Make it easier to max out perks

WelshTomz Member Posts: 27

3k hours and not even half way to maxing out everything....... make it much faster

not even half way

3k hours

Make it easier to max out perks 7 votes

make maxing out easier
GibberishWelshTomzDetailedDetrimentpizzamess 4 votes
keeping it the same
VammatarIronFTL_Noble 3 votes


  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    make maxing out easier

    Removing perk tiers has been a common discussion. It just has to be implemented.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241
    keeping it the same

    They've already made it massively easier by giving us 2 perks obtainable per web, it used to be only one at a time.

    They've also increased the available bp through the shrine, increased bp by adding the rift. They've done so much that honestly it's fine right now.