Your Fav Hag build pls

Looking for fun to play Hag builds. Doesn't have to be sweaty but I will appreciate all responses.
I really enjoy using STBFL, M&A, NURSES AND CORRUPT.
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I really enjoy MYC on hag. If someone goes for a save i hope they trip the trap after the rescue. That way the survivors literally switch places.
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MYC, M & A, Franklins demise, and Rancor
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Use Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt Intervention, Cruel Limits, and Blood Warden. Use the addons Severed Hand and Cracked Turtle Egg.
You will become a god among killers. Everything that can be blocked will be BLOCKED. Nobody can stop the Body-Blocker Hag.
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thank you fellow GF
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actually a nice idea! And its on the shrine this week so I might have to try it!
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Corrupt, BBQ, Agitation, Mad Grit
BBQ just for points. Do you know how often I actually get to use agitation + mad grit as hag?? It happens every other game at the *least*. Plus, being able to basically choose your hook is pretty great on her.
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thank you for the advice and the link as well!
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It works great on hag because she can leave and come back, provided they trip something. What I love about MYC is the survivors can't say you were tunneling because your going after the (usually)healthy survivor that made the save.
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I have basically run the same build on hag for 2 years now. I have swapped ruin for corrupt when ruin got nerfed. But I just do Corrupt, Sloppy, Nurses, and M&A. with dried cicada or dragonfly and a rope necklette
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Unfortunately I don't have Nurses rn. You think Thana would be good until I grind up Huntress or go for something else?
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Nurses is a nurse perk, I don't think huntress has any perks worth grinding her for lol. Thana can be ok with sloppy imo.
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LOL idk why I thought Huntress but I meant to say Nurse! lol but ok I will try it out.
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Let us know how it works out. Hag has been my main since I started playing. Still love her to this day. I definitely recommend grinding bps to level up nurse. I love all 3 of her perks, thana, nurses, and stridor.
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yeah I got thana in the shrine not too long ago but I really need Nurses lol. I don't really like Nurse tbh
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Nurse and doctor are the only killers I do not play. I can't stand doctor and I just don't want to put the time in to learn nurse. Don't feel like getting my butt kicked for 100 games lol. But I do like her perks. Even stridor, you only see it on spirit usually but I think it's a great perk on a lot of killers.
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It's sad. Huntress's only semi good perk is HL. Shame it's a hex and you need 5 hooks to get the no audio que. Unless the survivors are playing poorly, the match is usually over by the time you get 5 hooks.
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haha same. I actually leveled up my Doc for M+A. Haven't even tried Nurse either cause I don't want to put in the time.
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All time fav, STBFL, Corrupt Intervention, M&A and either bbq or Hex:Third seal
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Devour Hope, Make your Choice, Haunted Ground, Corrupt Intervention.
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I like Monitor and Abuse or Devour Hope, Corrupt Intervention, Make your Choice and Hex: No One Escaped Death.
I like insta downs.
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this would be hella fun
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bbq, sloppy butcher, nurse's calling, dying light or ruin