Should Killers that are Generally Bad at the game be allowed to Tunnel and camp?


This incident happened today, where I was playing against a Billy who camped and tunnels hard core. And I'm not gonna lie, I don't play killer. So I can't really say I understand how you guys feel. So back to what i was saying. At the end He dropped me and camped me hard and thankfully one of my teammates had BT and i was able to escape. And Idk why, I wad so angry at the killer because, I just personally don't mind Toxic killers. When they play toxic it gives me a excuse to play toxic as well. I guess I was just having a bad day And I texted him. As seen in the pic.

And When he said how he knew he was bad at the game and told me not to remind him. I had a epiphany , I know I sound dumb rn to what I'm about to say but, prior to this encounter, my view was that if you camp and tunnel, you were trying to be toxic. And it never accured to me that some killers Need to play that way. It's just that, as a survivor main, killers have left a bad taste in my mouth. Just last night as if writing this, their was a ghost face who was doing the exact same thing, but teabagging us while we were hooked.(ngl, he was pretty good) and so it just really appears to me that when a killer camps ot tunnel their trying to be toxic. And, im not gonna try and play innocent and say Us survivors aren't toxic. We are Toxic as hell. Honestly, if I start being toxic first then I have no problem with the killer playing toxic. And vice versa. I really dont care . It's fun for me. But like I said earlier, I texted the killer and I usually Never do and I guess i was being frustrated cuz it was my first game on from work. And I know I shouldn't of texted him that. So the question I wanted to ask was, should We Consider camping and tunneling toxic? Like how killers see Gen Rushing as toxic. Or should we see it as sorta like a beginner's Way of playing? Because in higher ranks, both play styles can really cuck over the Survivors that gen rush or the killer that camps or tunnels.

Also side note: when I say " be allowed to camp or tunnel" im not trying to say, that its not a legitimate way of playing. Again, prior to this, to me it was a way of saying " im gonna play toxic, when a killer camps or tunnels.


  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    You can do what you want

    but i can generally say what i want too :)

  • Megaris
    Megaris Member Posts: 105

    Is there any PvP game that players aren't allowed crossfire to weakened enemies due to their dissatisfaction? Killers aren't playing this game to entertain survivors, of course survivors too.