Slugged 4 people.



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    You yourself just said they're fixing map design so this is a moot point, any and all nerfs to survivors affect SWF too, BNP, Insta Flash/Heal/ Pallet Quantity, Less safe pallets in newer maps and reworked old maps, they made picking up and hooking animations faster, they're nerfing toolboxes, they just buffed doc in the last patch, and are buffing tapper, doc (again) and plague in the next patch, they're adding breakable walls which are likely to be near pesky loops (even in the killer shack lmao).

    What exactly makes the devs survivor sided? They usually buff a heck tonne of killer stuff along side a couple of killer nerfs, because you're upset you can't beat SWF? I have a fine time against them, once again, killers lack of ability is the issue here, there used to be SWF + infinites and killers still 4Kd, there used to be SWF + insta heaing, an killers still 4Kd. Stop. Being. Lazy. Learn the game, become a better player, and stop aiming for 4Ks constantly because that ain't what a casual game is about.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Want to know how you actually make a statement or protest? You stop playing the game. If enough people did this that might actually have a non-zero chance of actually making a difference, as you're honestly just wasting your time with this.

    But who am I kidding, lets not forget classics like screenshots of big parts of "Boycott X Game" groups on Steam being in the game they're """boycotting""" on release day 😂

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So you play like an ######### cause you are not able to play the game skillful? Just play some other game instead of ruining the experience of other players who can play this game properly.

  • Darth_Cader
    Darth_Cader Member Posts: 128

    Ah yes get 4ks to show the devs that you're overpreforming which leads to more Killer sided nerfs and more Survivor sided buffs. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I depip AND I get Killer nerfs in the future for my 'trouble'? It's like a dream!

    Thanks for doing something that is gonna make it harder for me to get into Killer, though.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I wasn't arguing against your point that we see killer players brag about this stuff on forums, I was pointing you in a direction where survivors are doing the same thing and its labeled "entertainment".

    Moral of the story both sides complain/brag and both sides will use what platform works the best.

  • Murphy
    Murphy Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2020

    And this is why I just leave games. It's not fun. "I'M gonna play like a shithead because the game is unbalanced imo weeeee" " Only a 4k is a win weeeeeee". There are so many "killer mains", who can do you one thing, and that's crying. I agree that something has to change, and toolboxes are OP. But this is a videogame. You should play it to have fun. So many killer mains think that someone will murder their whole family if they doN't get a 4k every single game, it's just sad.

  • ClawsOfHell
    ClawsOfHell Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2020

    In the current state of the game camping looks like the best ideia, last day i started a i match with myers and brought corruption intervention to give me time to be able to cross the map withou 2 ou 3 gens already done, by the time i got to the other side of the map in almost 40s(Yes when i play killer i count the seconds) one gen was done by a Feng with a gen rush build i downed her in 15s, another gen was done then i wasted 5s to hook her because she got downed in front of a hook and by the time i left the hook and walked for almost 12s to the nearest gen, another gen was doned and when finally corruption intervention when out, 2 gens poped in less than a minute and the game was over, slug don't matter because SWF can pick himselfs up easily or just leave their partners on ground to work on gens like in camping situations, they leave the partner on hook for 95% of the time then save him with borrowed time, adrenaline and obvious the hooked guy gonna have decisve strike, play killer now it's just frustrating you can only do something when you got stupid survivors who don't know what they doing and before someone say that i'm killer man, man i have all survivors in 50 and other 7 survivors in prestige 1 and one in three i play much more survivor than killer because of the current situation of the game and lobby times for killers and always playing survivor i notice how overpowered survivor are unless you have REALLY BAD teammates, killers are being punished just because they are inteligent and know hot to bait brain dead survivor with OP perks, one time i guy said on post chat that he would ban me for mindgame him and I GOT BANNED i did a post on this forum and the post got blocked and kept banned for three month just because of a mind game :), i used to say that camping it's for noob but in nowdays that's becoming literaly a good strategy like NOED if people just do the totems noed it's useless but they DON'T DO THE TOTEMS because they NEED TO RUSH THE GEN and when they got destroyed because of their fault they come up to forums to complain about noed being OP, this guy on the post aren't noob he just doing something that make him get kills in the current state of the game.

    We need a second objective in this game to make survivor fun again and make less stressful for killers, there's nothing more annoying than wait for 10m on a lobby to get a game with a SWF that rush all gens in less than 2 minutes with BT ,DH, AD, DS, you know how the game are unballanced whey OTZ that have almost 3.200h sometimes can't beat survivors that have less than 350 just because they can hold m1 with for some seconds with op perks.