Deep Wounds

I'll preface this by stating that I posted this suggestion in a big list of suggestions for the Public Test Build, but felt it deserved its own post in the generic location for suggestions. That said, let me know what you guys think of it!

Current Deep Wounds

Deep wounds in its current state is not at all able to be taken advantage of by killers, and simply serves as a hindrance and an annoyance to survivors. A mediocre hindrance, at that. It doesn't regress unless the survivor is far enough from the killer, and it regresses far too slowly for the survivor to be in any danger of going into the dying state. This suggestion aims to make it a bit more open for killers to utilize it, and a bit less of an oppressive annoyance to survivors that find themselves in a safe place.

Suggested Deep Wounds

Note: Some of these suggestions may already exist in the current deep wounds. I will still list them for completeness.

  • Deep wounds regresses at all times, including while being chased and while within the killer's terror radius.
  • Deep wounds has a base regression time of thirty seconds.
  • Deep wounds has a base mending time of fifteen seconds while alone, but is faster with other survivors helping.
  • The mending progression of deep wounds does not reset if stopped.
  • The deep wounds regression timer will pause at one second if in the process of mending.
  • If deep wounds fully regresses or the afflicted survivor is downed, the broken and hemorrhage status effects are applied for thirty seconds.


The suggestion points for the new deep wounds will allow killers to take a little more advantage of deep wounds, but it is not so prominent that the meta of Legion (and future meta of Deathslinger) will overwhelmingly depend on this. It will also put less pressure on survivors that have been afflicted with deep wounds that find themselves in a safe position (if Legion stabs you while in Feral Frenzy and darts away, you are free to continue working on a generator if you feel you can withstand the next minute without being put in danger). As it is now, survivors are just forced to mend or be put into the dying state.