Idea of a new killer
So I was thinking about a new killer and this is my suggestion.
As a new killer, it would be a child, a little girl. 9 years old. She would have blond hairtied up in two ponies. She would have a cute pink dress with a "Princess" on it, and her name would be "Cana".
Cana would be very fast, a little faster than Legion and Ghostface, but when it comes to windows and verything survivors can go over, it would be a problem for Cana because she would go over them slower than other normal killers like "Clown". To catch a survivor she would have to grab them so they fall on the ground, but after some 2 or 3 seconds survivor would be able to continue to flee. After the third time succesful attempt to grab survivors clothes, they would be in agony, ready for killer to hang them on hook. And if it comes to pallets, Cana would be able to go under them and it would take as much time as other killers to go over windows etc.
Beause she is a child, the Ravens would come and lift survivor and go after Cana. If survivor got "saved" ( used for example "decisive strike"), then Ravens would fly away, and come back again when we as a killer would like to hang next survivor.
I would appreciate to hear out your opinions about it. Ask me if you didn'd understand something, I'm not that good in explaining things