Will We Ever Get A Killer That Is The Spawn Of The Entity?

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

We see this theme a lot in the deeper lore of fantasy and horror films/books. For example, Shelob, the spider seen in TLOTR, is a spawn from a god type being that took the form of a spider and mated with a real spider, in order to produce offspring that possessed it's power, or variations of it (May have got that slightly wrong, but who know's lol). Now, knowing how malicious and cruel the Entity's existance is, would it be something worth exploring for the Entity to do something similar? Afterall, the universe of DBD is a transcendance of more than just our Earth dimension. Would it be acceptable for an offspring of the Entity to wish to take up the mantle from it's parent and, so, becomes a voluntary killer towards the Survivors subjected to the Trials in order to prove itself as worthy of continuing on with this sacrificial torment?

And on the same vein, would the Survivor that accompanied this chapter be someone whom exists in the realm of the Observer and wishes to do more than just bear witness to the new line of torture from the Entity. Thus commits himself to being vulnerable to the Entity as to try to end the Entity's Trials from within (a reckless, and foolhardy gesture, but desperate because of how much power the Entity is gaining over the years and years and possibly decades of it's Trials. They could not stand by and just observe anymore, they had to take acton and help the survivors from the new terrifying threat of The Offspring/Spawn that emerges in the fog.)

What do you think of this bite-sized musing for something that could be in DBD?


  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    I think thats honestly very intriguing

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Perhaps we could get a former survivor who was corrupted by the Entity (maybe Vigo?).

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Zaitsev thanks :)

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Yung_Slug a few people have been speculating that is what we're seeing in the Blight animatics. Paulie Esther did a good video theorising that, should go check it out, it's pretty cool.