Slugged 4 people.

Was playing Leatherface and face camped the first person I hooked with chainsaw revved and insidious. Got a down from a survivor the tried to unhook and left her slugged. Another survivor tried to heal the slugged guy right beside me and I downed them as well. Then a gen popped and I slugged the last guy.
I left them slugged and let them bleed out without hooking anyone.
I will continue to play like this in protest until gen speeds are fixed.
I don’t really mind being face camped so feel free, it is a legit tactic.
6 -
It's less the facecamp, more the being slugged the whole game.It's nice that they can't even DC as well.
1 -
I've noticed only killers come to the forum and brag about running mories/slugging 4 man/making survivors bleed out/etc.
Don't think I've ever seen a survivor post bragging about tbagging/flashlight flicking/running 4 toolboxes/etc
13 -
Survivors usually brag in the postgame chat with each other; killers gotta go to the forum to brag with each other.
15 -
I don't see the issue.
Survivors don't being slugged all game, killers don't like all the gens being done in 5 minutes, so they slug. Usually a sign of a balance problem if that's how killers have to play to have a chance.
5 -
Killers brag in end game chat too????
5 -
Well I wasn't saying they didn't???? I was saying maybe it occurs more often here?????? Because they have????? More of???? Their?????? Kind???????????
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4 to 1 ratio of survivors to killers, you'd expect at least some survivors to come here and brag considering how "toxic" they are but... nope... just killers. :)
6 -
Also laughing with each other on comms in real time.
1 -
So where is the guarantee again that you will NOT play like this when gen speed is increased?
EDIT: Quick gen repair is the only way to counter a killer who facecamps first hook. If the devs increased gen times people would still facecamp first hook. Therefore you can cry and protest all you want. Gen speed is not going to change unless the devs also change camp/tunnel/slug mechanics.
Post edited by Yamaoka on6 -
Amazing isnt it? Most killer mains think killer bullying is a myth. Well here you have it folks. The worst a surv can really do is click and tbag but a killer can face camp and slug just for kicks prolonging a miserable experience. And then theyll too it off with head nods and hook hitting. This is the only game I've played that forces you to do nothing but wait til you die while your opponet laughs at you. At least to this extent.
I'm pretty sure some people play killer just to live their ######### fantasies. I personally play spirit just to jump scare.
6 -
Yup. When the game is handed to you without needing to do anything, and the devs encourage you to cheat if you still don't feel that's easy enough, what would they have to complain about?
1 -
YouTube "juke" montages.
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I slugged with my spirit because gens go so fast...I end up slugging them all in the first 3 minutes and they all dc expect for one lol
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I guess if wasting a bunch of your time because you're spiteful is what you're into, then go for it.
These situations are why I have my computer with my Xbox for when a killer is being a dingus and I can just throw Youtube on for a few minutes while we all sit there staring into the abyss.
5 -
so 4 players came to have fun, chase, fix gens, unhook and you got them hostage to a bleeding timer, grow up kid
if you are not happy with the gen speed and have no map pressure cause you dont know how to play the game neither have fun then quite it
the game have enough garbage players as is, dont need more of your like around
4 -
Just avoid him until endgame collapse then Dead Hard the Entity, gg ez.
1 -
love it when trash players think they are good, killers are designed to catch up, when you play spirit which is basically one of the fastest killers in the game and have no map pressure then maybe you should learn how to play instead of being a sweatlord
I love how they brag about slugging as if it was hard to catch up with survivors
if you are that good buddy, why didnt you just hook them and get them sacrificed? ah let me guess, cause you dont know how to play
good on you, one day you will grow up kid (:
2 -
Sounds like you just want to ruin other peoples day for no reason whatsoever. Really tells a lot about you as a person.
4 -
i just hope predator is better than this
2 -
Exactly dude. Now watch the killers play mental gymnastics.
2 -
So you're making it your goal to ruin people's gaming experiences and bore/frustrate people to death because you're unhappy about something?
Very mature of you
5 -
The fact that you compare someone making videos and having fun that are watched by 1,000s of people to somebody who comes here to post to only a few like minded people really shows some sort of bias, no?
3 -
Cool story, bro. Here, take a cookie.
4 -
Playing like this is more likely to skew stats and make them less likely to fix gen speeds quicker.
Infact they are more likely to fix the slugging first.
6 -
So... are you like 13 or are you just stuck in a child mentality? Good job, you ruined 4 player's games because they did the objective. What do you want them to do, willingly get off a gen? Go cleanse all the totems before even touching one?
7 -
LIKE!!! do your thing Killer-mate... we dont have it easy nowadays! Theres only 1 Objective that is called "Death" to all of these Survivors, please the entitity regardless the way of death you gonna choose for them! Have fun!
2 -
Enjoy being terrible at the game then. GG no RE, play a different killer with actual map pressure or have fun with the game as opposed to sweating so hard you give your house water damage.
3 -
Imagine calling someone trash for using a strategy that perks exist to completely counter.
I love it when trash players make excuses for their own screw ups.
1 -
Killers dont have to camp or tunnel or have to slug to have a chance. I play killer very often and i never slug or tunnel or camp and still get almost everytime 3-4 kills with 3 hook everyone. And yes i play on red ranks.
Even if the game is survivor sided it still doesnt mean you cant win if you play fair. I even can get 4 kills in a full SWF team in the redranks sometimes.
2 -
Good for you man. Doesn't nullify what I said. Killers don't have the time to play nice these days with how fast games go.
Unless you're using a high mobility killer like Freddy, Billy, Nurse or Spirit, I highly doubt you're getting 3-4 kills every game with 3 hooks each every game at red ranks.
2 -
What’s the point in starting a match if you are going to do that. You clearly don’t want to play the game.
and if you stand there with your chainsaw revved, why do you even have insidious? It’s obviously a waste of perk slot.
the survivor you downed trying to get someone off hook should have healed then moved away from the hook. Or moved then healed. You can’t keep an eye on both survivors that way.
makes me think that because of your camping And slugging ways, waste of perk Slot and the fact that the slugged survivors didn’t move away from hook, you’re a low rank.
If I was in a game like that I would just dc. Who cares about the penalties, it will still be more interesting than spending the whole match on the ground just bleeding out slowly
1 -
I mean, sounds like they were playing the game just fine. Their objective is the kill the survivors. I'd say that were accomplishing it pretty well.
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Just because we dont have it easy it doesnt mean we have to make it easier or play unfair. I like the challange.
0 -
I will take the time the play nice. Dont speak for everyone.
You dont have to right to call me a lier if you dont even know me. Also i play killers like the Pig and still get the kills.
I didnt said i get it everytime but often enough.
0 -
Really? 2 Perks in the game No Mither and if you playing that against spirit you are doomed, and Unbreakable which is very situational perk and would only work with trashy killers and in my opinion players who plays Unbreakable even though it is helpful but not used 85% of the time its a waste of perk to equip, if am playing against a slugging sweatlord I'd rather get out of the game cause am in the game to play not to be down on my belly for 5 minutes until the idiot decide to stop being a trash so no thanks am not gonna play unbreakable to have a 2nd chance against undeveloped brain who has absolutely no clue that this game is a 5 man game not only his
So now you want every survivor to play Unbreakable to counter slugging? maybe you should just stop sweating and try to have some fun
grow up kid
1 -
lol not a bad idea, am sure he runs noed too, thats the type of players who would run it cause they are ######### at the game and dont know how to play otherwise
0 -
The insult kind of nullifies your entire argument. Of course, it was nullified already the second you were told you had a counter to something, and refused to use it. That's your problem. Not a killer problem. If all you can do is insult people, best not stick your nose in the debate, bud. Git gud and take a knee.
I didn't speak for everyone. I spoke in general; and I didn't call you a "lier". I didn't call you a liar either.
1 -
its not an insult when you are calling out something for what it is, if you a see a trash bucket its not an insult to call it a trash :)
am no god in the game buddy, but am good enough to run killer for a little while in a good day, so am good enough
but then when am downed I expect to be hooked, not left in the ground bleeding, I played the game when you hit me down "Chase" gives points for both of us, so dont deny me unhooking survivors cause thats how I make points cause your butt hurt
is that too hard to ask? isnt it only fair? nah, the trashy sweatlord has to leave you there bleeding for 5 mins
who gets good? me or you? play the game buddy.. and again, grow up kid :)
1 -
Lmao do you realize gen rushing is the counter to face camping? You're encouraging them to do gens and leave ASAP.
0 -
attempts to justify insults and their lack of skill
1 -
Oh what a genius, clap for the monkey
0 -
K have fun
2 -
Do you remember Ochido? Those videos suuuure where "fun" were they not? Also how did I make any statement at all? I literally wrote "YouTube juke montages" because you were saying "only killers" complain on the forums.
0 -
I didn't say only killers complain on the forums at all, I said only killer brag about playing with mories/4 man slugging/4 man bleeding out vs survivors not bragging about tbagging/flashlight flicking etc.. and oh boy I remember ochido that guy that's been banned for like 2 years now, really good comparison to the 1 - 2 posts every couple of days with killers bragging about how they're going to make survivors feel miserable while they play.
not really sure what your point was, you haven't disproved anything I've said and even yourself said that I said forums and you replied with "youtube juke montages" lmao.
1 -
Some of the most fun interactions I've had in-game have come from everyone being slugged.
One was our cult of four slugged strangers crawling in a circle around Trapper's ankles. He watched us for a little while, then started spinning in a circle too and looked like a gameshow prize.
Another was just me & my wife slug racing to designated points on the map while Myers started blankly at a generator for four minutes, but the entertainment value was real. He was probably just AFK for the bleed-out, but the blank staring was nicely in-character
Sure, we screwed up colossally on both occasions, but who cares? Four minutes, next match, the end. No big deal.
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Becuz killer are who feel that need love from devs while survivors are the favorite of devs.
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Do you know how ridiculous it is to hear people yabber on about the devs having a favourite? It's conspiracies at it's finest, this game doesn't work without both sides being able to win, and currently both sides can do pretty freaking well, or pretty freaking miserably. It's killers being lazy at this point, killers used to spend 100s of hours on one killer and perfect them, now killers only want to spend 30 hours and be perfect with every killer with little to no time investment on their part.
Survivors only needs one skill type because all survivors are a skin, killers all have unique powers and are vastly different, it makes perfect sense for a survivor with 1000 hours to play better than a killer who has 2000 hours all split up across 17 killers.
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The sole reason to still not balance SWF in a game that DEVS said were not made for comms plus maps design (that they are fixing) just tell which side is the favorite 🤷🏻♂️