is a shortage of killers (due to various reasons). If that’s the case, even if matchmaking was vastly improved we’d still get cases of red rank teams going against a green rank killer. The ratio is just too skewed towards the number of survivors at the moment.
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This started happening when they nerfed ruin then when they brought in the dc penalties it got worse.
I totally agree With you. I can’t remember the last time I got a red or purple rank killer (im A red rank survivor) what’s worse is yesterday and a couple of days ago we had a rank 18 and 20 killer. Felt so bad after the game. If I know it’s a baby killer I will sacrifice myself at the end and send them a message so they aren’t too discouraged.
A lot of people I know, (red ranks) have given up on this game because of how bad this game has become. So I think it’s a mix of people leaving, dc penalties and the matchmaking. The devs are killing their own game and it seems it doesn’t matter how many times people have said it, they don’t care. they are forcing people to NOT play their game with the penalties and/or making it unbearable with the matchmaking and some of the changes they have made...well...
come April and I will be leaving this game and moving to resident evil 3. They are bringing out a 4v1.
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Some days the wait times are way longer than that. Had 2 games in 1 1/2 hours the other day.
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Its both, and each one makes the other worse.
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It is cause and effect.
Change the game in a drastic way. players may be unhappy with. Shifts the Q times considerably. In the last 2 weeks. The Q times in this game are so long. I don't want to buy the next DLC now.
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Yep, you pretty much hit the nail on the head.
As both a rank 1 killer/ rank 1 survivor, the game is get worse for both sides, but especially for killer.
I feel like the MM is really bad now as some killers are leaving the game. Just recently, my friend and I made a bet about who could get to rank 1 killer faster. He won, but he said it didn't feel worth it as the moment he got to rank 5 to rank 1, it was essentially non-stop sweat as there was a lot of experienced rank 1s and SWF that just finished gens in like 4-5 minutes. He just quit the game basically at the beginning of February, due to how essentially there is no balance and that killer just is a sweat feast now.
Not to mention also how survivors get a multitude of second chance perks and items that essentially can just waste a lot of killer time and make it a living hell to play as.
The current ptb didn't even solve much, and I heard toolboxes got buffed instead of nerfed. Although this could be false, it still doesn't excuse the sabo changes that will just be abused by SWF in the live servers. Also how the new killer is literally a weaker huntress, which could be the next worst killer in the game.
I could go on and on about the crap killers are facing, but survivors have a few problems as well.
Mainly the problem for survivor is the solo experience. As a solo player there are only 2 types of players you get, which are potatoes or good players. There is no in between, or you get them very rarely. Sometimes as a solo it's very unfun when you play well yourself, but you team doesn't do crap, and you lose the match.
I'm getting burnt out of this game, and playing survivor is just too easy and unfun now, and there isn't much challenge. Currently I'm just using up the last of my Ebony and Ivory moris, and I'm planning to quit this game at either the end of March or the beginning of April
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i agree with you. one of the biggest mistakes they made though was nerfing ruin. even as a survivor main i think they should have kept it the way it was. there was nothing wrong with it. apparently they changed it to cater for the lower ranks...hitting those skill checks was too hard for know what? it was hard for everyone to begin with but if everyone else could learn and adapt to ruin then surely the new players can do that too, it just takes practice and time. how are they going to learn and get better at the game if the devs are just going to nerf/rework things to make it easier for them.
in regards to the toolboxes, it pretty much was a buff in my opinion, although, until we try it out for ourselves....maybe i'll be proven wrong. they made a point that they "nerfed" toolboxes by saying they reduced the amount of charges. what they also said but tried not to advertise was that the repair speed has been increased and that the toolbox sabotage speed will be 2.5 sec. it's like they were throwing out the word "nerf" to cover up that they have what seems to be buffed toolboxes.
so not only did they nerf ruin so its now easier to gen rushed, they have also increased the gen repair speed (with toolboxes) and given the survivors a quick and easy way to sabotage hooks in front of the killer. killers will get gen rushed and not be able to hook anyone. yes there is franklins but how hard is it to go back and pick up your item once not in chase anymore and then there are the other 3 survivors..if they have brought in toolboxes.
yes i agree that there are issues on both sides..killers and survivors but these last few changes in my opinion are crazy and do effect killers more. I don't even really play solo anymore, its not worth it, you're better in a SWF.
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Yep, I think this is it
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Because it's gen repairing simulator.
Really good.
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Agreed. The first week or so after the next DLC, the hook sabotages are going to be miserable. Lots of attempted hook sabotages from survivors that don't necessarily know how to turn them into a win, but nevertheless want to tilt the killer. Even if the meta settles down eventually, sabotaging a hook in front of a killer is too satisfying for it not to take over for a bit, long enough to make folks even more exhausted.