Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Optimisation of the game needs to become a focus

Finally, a post I expect everyone to agree with as it affects both survivors and killers... the lag in this game. I have an RX 580 and a Ryzen 1400. Sure they may not be beastly specs but they aren't bad by any means. I can run most games at 100fps including games like Overwatch ON ULTRA and 1440p however ironically the game my Computer runs worst is probably Dead by Daylight. Hell even fallout 76, an open world game with decent graphics runs better than this. I'm sorry to say it but Dead by Daylight isnt exactly the best looking game, its pretty average but honestly, getting massive framedrops all the time, lag in the start of the game and occasional crashes that lead to a temporary ban just get infuriating when they all add up. Sure im all for features being added but it really seems like you guys need to focus a bit on the core experience rather than just new features as it seems we dont ever get any drastic optimisation changes. On top of that the settings to make the game run at a lower resolution are just plain bad, why would I want a % slider? I want to drop it to 1080p, you could have the % slider ON top of the resolution and have it be a resolution scaling option. Take a lesson out of Doom or Far Crys book. Games that both look better and run better than Dead by Daylight.

On top of that not only is FPS awful but also the actual lag of the game itself. A dead hard fix has 'been in the works' for months but I havent seen any updates about it or updates to the dedicated servers themselves. Some games I'll make it through a window, be a meter away and the killer may still swing, or when you drop a pallet on a killer that swings and your like, 5 meters away from him but he still hits you. Does his blade have an extra 1 atom thick super strong material on the end thats invisible but can still cut me from a mile off?