Let's Talk SWF; Bash me if you want to

I talked about this on another thread, but SWF is antithetical to what Dead by Daylight was originally designed to be. In the beginning, it was an asymmetrical atmospheric horror game. The point of the game was that the survivors were isolated and needed to learn to work together in order to survive the killer. It was fun and thrilling. It got your heart racing. And even when you lost, you had an incredible time filled with the occasional jump scare and plenty to talk about in the end game lobby because you couldn't communicate during the trial!

But then survivors asked for SWF. They wanted to play with their friends! Honestly, that by itself is not an issue. I would love to be running through the trial, helplessly searching for my friend, and then find them and work with them to escape. It's an amazing thrill to know your friend is out there somewhere on the map, but not know precisely where they are or what they're doing, only for you to suddenly stumble across them!

And then Discord happened. With SWF came voice chat, and that destroyed anything atmospheric or horrific about Dead by Daylight. Suddenly, friends could play together and communicate the entire time. It destroyed any sense of isolation or horror. SWF groups had the advantages of Bond, Empathy, and Deja Vu without needing to use up their perk slots. The killer couldn't sneak up on them because their teammates would always be communicating the killer's position.

The game stopped being an asymmetrical atmospheric horror game, and it became a team-based skill check and press 'W' simulator. There was no more thrill. No more horror. No more scares or surprises. Not if you wanted to play with friends.

And it's a real shame. So many players - SO MANY - play SWF these days. Solo survivor is still as fun as it ever was. Sure, the gens go by a bit quick, and I don't feel as pressured as I used to when Hex:Ruin would pop up on my screen, but it's fun. But SWF has destroyed the atmosphere and balance. SWF teams aren't afraid of the killer. When a killer plays against SWF, they are no longer the power role. The rules of the game change, and there's nothing to be afraid of except your own mistakes. The killer isn't a threat.

I like SWF in theory. I think there are tons of fun stories to be had about SWF off of voice chat. Stumbling blindly through the trial and searching for your friend. Finding them and conquering the gens together.

Now, SWF is just another game mode for team fps players.



  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    It's never gonna change. They are never going to get rid of SwF because then the game will die. They know this. And they said they will also never add proximity chat because of the abuse other players not in a party could get. It's fine how it is. I rarely play with 3 other friends. I mainly play with one other and some times 2.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,408

    *bashes OP*


  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    DBD wouldn’t be thriving/have the player count + continuous content today without SWF. It should stay or you can kiss the game goodbye.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Some of the end game chat can be so nasty yet this is not policed. Yet no mention of being abused in end game chat and anything being done about that. But god forbid they are forced to balane the game with swf team chat in mind cos that could mean they might actually have to address the big fat elephant in the room.

    They want to ban people for DC'ing when they encounter game breaking bugs, and there are many, but being called a nazi and all sorts of racial crap is fine.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    While I don't disagree that it's an issue. What do you want the devs to do? Removing swf is not an option at this point. They can't control voice coms. They could add voice coms to the game. But I think the majority of players would refuse to use it.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    Casual play with SWF: reduced BP, no MMR change.

    Competitive play out of SWF: increased BP, full MMR tracking.

    Simple enough.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Dividing the player base into competitive and casual ques would be a disaster for que times.

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    1st swf was always designed to be in the game the survivors mains didn't cry or anything like that.

    2nd solo ques fun ha good joke I've been playing solo for around 2 years and it's still more stressful than killer unless you have decent teammates otherwise your going to carry the team.

    3rd- discord seriously all game console have party chats since xbox360 and it's not going to change if you hate it so much go play on the switch or something.

    Post edited by KingOfBadRNG on
  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    Not saying dividing the player base. Just that SWF groups don't gain or lose MMR and receive fewer BP. They can still load up in the main queue. They'd just be internally flagged to receive fewer BP and not receive an MMR change.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    I get the feeling you're a survivor main and atmospheric horror isn't a big draw for you. Cool.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610
    edited February 2020

    Imagine thinking playing with a friend makes someone a good player.

    If you are good at the game, you will give a Killer a harder time anyway. 4 Potatoes will not change the experience for the Killer, or at least only to a minor degree.

    However, thinking about NOT having SWF is simply wrong. There is no way that an Multiplayer Online Game exists without the possibility to play with friends.

    And well, the Horror Feeling goes away in DBD pretty fast, once you are used to the game, its gone, regardless if playing Solo or SWF.

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425

    I'm not a survivor main I play both, but like I said it was always intended for a swf function Ive seen it on a dbd live stream once I don't know which one tho.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    Imagine thinking that being in constant communication with another player doesn't provide a tangible advantage to both of them...

    Also, it completely ruins the atmospheric horror intent of DBD. Let's not forget that it cheapens the experience.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I know personally I wouldn't be playing this game if it wasn't for swf. Purely because playing solo survivor is horrible with how bad some players are.

    I always say that people are forced to become swf teams at higher ranks due to the fact the randoms your matched with are usually really bad.

    Also the information gained by an swf isn't the reason it's so strong. Yes it helps a lot but the fact you usually have a full team of good players is why it's so strong.

    I always said the game should buff solo survivor to give them the same info a team gets, while in the same patch buff killers overall.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    There are ways to balance it without removing it. Devs just dont want to at all, and they pretend that the issue doesnt exist.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    And that's also a completely viable solution. I'd be interested to see what kinds of buffs would help balance killers against that, but I do think solo survivors have a tough time competing in the current meta.

    Tbf, solo survivors have a better horror experience, tho

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    Allow me to play Devil's Advocate for a moment here. The assumption here is, based on what I've seen in this thread so far, that SWF on comms is basically an instant win button. However, I would like to argue that not all SWF groups do it to get an 'ez clap' on killers and get carried up to high ranks (rank is a pitfall BTW if you ask me).

    As someone else here noted, they wouldn't be playing the game without SWF - and that's why I think some people play SWF, it's because they don't want to roll the dice on who they get as teammates and run the risk of being matched with 'potatoes'. Therefore, they group up with people they can trust to tackle the trials of the Fog without fear of losing due to something that wasn't in their control.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    The removal of Survive With Friends is ill-advised at best and just petty at it's worst. While I understand that it can be frustrating to play against a group of friends in Dead by Daylight there are some key things to remember.

    1.) People were already queuing with friends before SWF was officially added. Before SWF was added survivors would jump in and out of lobbies until they happened to join the same lobby and this was detrimental to everyone else as it botched queue times. Reverting the SWF addition just brings back old problems.

    2.) Regardless of SWF good players are good players. Sure, a group of survivors escaping is always frustrating as killer, but they don't need to run as SWF for this to happen. There are times where you just get outplayed and even if the voice chat can help it's often not the one thing that causes you to lose.

    3.) A large number of people picked up Dead by Daylight simply to play survivor with their buddies. I understand that if you main killer you might not care but look at it this way: What if on March 8th BHVR removed the ability to play as killer entirely and just added bots so you could only play as survivor. That feeling of betrayal and rage at time wasted is just what the SWF community would feel.

    So my advice? Get over it. SWF groups all have the same freaking weakness of being determined to get everyone out and are often in voice chats so exploit that.

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    This game was also supposed to be stealth based game and now it's all about looping. As always, "it's what's supposed to be" is a bad argument, so, git gud.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    You're equating removing SWF to removing killer? Are... You're serious, aren't you?

    Wow. Wowowowowow. Okay.

    I'm not suggesting removing SWF. SWF is great without voice comms, imo. It's super fun and atmospheric and cool without voice comms. It's the ability to have the same information available with perks for free that is the issue.

    My suggested fix: remove the incentive to play SWF by lowering the amount of BPs they gain and locking their MMR when they're SWF. Then, they can't go up or down ranks and will eventually need to play solo to make up the BP loss. SWF can still have a fun time together, but it lowers the SWF groups playing at any one time.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I understand that the comparison was a bit much however the point I was attempting to communicate was that significantly altering or removing a popular gameplay technique will anger a lot of people real quick. What this community needs is another run of "The Depip Squad" Marth88's data is outdated and without it we cannot make any good conclusions.

    Once again sorry for the drastic comparison, just trying to communicate that if SWF removed or players are punished for playing with friends normally they will be quite upset.

  • Happy2Heal4You
    Happy2Heal4You Member Posts: 119

    They can't nerf SWF for the same reason as to why they added SWF in the first place. Yes playing with your friends was demanded for by people, but that's not the only reason they added it. It was also for the reason that many players were dodging lobbies so that they can end up in the same match. By adding SWF they were able to solve the lobby dodging problem and have more people be interested in the game because they have the option to play with their friends. SWF is needed.

    When I first got dead by daylight, the reason I stuck with it long enough to actually get invested into the game was due to the ability to play with my friends. If it never had that option I probably wouldn't still be playing this game. Sure SWF used by coordinated people can make them really difficult to deal with as killer, but also there are plenty of SWF squads who truly do just want to play with their friends. Making the game solo survivor only isn't going to make anything scary. I play mostly solo survivor these days and still don't get scared at anything because I 've played this game for awhile. By making it only solo they would actually just make things more frustrating if anything. Anyone who has played solo survivor for too long can understand the frustration that comes with having P3 clauds and megs as teammates with no way to communicate to them what they are doing wrong. In solo the killer isn't the scariest thing... its the survivors you are playing with.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    I'm not suggesting removing it. I know that the SWF survivors are now BHVR's largest revenue stream. They'd never do that to themselves. My suggestion was to place internal flags on SWF teams that reduce the BP they receive for matches and locks their MMR from changing during matches. That way, they can't climb ranks (even invisible ones) with their team and will need to eventually play solo survivor or killer to replenish their BP.

    I thought it was a reasonable solution.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    My friends all quit (seven people) because SWF was such a miserable experience for us. Our games were always like this:

    15,15,17, 5 vs level 5 killer

    Literally always. We played for hours and couldn't power the gens even once. Yes, there are some SWFs of equal skill that I'm sure aren't the most fun for killers. Most people just want to play games with their friends. Their goal in life isn't to be big meanie faces to killers. It cannot be healthy for this game that it's a freaking nightmare for anyone who wants to introduce their friends to this game. I'm the last person playing this game in my group of gaming friends and I'm done after this Tome. So there ya go. There are 8 people who are done with this game because SWF so heavily favored killers it was unplayable. We can't be the only ones.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    I think I see your problem there... 15, 15, 17, 5. If the 15, 15, and 17 had played until they were better at the game or higher rank, then they could have later joined with the 5 and been fine. It's set up that way to force survivors to stay on the standard learning curve because SWF can provide such a strong advantage.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I don't mean to be rude, but that's intentional, just, don't play with rank 15s if you're a rank 5 in SWF. That is self inflicted damage right there.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    While SWF is something that does break the game and I feel they may have underestimated how much it would. SWF was something that was always intended to be added and not put in as survivors asked for it. It's commercial suicide to make a multiplayer game such as this without allowing friends to play together afterall.

    Also discord didn't add a way to talk there have been numerous programs to do that long before its release. Ventrillo, teamspeak, Steam has had it built in for a long time also to name a tiny amount of them.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    How was this game "supposed to be stealth"?

    Killers throw a hissy fit if characters clothing is too dark, so much so they actually went and change a bunch of black variants of survivors clothing to grey instead, killers would be throwing fits to this day if survivors were immersive, there is nothing more boring as a killer than checking every gen to find nobody is on it, how do you reasonably expect a game to be stealthy when gens are marked for killers and survivors HAVE to do them?

  • Happy2Heal4You
    Happy2Heal4You Member Posts: 119

    Okay well now there is more problems with that. Let's say a 4 man SWF who are all really good players, purposely lose so their MMR de-ranks and then they go queue up in a SWF group. Since they won't be able to gain MMR, they will be versing killers with low MMR, which means they will be versing some bad killers consistently and get their clips of bullying to put on their Youtube montage videos. I will say that I don't know too well how this MMR system will work but this is just my belief on how it would turn out.

    Secondly the decrease in bloodpoints is another bad idea. Survivors already get so little bloodpoints compared to killer. If you are playing survivor, then you probably don't care for blood points to begin with, as if you did then you would just play killer and equip BBQ.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    That's not going to stop swf groups. If anything it would make the problem worse. It would likely have a bunch of them hanging around in the low ranks. Beating the crap out of baby killers.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    They've repeatedly acknowledged the disparity between solo and swf. Though they've yet to come up with a solution.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Horror experience is nothing after over 3000 hours of playing this game. Only stealth killers have that feel and they still can scare you even in a swf.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332


    The entire point that the killer and survivor can't talk to each other is that the game is meant to have an anti-social side to it. Adding people you literally have a social relationship with trumps the atmosphere and point. Otherwise the two sides would be able to talk prior match too. They can't because the idea that a disconnected, competitive thinking human being you have no way to communicate to is after you amps the fear factor.

    SWF really comes into absolute OP breaking point when comms are introduced but without it's not so bad. I mean, they STILL communicate and plan which gives them a leg up over almost solo survivors because they will do so before entering a match. But a plan can still be foiled. The communication in-game destroys it. This is made worse by perks like OOO.

    I don't think there is anyway real clear way to fix this. A big part of the problem is that killers have to shoulder all the responsbility of being "gud" aka pressuring everyone and being the sole threat. Ironically, the game being good or bad probably hitches more on if a killer is actually a good match for the survivors rather than their true skill at the game itself. When survivors and killer skill level is matched the game becomes intense and fun for both sides. SWF further complicates this dubious threat matching process.

    I think the biggest issue is that the IMMENSE pressure to not only be a good killer but to be "gud" makes the role INTENSE SWEATY. It;s hard to have fun as killer because so much relies on you. You got to win so many chases and be all across the map and the map is filled with nothing but things that work against you as killer most of the time.

    And now survivors can influence the one factor against them. The unreliable nature of their teams to their favor and you're told to jsut get gud. Then people wonder why killers hate SWF. I don't know if there is truly a fix to SWF that wouldn't fix the killer experience. I'd say the consistent salt from killers is the experience...the comfort of the role..

    the pressure is immense and the games -win harder or lose harder- nature for both sides make it really frustrating when you're trying to pressure entire maps and play fair and being took for another boring loop fest. Especially on bad maps-chillwind farm house for example- the enviroments need stuff that sin't just loops and full stops. They're effectively safe to any survivor that knows how to loop optimally unless you are some master mind game god. At least the devs are adding breakable walls for killer. So it's something on the maps the killer can do to counter SOME loops and safe pallets.

    Outside of that. Any kind of fix I can think of will just be punishing SWF for being SWF. That ain't exactly fair. I guess all I'm saying is, I don't care how well the car performs, maybe less people will complain if it didn't jam metal rods up my ass as well whe nyou say I got to race an coordinated team as well now.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    By removing SWF you would not remove the ability to play with friends as custom games do exist.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    He said without SWF there is no option to play with your friends which I just corrected. Point stands that it is stupid to not add voicecom for everyone in the game and a mute button for the special people, balance around that. Why this isn't being done, nobody knows.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Voice coms killed Friday The 13th even with muting, going into matches just hear little kids shouting N Bombs, F Bombs, R Bombs, playing their music, it would ultimately just be everyone loading into a match and muting each other, killers think they have a tough time in end game chat but are welcoming of a voice chat that will just be ignored, but I think killers know that already.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Thats their problem is like as killer I dont want to use my power. Its a tool game gave us to have fun in chasing. If you dont want to voice comm in game just mute people its totally fine.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Nope it doesnt but you know?... When nubs voice comms and with these big maps they can genrush. Ive found much games were survivors were bad at chases but repairing were gods

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Except it's not simply their problem. If you balance around voice coms. People are either forced to listen to a bunch of screaming 12 year olds dropping n-bombs. Or play at a handicap. That either becomes a new balance problem. Or one that drives players away. Neither is a good idea.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Or how about no BP at all and no MMR change at all but still que as ranked not to split the pool?

    After all, they are there for the "fun", right? BP dont matter. Its played for the fun of the game.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Please tell me how i can, as killer, get around the fact that the guy working on the gen is getting a warning over coms that i am headed in that direction? He does not have the perks to detect that i am coming yet still knows about it? How do you combat that? Instead of going to the gen go to possible exit routes? 20 seconds after the fact when he is already at the next gen and i am staring at air?

    How is it that totem placements once found are common knowledge? Traps? Same thing.

    How do you combat this as killer? Git good?

    Being told what is happening in the game is pretty game breaking when you are not meant to be told anything other than your own observations and perks.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    As if they designed a game without thinking about voicecomms in 2016. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard too rant about SWF.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610

    Sadly it is a common "argument" of some people - SWF did not exist when the game was first launched, so it should have never been part of it. That it got implemented 1 month later and such a feature cannot be designed in a few weeks (meaning, it was simply not ready for initial release, but planned and worked on) is most likely ignored.

    Plus of course what you mentioned.