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Hemophobia achievement


So, I'm kinda hunting the achievements right now while waiting for the new dlc

one of the few left is Hemophobia (escape Asylum without losing a single drop of blood)

My question is : Since No Mither suppresses blood, do you think i can get the achievement "without losing a single drop of blood" or do you think it means it's going to be boring and about just stealthing all game to not get hit by the killer ?

Best Answers

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Answer ✓

    That achievement was designed before perks that stop blood trails, like No Mither and Lucky Break, were introduced. So I'm pretty sure that description is just a poetic way of saying "without being hit". I would encourage you to give it a try, though, and see if it works.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020 Answer ✓


    As Fibijean said, it's more of a poetic description than a literal one.

    I believe the challenge is mainly asking you to not get hit once in-game or downed once the entire match and Survivor, since that's how most people complete it. No Mither doesn't really add anything besides a challenge, since the achievement is specifically asking you to not be injured/downed the entire match and Survivor.

    I'd recommend using a stealth build for this, something like Urban Evasion, Lithe, Dance With Me, and Quick and Quiet. This is a Houdini Build combined with Urban Evasion to give you more chances to hide. If you need a Survivor that excels at stealth, than use Claudette or Adam with his Charcoal Jacket, or just any Survivor that has brown or dark clothes that blend in with the overall colors of most maps.

    You might as, why is this called a Houdini Build? Well, Lithe lets you fast vault a pallet for a 3 second sprint burst, Dance With Me removes scratch marks for 3 seconds as well while running, and Quick and Quiet lets you go into a locker fast to hide from the Killer and effectively... "Houdini" them by "vanishing". This works the most when in maps that're in building or just anywhere that has walls to hide behind while running away. But for this scenario, you'll need to use it intelligently, somewhere like in Jungle Gyms or in the Asylum itself while running into a locker soon after.


  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392

    I'm pretty sure No Mither doesn't completely remove the blood, but it just disappears almost instantly. Your best bet is to just hide with stuff like Spine Chill or Urban Evasion and try not to get injured. I may be wrong about No Mither though.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    well if that's the case it's so boring i'll not even try for it, i'll just probably get it randomly at some point during an extremely unfair match (against a rank 20 or something)

  • Azurlynx
    Azurlynx Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    I honestly dunno about whole no mither and lucky break deal, but, try these:


    Sprint Burst

    Balance Landing (works great for stealthing away, even if you don't run)

    Fixated ( if paired with Sprint burst you can just tap Sprint button and you get 126 speed without scratchmarks for 3 seconds, same with balanced landing, works great on haddonfield)

    Kindred (you can tell if killer is coming your way)

    Urban evasion

    Maybe Calm spirit

    Quick a Quite (can use to hop into locker to wait out terror radius if you don't see killer)

    Good luck

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's how it's mostly gotten anyways, if you actively try and get it than of course you'll have a better chance.

    But if you just ignore it's existence, than you'll probably get it randomly.