DBD The Survivor Sided Game (BBC Nerv is next, after Ruin) Good BYE after One Year of Playing

So i have invested more than 1100 hours in the game. I´m a killer main and it´s unbelievable what the game has become in the last moths. the survivors shows no respect they f... you up all the time and i´m just frustrated.
i started prakticing nurse, but after the rework i cant play her anymore. (genrush, desicive, etc..) you know the perks who gets never be reworked. but i tell you after ruin the next killer perks which get destroyed will be BBC- its ´sad after so many times of fun to see that i´m no more succesful as killer... not just in red ranks also in green ranks. am i the only one who playes soo bad after watchin my favourite streamers ODZ;and TrU3Ta1ent.
So i wish you all best of luck with the next updates. for me it´s just to late i can´t stand that toxic survivor play anymore. Is there a possibility to give my DBD license to another guy?
Always Remember just a 4k is a WIN!
greetings Gerrit
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The devs have stated that they won't touch BBQ because it's a perk that encourages good behaviour.
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Meanwhile, perks that encourage bad behavior, like DS, will also never get touched.
Nobody trusts anything BHVR says anymore. They have lied to us on countless occasions.
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What does BBC mean?
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British Broadcasting Chili
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just wait for their next Q&A when they do speak another 45 minutes about upcoming Cosmetics and Survivor BS.
Oh wait, and maybe, if were lucky af, they do announce in that 45min stream 1new killer cosmetic... just forgot it...
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First DS doesn't encourage bad behaviour, discourages tunneling, and yes, I am aware some people doesn't use it like it's supposed to work
Second the devs have stated that they are aware of the DS problem and will look into it.
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Give us more unreasonable salt! More and more!
PS: Youre obviously one of those bad killer players. Enjoy some other games if your skill limit is that small.
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Big Black Chicken
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And you are basing this on what? If you want to quit then quit. But don't try to spread paranoia before you go.
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Imagine feeling entitled to winning against 4 players every game. It's not like they dont already have billy, oni, spirit and freddy for easy 4ks every game. It's not like they have moris and pink add ons that give them more easy games. It's not like they have a matchmaking/ranking system that gives them chumps to bully every game. Poor killers!
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I thought it stood for big black clock.
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What do you mean with skill limit ? i make rank 1 with my main killer "freddy" but the rest of the killers isn´t playable... thats the problem
if you use a standard killer and patrols the 3 gens you can force a 4 k if the survivors cant do the gens. but that cant be everything, as killer you have to be so powerful, that the survivors respects you and stop juking or pointing on you, teabagging... that is the point the developers are on the side of the survivors ( can you see in all tomes more survivor challenges then killer) why isn´t there a 50/50?
if you play superwell you can do it with everykiller but thats not the most of the killer players. most have 1-3 killers they can play very good to get the 4 k. and one thing that most guys missunderstood is the bloodpoints would mean a victory. No it´s not 32k bloodpoints meas nothing if one survivor escapes. YOU NEED 4K OR YOU ARE THE BAD NOOB KILLER!
that´s my point.
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Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
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- DS encourages bad behaviour (staying near hook after being unhooked)
- DS ENCOURAGES TUNNELING. Most of the killers will tunnel to dosable DS early of they see an obsession
DS is the dumbest perk in DBD right now, even NOED is very slightly better
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If you think killer is hard now, you should have been here a couple of years ago. You would eat 4 DS before your first hook, watch survivors self heal as you broke a pallet just to then be insta-blinded. Yeah, then there was the fact that there were a lot more pallets on the maps and Brand New Part was a lot stronger.
I agree there are some concerns around balance and gen speed (which is more about objectives than anything else), but all this crying about the game being survivor sidedbis very short sighted and immature. Even in the past year there have been some very heavy survivor nerfs. Instant healing addons, med kits, balanced Landing and EGC are just a few off the top of my head. Clearly not a survivor sided mindset.
I think we should shy away from nerfs at this point and start looking at ways to buff or create new things. The answer is not always in nerfing.
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I like how everybody is crying about DS, calling it Op and #########. If you don't tunnel, DS and BT basically takes away 2 perks from survs, and they "only" use 2 other perks.
I know that it's sometimes frustrating to play Killer, but what you don't realize is that, for every "handicapped surv perk", there is a killer one as well.
Everyone runs BBQ because it's OP, lately everyone is running Noed. ("hurr durr just clean the totem and doN't genrush hurr durr). I have small game, and even with that, you can't always find all the totems.... Bamboozle is the smallest PP killer perk imo.(you can't mindgame? don't worry just use bamboozle). Not to mention all the great builds like: iridescent head huntress, crack/instasaw billy, and all the other jazz.
The game is not that surv sided as these so called "killer mains" think.
Also if you get a pip, that's a win. If you think that 4k is the only win... take a shower. Too sweaty.
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Decisive Strike has had five iterations since its release.
And as for the "countless times" the devs have lied to us, I realise I'm playing into a stereotype here but seriously, name 3.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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also lets not be silly, the devs did a good job with that but BBQ was made for survivors, so you would not camp them and rob them of their fun...
Post edited by ZoneDymo on0 -
The best thing you can do is stop playing the game all together. If there are no killers(lets face it there aren't many now) then the devs will have to do something.
As much as I want them to fix ds I have to admit facts. DS used to be worse. When it came out the obsession got to use it at anytime if they were downed. A non obsession could use it so long as they struggled to like 40%. They didn't have to be hooked to use it, they had it one a button to use at their leisure. It took them 2 full years to finally rework the thing and it's almost perfect. They just need to make it so if your healed or the killer hooked someone else, it turns off. Last if your in a locker it shouldn't work.
I hope they never touch BBQ but the devs have out right lied to us before. I've seen things that said they wouldn't touch for fear of survivor/killer backlash and they did it anyway. Only ever so slightly over a period of months so the impact wasn't as bad.
I've worked for companies long enough to know anytime someone in a management says "we'll look into it" is code for "Go the #@$% away" That's just something they say to try to get you to drop the subject. It took them 2 years to rework ds. I expect at least another 2 before they do it again if the game lives that long.
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It was sarcasm if you didnt notice already, the attitude of some killer mains is pathetic.
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Oni and spirit are just as brainless. All I've been seeing at red ranks are slugging nurses, spirits and onis with the occasional freddy and huntress. Gtfo out red ranks. Sick of the boosted af s tiers.