Which would make a better Killer Mr Hyde or Jack The Ripper?

Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

Planning to make a complete lore, gameplay mechanic and perk ideas for a Killer that would be cool for the future of Dead By Daylight but problem is that they both wear the same clothes due to them coming from London so might as well make a poll to see which Psychopath deserves a spot in the Entity's Realm.

Mr Hyde's will be a mash up with the original novel with some minor changes to fit in with the Entity's Realm. A survivor might be included but will either be Dr Jekyll with help of the Entity or Jekyll's best friend Gabriel John Utterson. Lastly his look will come from the novel and earlier sources so we wont have Mr Hyde look something like the Hulk.

Jack The Ripper's lore will be changed to fit in with the Entity's Realm. Also I know he is a real killer but he has been changed to fit in the media HECK he was in assassin's creed at one point and some of the killers are based on real people but we can change Jack's history with some twists and changes but also maybe give him a unique power bestowed by the Entity

Which would make a better Killer Mr Hyde or Jack The Ripper? 23 votes

Jack The Ripper
Seiko300BlueberryTerminatorGuyRaveanMusicNote42palletsryummyTunnelVisionzmassaniDarkHunter99ai_amberMr_MadnessGamekeeperghostfaceisthegoat 13 votes
Mr Hyde
AdelookodiakyFibijeanAvilgusSunaIIanubatmanscar[Deleted User]PokAzgarthusDonniKubbitz 10 votes


  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
    Jack The Ripper

    This was a bad idea since no one is actually doing the poll oddly enough.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Mr Hyde

    I know he's been sensationalised a lot in other pieces of media, I just feel like having a character based on an actual killer who murdered real people, and giving players the opportunity to pretend to be that person, could get very ugly very quickly.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434
    Jack The Ripper

    It won't tho, that's proven with AC Syndicate and even Identity V where the Ripper was playable. His DLC/character got very good reception and people looked way past who the real man behind the persona was.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
    Jack The Ripper

    True but devs could change the story easily and could even keep the cloak and top hat look since no one actually ever saw Jack's clothes so we do not really know what he actually wore. Change the lore to make it kinda like Ghost face with the murders but make sure no one actually saw him in his lore until maybe the end where cops were gaining on him but I'll save that for later until we can decide who could actually have a better chance to be in the game. Also some of the killers are based or have similarities of real people but we ignore it for a lot of good reasons and enjoy the movies or video games that are horror genre gives us all the time...the chills and thrills. Then we could add a survivor with him that is not related to him in real life but in Dead by Daylight lore like a investigator or Sherlock Holmes type survivor. We could not make him human anymore after the Entity found him. We could have him wear the same top hat, clothes, maybe some gloves and now he is a shadow demon which makes his face covered in shadows so no one can find out his real identity and maybe some shadow related powers. There are many ways to change him but keep his looks and his name Jack the same with out changing everything about him so the Devs can actually consider doing that without worrying about the real Jack.

    That is extremely true and he is a mystery which makes him a great option for a killer because there is so much that can be done with him. Also we can make a backstory up for him to make it a lot more interesting and heck maybe make him a shadow demon since he always did hide in the shadows and would be something that the Entity would do to make it's realm a bit more entertaining.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Mr Hyde

    It's mostly the name that's the problem, because the name has certain associations. That's why the other killers in the game who are also influenced by real serial killers don't matter, because they're not named after them. Having a killer inspired by Jack would be one thing, but calling him the same would be insensitive at best, in my opinion.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Mr Hyde

    That's good for them, maybe they've had more exposure to him as a legend and a caricature than I have. To me, it would feel almost like having Ted Bundy as a killer. Maybe the devs would also be okay with it, I don't know, but I'm not going to vote to have him in the game.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
    edited February 2020
    Jack The Ripper

    Maybe they could have him be called something else shadow related and say his real name was lost in time which would actually make sense since there was no real name. I can probably think some later when I do the idea review.

    Edit or call him The Shadow since he did evade the police like one.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
    Jack The Ripper

    Ok having Ted Bundy is a bad idea. Was just thinking Jack because its kinda like a myth/legend even though it did happen but no one knows how he escaped. I actually choose Jack because his effect on the media was that he was like a phantom in a horror movie, He came in for the kills then vanished and became a mystery but I am not trying to make it seem ok to use real life killers. Besides video games he had major affect on novels like Sherlock Holmes or using him in movies like From Hell or Batman Gotham by Gas Light. Lastly not trying to change your vote but trying to say I do not want real life killers in the game but thought Jack might be unique killer to look into since it had affect on the Book and Movie industry.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Mr Hyde

    No don't worry, I totally get it 😊 Not trying to shut down your idea, I understand where you're coming from, I just personally wouldn't be too comfortable with it, that's all.

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466
    Mr Hyde

    mr.hyde can transform from normal to hyde and all his actions and speed would be 10 or more percent faster and he can create random negative effects that he did not equip in his add-ons when he hits survivors , also when he would be in hyde mode DS would not affect him , I think that could be his special ability

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
    Jack The Ripper

    Ah alright, thank you fellow gamer and does makes sense why you would not feel comfortable with it which is understandable.

    That is actually a interesting idea from other abilities I saw about him like being in human form until some gens are up and even then human form will not let you do anything at all like hitting a survivor or damaging gens. That is a nice back up plan since need to figure how Hyde can work ingame due to the fact he is also Jekyll so it can either be Only Mr Hyde with a survivor that is Dr Jekyll or his best friend Gabriel John Utterson or he could just transform back and forth from Hyde to Jekyll which is actually a smart reference to Jekyll hydes and Hyde kylls [Jekyll hides and Hyde Kills]. So that is a nice power to think about if Mr Hyde wins the polls but going to see who has more votes for some time since this poll has not been up for that long.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
    Jack The Ripper

    Well looks like Jack is going to win so just going to work on him for now until polls change in a couple days but if Jack still is the top winner then Jack will be the one to have the complete overhaul of Lore, perks, and gameplay mechanics with changes to his human name and killer name like how Freddy Kruger is named The Nightmare.