Anyone Got Any Good Reasons For Why...

"Escape" challenges will not complete if a killer DC's, it can be at the end of the match or at the start but you won't get any challenge progress.
Anyone think of any good reasons for this?
People would cheat
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How so? And is the few people who would, somehow, worth denying it for all the genuine DCs which I would be surprised if it wasn't a far more common occurance.
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By finding the lobby of a friend.
And in doing so, making a lot of people waste time in lobbies that won't start a game
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Who cares, you can "farm" with friends for every other challenge, and I don't know a single person who has done that.
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Maybe its because i just woke up, but i dont get why this would effect escape challanges? If they do that, they can just simply play it out by farming aswell.
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I wish a killer's DC would count toward escape challenges because technically it reads as "Match Result: Escaped." I missed out on one because I saw the killer camping the last survivor on hook, so I wasn't going to go save, but I got greedy and decided to cleanse the totem by the exit for some extra BP before leaving. Killer DC'd literally right before I was actually out the exit gates, which was so frustrating.
I wonder if it's just because there's no way to regulate based on match length? I would understand if it was like not even a minute in that the killer DCs; I wouldn't really expect an escape for that. But if most of the match is completed before it happens, I wish there was a way to still make it count.