Toxicity on PS4

Entropius Member Posts: 63
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Why is this game so toxic on PS4? It is no where near this bad on PC. It's both on the killer side AND survivor side. I literally get messaged after EVERY match.

Just last match, I had two teammates purposefully leave me to get sacrificed after I saved them both from a bubba in the basement. They messaged me and told me it was because I was "Perpetuating the toxic red rank survivor culture." All I was doing was playing the game. I didn't BM, or do anything that would make them angry at me. I shouldn't even be rank 3 because I'm not even that great, I just play a lot.

I'm a killer main, but I also play a lot of survivor, so I know the stuff that goes down on both sides. When I play killer, I try my best to make the game fun for everyone. But even then, I can't always please everyone.

Can we all just maybe... start a chain of not being so disgusting to each other? It would go a long way.

Thanks for listening to my rant, I just had to get this off my chest. I usually have thicker skin when it comes to these things, but it really builds up after a while.


  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    I feel you. I don't play on console anymore, but people will message you with nasty stuff even when it was not your fault. I've been there.

    I know it sucks to have to do it and it stops you from possibly making new friends that could be worth knowing, but if the hate is too much, before you fire up the game, set it up so you don't receive messages from non-friends.

    That's the advantage of Steam. If they are not a friend, they can't send you a message. All they can do is send you a friend request. You can accept, deny or just leave it hanging. There is end game chat, but if you don't like it, you can close it and you never have to see or hear from anyone. Just play the game and move on to the next one.

    Sucks it has to be that way, but it is what it is.

  • UntilValhalla13
    UntilValhalla13 Member Posts: 182

    You can change your privacy settings to only allow messages from friends, if that helps.

  • Entropius
    Entropius Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2020

    Yeah I know. I've had them disabled before, but I missed the good messages I used to get.

    It's not JUST the messages though, it's the actions of the people in the games on both sides. Tunneling, camping, BMing, sand-bagging, leaving teammates to die, etc. Sure these things are within the rules of the game, but It's in bad taste.

  • Fengmin200
    Fengmin200 Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2020

    PC, Xbox, PS .. I'm on Xbox and I'm getting worse.

    When I play killer there will come a time when I look at the survivor as TOXIC, this will result in a fierce camp! This is the game and it must be said that they are looking for it. At the end of each match I receive "reported for camping and tunneling" .. and yes, you shouldn't have a flashlight and a tbag!

    In surviving I very rarely have killers who let me out. By cons they tbag me, or move forward and backward on my character, or else it tunneled me from start to finish .. probably my gamertag ...

    There will come a time when I'm tired and I tbag myself at each loop because they stick me, and to be honest sometimes it makes me want to play that killer. I earn much more points!

    Well, I am a sensitive person and with humanity, I sometimes let everyone out, or if I catch a survivor, out of 4, I let him run away (by crawling lol).

    But when I am a survivor I have disgraceful stories with resentment! For example yesterday, a harpy let me crawl to the exit, then take me back and get back to the limit of the exit, I had more time! Play like a cat and a mouse, people are mean! Or a trapper who killed me, but let out the other who did nothing about the game ... I invited this killer, as a survivor, so that he understands what I have felt .. but at the end of the game this person denounced me to the killer, the killer put me on the hook and I lost ... By cons them two well they were going to make points !!!

    Besides, I have a question, denounce the allies to the killer is it allowed ???

    Ps: sorry translator 🤣

  • Entropius
    Entropius Member Posts: 63

    Lets say for example another survivor points out to the killer the locker you are hiding in, it's not against the rules, although it is unsportsmanlike.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Pretty sure working with the killer is literally in the rules as a bannable offence mate.

    Seen quite a few people get banned for it over the years

  • Entropius
    Entropius Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2020

    Yes, working together with the killer is bannable, but simply emoting to a locker to rat out a teammate in a single game can hardly be considered that. Can you find proof of a single instance where that has got someone banned? Again, not saying you should do it. That would be scummy.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Lol how is helping the killer to catch a teammate not working with the killer...

    Do it a bunch of times see what happens

  • Entropius
    Entropius Member Posts: 63

    I was talking like one singular instance that someone does it. But idk. You may be right. I looked through the thread Not_Queen posted a while back and it didn't mention anything of the sorts. I'm trying to do some digging to see if I can see it in writing.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243
    edited March 2020

    If someone takes the time to report you for working with the killer with a video clip you will receive a soft ban. That's just how it works. It will escalate each time you do it.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    When you get down to only two survivors left. Sometimes survivors resent teammates who did nothing all game but hide and wait on the hatch. As a killer I resent someone trying to deny me my 4th stack of BBQ. If the do nothing survivors hiding spot is exposed. Let's say by a very agitated Nea who leads you to an area and starts pointing. When she hasn't during 2 chases previously. I have never felt unsportsmanlike about hooking that survivor and letting Nea get the hatch.