New Killer: The Behemoth

Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 518

Hello! Allow me to first make something clear, I love powerhouses in video games, I enjoy playing big brute characters who main focus is overpowering the enemy. With Oni’s release I got some of that craving sated but! I desire a killer who has that kinda of power when Oni goes into demon fury 24/7. Now I am throwing how complicated coding is and balance aside a bit for this but mainly throwing the concept.

Introducing The Behemoth!

For design the name says it all a walking mass of muscle and destruction, for his weapon just his bare fists. For his stats.

115% movement speed

32 meter TR

normal killer overall.

For his power, This may be difficult to code or however it works plus with how latency is a thing could cause lots of visual bugs.

Grapple = The Behemoth after a short charge up lunges forwards and attempts to grapple the survior, if it connects he can then run around with the grapple survivor at a increased speed for a short time. If he connects with any object he enters a cool down before he can do anything and the survivor is injured. If he collides with a pallet that is dropped he breaks it with the survivors body, only still just a injures (can down survivors if they are already injures, along with running them into objects) basically this power will take down a health state. You could ideally run survivors into dead zones or away from god loop. Another idea I had rolling in my head was if he collides with another survivor he injures both the one he is carrying and the one collied with.

I don’t have any perks thought out for him yet, but this is just a very basic concept, with all honesty I just would be happy to have a killer who uses his fists as his main weapon, this is just my take at a unarmed killer, leave suggestions for changes and what not below! Would love to hear what others think!