Who would you remove (teachables included)

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He's a dogshit Billy and most people only face camp or basement him.
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I'll be happy to remove the ability of 3 no mither running claudettes as teammates
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I would agree, but they said "teachables included" and I'm fine with his perks. Maybe not Knockout though.
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Laurie because ds is annoying
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This is kind of an odd line up; if I was free to choose anyone it'd be Clown.
He's the only Killer in the game that's both incredibly unfun to play as and incredibly unfun to play against. I'd kinda miss Bamboozle but it'd be fun to see people freak out about PGTW vanishing shortly after the Ruin nerf. As for Coulrophobia, I don't think anyone would even notice it was gone outside of, "oh hey, that third Clown perk is gone now too."
From this line up though, I choose Claudette. It'd be nice to get rid of Toxic Claudettes, immersed Claudettes, and people who Self Care in a corner with Sloppy Butcher at 5 gens against Legion all in one fell swoop. Although, I would probably start to miss being annoyed by them after a while.
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What does coulrophobia even do?
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It reduces Healing speed by 50% while you're in the Killer's Terror Radius.
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What purpose would this serve with medkits and botany existing
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Or Nurse's Calling, which will tell you where the Healing Survivor is and will actually help you stop them from healing instead of just making it take longer.
I have no clue.
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i think i have emotional trauma from having my lobbies filled with Claudette's all running flashlights and spine chill
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Self-care and blendettes
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Laurie because you don't even need to be careful with Decisive Strike. Why be careful when you have immunity for 60 seconds?
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It would be better if survivor perk sets were changed rather than being straight-up removed.
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"Teachables Included" All i needed to hear. ######### your 60s of ######### up removal, ######### your Object & well, who actually uses Sole Survivor? It fits in like... one meme build, and thats it, no-one will miss it.
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Out of all the killers, the spirit's perks are the most bs, and that's coming from a spirit main. That said, I could never remove her, she's my favorite character I the whole game. So instead I'd say Claudette. It's kind of sad what happened to her, she was supposed to be this timid science nerd who plays altruistic and never leaves a teammate behind, but instead all the sweaty tryhards play her just because she's small and dark. For everyone starting out dbd, it's always a stealth game, and that means that Claudette, the smallest and darkest character, does that the best. Later on, the players who started on Claudette with their sweaty tryhard mindset either evolve into toxic neon flashlight Claudettes or immersed milky glass + weaved ring key Claudettes, both of which I hate, especially the key Claudettes. And because of that, I would remove Claudette.
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Well Legion 100%, but he wasn't on the list. So probably Laurie or Bill. Laurie is annoying and lame and Bill's perks aren't super useful, plus he is loud as hell.
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We love camping Leatherfaces.
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I wouldn't remove anything. All of this game can work together, it just needs some serious tweaking.
That being said, DS can go to hell for all I care. I like Laurie, it's just that perk man.
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But Legion is fun to play and play against! : D
How could you say that about Julie?
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I don't think Laurie's perks brought anything good to the game.
My second choice would be Claudette because of the way she can blend into the environment, but Empathy is a really good perk, I'd hate to lose that.
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It was a bandaid fix to plays when survivors had to heal 10 percent to get a survivor up. It would also stop people from looping the killer and healing from pallet to pallet with self care (it used to be way stronger).
Colorphobia has its uses, especially in a anti healing build, but it's not as strong as its free counterpart: Sloppy Butcher.
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Pop is kind of necessary at the moment... so seeing that perk removed would be really, really bad.
Old ruin covered up the issue of gen speed, now new ruin really cranks it up to 11 (no reason to get off gens now!)
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I hate this unbalanced piece of sh*t.
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Plague is not an option for some dumb reason.
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I’ve always hated Doctor.
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Pop is only really good on Killers with high mobility though; and they can use New Ruin just as well.
People like Trapper or Deathslinger are as like as not going to have gens popped before they can reach them simply because of their movement speeds.
Pop is as much of a placebo counter to genrush as old Ruin was IMO: definitely potentially effective; but of limited value more often than not and wholly incapable of stopping good and coordinated Survivors.
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Not really, 60 seconds is plenty of time to use it. If you're worried about people completing them before they get there, that's a different issue.
People didn't rush so much before ruin was nerfed, and I didnt use it before that. It seems now survivors just focus on getting those done immediately.
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Decisive strike is a gift from heaven and I'm going to start using it. All you ds haters.
Let's 100% remove doctor instead cause I kind of somewhat like to vault and use pallets while in a chase.
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Where is the stinky cowboy?
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I hate Spirit in terms of her fundamentals, but if we're talking teachables, all three of her Perks punish Survivors either for doing things that Survivors SHOULD BE DOING, or they just get RNG'ed.
Spirit Fury—Punishes the Survivor for stunning you with a pallet.
Haunted Ground—Punishes the Survivor for doing totems.
Rancor—Punishes the obsession for existing.
I think all three Perks are really damn stupid and need to go.
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Jane just because of how reliant Head On is on people's connections. I'm just about fed up with seeing my Killer open the locker, prepare to grab the Survivor, and then have it canceled and I get stunned because a connection got messed up. I'm fine with everything else about her, it's just Head On that annoys the hell out of me.
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Legion is the worst. He is not fun to play against, no killer should have a built in aura perk. That is what actual perks are for. Then there is the mending constantly so it takes 20 minutes at the earliest to get the match over with is boring and exhausting. I would take any other killer over this lame duck.
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It is not an aura perk and it shows you don't know how the killer works. The KI readings are the only thing they really have. KI works similar to radar pings in the TR. If you see someone get hit with frenzy while you're in the TR, you should be running, as chasing you at that point will be a waste of time.
Mending takes very little time, and actually downing people is still tricky for them. Missing frenzy swings is really punishing for them.
Can be beaten easily by genrush. Legion is one of the most easily countered.
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Don't tunnel. Problem solved. 😂
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Lets be honest:
i wouldnt want to remove any killer, as all of them have a unique playstyle and with removing one, you would remove a big part of the game itself.
Survivors on the other hand are all just reskins, so removing one of them isnt going to change anything gameplaywise.
for the perks:
Sole Survivor is a perk i dont ever see getting play. its extremely bad and i dont think many would miss this.
Decisive Strike is, ever since release, one of the top meta survivor perks that exist. its a lot better than before, yet its still too easy to abuse and really just annoying to deal with. its definitely the most game changing perk in the entire game, as the pure fear of it existing basically forces killers to ignore a survivor for 60 seconds after they have been unhooked.
Object of Obsession shouldnt even be a thing in the first place. delete this, burn all evidence of it ever existing and never speak about it again! literally the only way to use this is by being toxic, there literally is no other usage of this perk! DELETE THIS!
bye Laurie, it hasnt been nice with you o/
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Nah, you still get hit with ds even if you didn’t tunnel 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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It's not very likely. I run DS on my main 2 survivors and I can probably count on one hand the number of times a Killer found me after an off hook, within 60 seconds, that wasn't them tunneling me off the hook. So, while it CAN happen that you just come across the same person by accident...it's not the most likely scenario. I also never get hit with DS when I play killer. If I come across the last person I hooked within 60 seconds of them being off hooked, I just leave them alone. I am a decent killer; I dont need to down them again before they have an opportunity to get back in the game in order to PIP or 4k by the end of the game. 🤷
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DS and Object of Obsession are somewhat annoying as Killer.
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Dwight. He's one of the few that truly deserve a restart.
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I would say Ash especially since he didn't come out with a killer and none of his three perks are too good in my opinion
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Spirit. boring killer and her perks punish survivors for doing good. Survivor: claudette so no more useless self care in corner team8.
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Is there a way to select meg?
Probably not. whatever screw meg
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I would remove Hex: Devour Soap
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Killer: Wraith or Leatherface TBH. Wraith I never have any fun with and his perks aren't exactly the best teachables compared to some other killers, but he does have cool cosmetics so yeah. LF because he's basically a worse Billy except he can insta down multiple survivors and not just one. He does have good teachables though so yeah, but not cosmetics so big rip.
Survivor: Without a doubt Laurie. Sole Survivor is essentially useless, OoO sucks in my opinion, I see little use in OoO other than knowing where the killer is, and DS is just irritating, everyone runs it and whenever I play killer (I'm a survivor main BTW) and someone uses DS, I just wanna tunnel them to get them out instantly. Also Laurie doesn't have the best cosmetics so fat rip.
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Doesnt matter if there are no haunted ground or rancor or spirit fury i dont care i hate spirit more than anything In this game
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Wraith - Bad killer, 2 of the worst perks in the game, bye shadowborn nurses.
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Out from this list, Doc. But I'd actually delete Deathslinger without the shadow of a doubt nor remorse of any ######### kind.
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No self care-ing teammates as survivor or blendettes as killer? Sign me up.
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why did so many people vote laurie? XD