BHVR Has a Create a Killer Contest and You Win: What do You Create?!

Here's Mine: The Trickster

The Trickster has two primary abilities, casting mirages and illusions Mirages [60 second cooldown]- The Trickster is able to send out two mirages in 45% angels from where he stands that move at 150% movement speed for 15 seconds (these mirages will move through objects in their path, glowing white normally, red when the killer is unable to swap because the mirage is moving through an obstruction). At any point the trickster will be able to switch places with one of his mirages. If a survivor is in range of the mirages terror radius (standard 32m) that mirage will light up yellow giving the trickster an indication that the survivor is within that mirages terror radius. When switching places with this mirage, the trickster will also receive a notification indicating the direction of the survivor when they were noticed by the mirage. While using this ability, the trickster cannot move, but they can see and detect survivor auras within 12m from where they stand. So if they notice a survivor in their sight line or through aura reading, they can simply cancel the ability and move (though the abilities cool down effect still applies)

Ability add-ons: the ability to increase the mirage movement speed (yellow, green and purple, each with a 10% speed increase above the former) the ability to cast a 3rd mirage (this one moves in a straight line from where the trickster stands) the ability to momentarily [6 seconds] increase base movement speed after switching places with a mirage (up to 125%) after switching places with the mirage, for 8 seconds any survivors within 15m of the trickster will be red (same as Wraiths all seeing) [rare] after switching places with the mirage, if the trickster hits a survivor within 5 seconds they will enter the dying state [ultra rare]

Illusions [finite] first, similar to the doctor, broken pallets will appear normal as “illusions” for the survivors The Trickster has 4 sinister playing cards. These playing cards can be “transfixed" to a generator casting an illusion on it. The first skill check a survivor completes after a generator is transfixed with an illusion will give them the overcharge skill check, appear randomly on their screen (akin to when in madness tier 3), and have the potential to go clockwise or counterclockwise. If a survivor fails this skill check, not only will the gen pop but the aura of all survivors who were working on that gen will be revealed for 3 seconds

Ability add-ons: the ability to increase the number of playing cards spawned with (+1) the ability to increase the duration a survivors aura is revealed (green 5 seconds, purple 7) when a survivor fails an illusionary skill check, their aura is revealed for 5 seconds and they suffer from the exposed status effect for 30 seconds when a survivor fails an illusionary skill check, any survivor who was working on that gen will be afflicted with the exhausted and oblivious status effects for 60 seconds when a survivor fails an illusionary skill check, the popped gen will glow white. When a survivor begins working on that generator again it will begin glowing yellow

Mori - “Viola!”, the Trickster appears “out of thin air” from a puff of smoke behind the survivor, pinning them to the ground with their deadly playing cards before impaling them through the heart with his lethal magician’s wand and taking a bow.

Base numbers - standard terror radius and movement speed (32m and 115% respectively); Height = tall Attack Animation - after hitting a survivor, the trickster will twirl his wand across his fingers while giving a condescending chuckle

Design - The Trickster is adorned with a magicians cape, wand, and hat, to go with a suit and sinister black and white comedy/tragedy mask; would have a plethora of mask, suit, hat, cape, and wand variants for cosmetics


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    The Surrender

    Power: Concede: immediatly end the match, give the survivors 50k bloodpoints and killer deranks to rank 20.

  • Oh! Well basically I have been asking for a Deathslinger... BUT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SCARY MAN (big daddy) IN A DIVING SUIT!


    1. Something that detects when survivors are using a chest.
    2. Something that causes madness (doctor power) on hit (Yes, now for any Killer.)
    3. Something that checks if survivors are looking at Killer and then speeds Killer up the more survivors are not looking at Killer. Perk also slows killer down when all 4 is looking at Killer.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    This would I create and I would be happy with it. Finally something different to a m1 killer.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197
    edited February 2020

    Mine would be: The Banshee

    She walks around the map, almost flowing, as a beautiful red headed woman. When she uses her ability the colour drains from her body and hair and her face becomes disfigured.

    Her charged ability "Concussive Blast" causes all survivors within a 36m range to crouch in agony. Any action being performed is interrupted with slight regression as if a failed skill check occurred.

    Her other ability "Wailing Scream" allows her to send a focused scream directly in front of her, slowing down or injuring the survivor depending on the distance. Can also be used to shatter pallets.

    Mori: She picks up the suvivor and gently caresses the side of their face before her hair colour drains and she screams directly in the survivors face. Initially the survivors eyes and ears hemorrhage blood, but as the scream intensifies and pitch changes the skin in blasted from their head. All that remains is the bloody remnants of the skull. (not sure how possible it would be to implement due to textures, etc. If not this they could just show the survivors head from behind and blood spraying from the sides to imply this)

    Edit: Spelling error

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't think they ever would do this. They wouldn't like to ruin the surprise of who the next killer is.

    I'd personally rather a perk contest since it's a lot more likely. Or I'd like to see them review peoples ideas and give feedback on how good it is and how balanced it is.

  • FryTheChicken
    FryTheChicken Member Posts: 12

    The Woodworker

    Not sure about perks, but both perks and Killer power would revolve around slowing down fast vaults (both pallets and windows), rebuilding "trap" pallets, and basically messing with the Survivors speed in a chase

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    A Robot. Don't care about the details, I just want a big dumb robot. Maybe something industrial like the ones that build cars, or something from a futuristic sci-fi setting. Hell, I'll take a roomba with a switchblade!