The IT chapter

I have an idea for pennywise as a killer id imagine he would be kinda like old Freddy but instead of putting them to sleep he would have to envoke them with fear and he would have 3 teirs to his fear

Teir 1:

Pennywise can now be seen and has the ability's of a base killer like Michael Myers in teir 2

Teir 2: He now instantly gains blood lust one and can use his first ability which he will be able to make them scream to know where they are and a red balloon attaches to there arm and applys the oblivious status effect

Teir: 3

A red balloon is attached to every generator and for a minute he can teleport to generators and he will laugh and the balloon will grow and pop and he will appear and gains the ability to easily track people when there at teir three they have to snap out of it or has to start being altruistic to stop the fear and bump themselves back to teir 1



The exit gates can be trapped on the verge of escapeing and makes it so when the door is half way complete for the gates go off the person screams because the gates shock them

Button spammer:

while there's a survivor on the hook the have a full bar but have to immediately struggle with the entity


Gains the active ability to hide in lockers and preform a surprise attack if preformed at the correct time

Weapon: pennywise contorts his hand into a claw and slashes at you

New map: The Sewer chapel modeled after pennywise's lair

New survivors:

Richie Tozier And Beverly Marsh

I sadly don't have ideas for how they would work as survivors and I don't have any ideas for add on potential but I would really love to see Pennywise added he would be an amazing killer there's people who could probably put more thought into this than me but I hope you consider it!


  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,620

    Ugh, old pennywise, this dude sounded like scooby doo on helium.