Unsportsmanlike conduct

Should tea bagging at the exit gate be considered an unsportsman like conduct with reason to ban players for that and holding up the game?



  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    I mean, you can report them if you want, dont think much will happen

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    If you’re on ps4 reporting doesn’t do anything beyond assuaging your bruised ego and/or justified rage.

    I personally think tea bagging a killer that did not purposefully or maliciously try to ruin the game is very unsportsmanlike. Red ranks should know when they’re facing babies and yet they’re far from gracious.

  • iOverSpray
    iOverSpray Member Posts: 101

    I hit and force them to leave. Doesn't change the fact that its unsportsman like conduct.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    By definition, complaining about it is actually unsportsmanlike as well.

  • iOverSpray
    iOverSpray Member Posts: 101

    I'm saying when I know the game is over, I'll usually just wait for the survivors to leave and gg. How ever, they dont. It's a constant wait til I get there to tea bag and hit. I'm a red rank killer, I 4k more then I dont. That isnt the point.

  • iOverSpray
    iOverSpray Member Posts: 101

    I didnt complain? If you're only here to degrade move on please.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    If you get upset at someone using their vocal chords, you gotta sort some things out

    if you get upset at someone making shapes with their hands, you gotta sort somethings out.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Dafuq? Do you realize that this is a video game? So why are you upsad that a virtual pixel is moving up and down? You seriously need something to sort something out.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited March 2020

    How about people pressing the F key in chat after the game? Followed by pressing the U key, then the C key and so on. It's just fingers moving across the keyboard I guess... Some people really don't get that pressing Control is in most cases simply comparable to a personal insult -.- Like "it's just a game" - yeah, just a game that creates the most hateful post game chats I experienced so far (no I don't play moba).

    Although I also disagree on banning or reporting that. This is simply how many people are. And there is no way of getting around this. Not sure how the quote is in english, but the mayor in ghostbusters 2 said "it is everyones right to be a dick" which is sadly true.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Pressing control is an insult. Today I learned... And this game is SUPER TAME compared to a lot of other games. It's honestly one of the nicest communities going, it's just the majority of people in this community have a very fragile ego, or need to grow a pair and get over t-bagging and flashlight clicking which is the least "toxic" thing you could possibly do to someone in this game. (Threats of violence and homophobic/racial slurs are toxic, t-bagging is not)

  • iOverSpray
    iOverSpray Member Posts: 101

    I'm not sure where I gave off an impression that I'm upset. I dont live on this game, Its fun and when life isnt calling me, i enjoy killing time playing it. Unless the devs just enjoy their games being as you say "toxic" in nature then it's my opinion some thing should be done to prevent the behavior. The games rating is mature correct? Obviously the people tea bagging the exit gates are on that mature level!

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    Lag switching and botting are unsportsmanlike...? That's using 3rd party software to gain an advantage in the game, not acting in an inappropriate or disruptive manner toward another player. Teabagging is as much unsportsmanlike conduct as is spamming M1 on a hooked survivor or flaming people in end game chat.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    No. Them teabagging at the gates is not stopping you from forcing them out.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    Cool. You can force them out, AND they can still be unsportsmanlike/toxic. A permaban is the wrong response to this, but there needs to be some form of keeping the game civil.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I don't think there's anything that can be done about excessively crouching that wouldn't be a waste of effort.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It is unsportsman behavior, but not bannable.

    Your fun in the game doesn't matter so long as the survivors have fun.

    Find ways to rub it into survivors when you beat them. Like starting freddy's snare animation repeatedly, or doctor's shock animation. Also smacking survivors on the hook a few times, reving your chainsaw, etc. Honestly by the end of the day, the dev's don't care if you have fun so make your own fun while you can before they remove your ability to.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    This. The devs would just as quickly make killers into bots than improve the killer experience.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited March 2020

    Seeing the coming updates, they might as well at this point and I would be happier if they did.

    My hopes were with Chains of Hate bringing some buffs to killers to make them stronger and more fun, and either nothing to survivors, or nerfs to survivors. But no instead they buffed Survivor and tried to add some Killer band-aid perks. Unbreakable walls looks like it's going to be good, but it's going to take too long to implement in other maps, also considering it takes as long as breaking a pallet to perform so you're already wasting too much time utilizing it.

    I followed dev's twitch streams, and seeing many of them just playing survivor at low ranks, and of the ones that play Killer - they only play killers that can just ignore loops like Huntress and Nurse, so it's pretty obvious they are oblivious to the reality of their own game. Then the last stream I saw a mod was directly harassing and cursing at the dev's subscribers and followers.

    Also they have big competition just over the horizon, and they don't seem like they are preparing for it at all.

    So yeah. I've completely lost all of my hope in this game getting better. I'll keep following, supporting the postive communites on twitch, getting red rank each reset, but i've already started to gravitate to other games.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Just put their name on a paper and the next time facecamping time! I have a facecamping list and there is a lot of Xbox gamertags on it 😀

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Hey, if we can complain about T-bagging at the exit gates, then I can complain about killers hitting hooked survivors.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Ban players for tbagging at the exit gate?

    You ok?

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    How is this holding up the game? You know where the exits are right? You can't run to them and chase them out? And then there is the EGC too. Nice bait. +1 I suppose we can follow this with banning killers who slug players and leave them to bled out for 3 minutes? You see how ridiculous you sound right?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    malding over tbagging yet I’ve been doing this since halo 3 omegalul

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    I assume insults and telling someone to kill themselves in the post game chat is a reportable thing.

  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    excuse me sir, real gamers know C is the ultimate crouch key.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Yes it is apparently but only in game which means they are powerless to do anything to you outside of the game--e.g. message to players via Xbox say. Now they can be reported to Xbox though but from personal experience I can tell you the punishments are very light--typically 24 hours long and at most 14 days but I haven't gotten one of the 14 days ones in a long long time.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    If reading "die on cancer" and "your mum su * * * co * * *" in endgame chat is super tame to you, I most likely don't wanna have you in my lobby. This is not happening daily, but multiple times weekly. Often enough to have a suibliminal hate against every toxic behaviour.

    And regarding "tbagging is an insult". I asked several times in chat, without being salty or anything before, just a neutral "so what's the tbaggin for" as first question. In 95% I get the answer "because you suck" or something equal. Tbaggin is being used to taunt and insult.

    There are rare occassions like Sattelizer that just do it always and have fun doing so, yelliong at themselves for fun when they screw up. And seeing this relativates the "insult", but during the game you never know who sits in front of the screen. And from the responses I get, most people don't just play around, they literally insult. Wanna have a test week of in-game voice chat Hunt:Showdown style? Would be curious to see if you guys still say "it's just pressing control"

    Btw I don't say that most of the playerbase is hateful. I said above the hard stuff is weekly, not daily. Percentagewise it might be a low factor. Tbaggin happens more often, but also not every game. And most people are nice. But I really wouldn't say that this is the nicest community. Even in this forum I see regularly mods jumping in to remember to stay civil. Again, maybe low percentage, but frequently enough

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited March 2020

    And just to add to that: if anyone of you tbag just for fun, maybe before you yell "sort some things out" just think about why you don't adapt your playstyle. Just wondering what makes you think "I don't need to change, they all can't handle it" and keep going on with the unnecessary tbaggin while knowing that many killers take it personal and you ruin their game experience by doing so. I would call it selfish or egoistic. This is not about "providing the best gaming experience to others, so don't tunnel, don't genrush" etc. But tbaggin and slashing survivors on hooks is the most common, totally unnecessary action that has almost always just negative effects on gaming experience. You could simply avoid doing it, as it has no other effect than that. But when people can't stop doing that, I assume it is simply on purpose

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Teabagging is meant to insult. Its sad that a lot of people doesnt seem to have a problem with that. Are racist or sexist insults ok too? I mean, its just words, aren´t they?

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I don't think that tbagging survivors at the gates are a problem.

    Usually they knew who is boss. That is why they doing it shortly before they can safley run away and not in the middle of the map without second changes perks. Also sometimes they doing it because they wanna say thanks. So that you can hit them one last times for more points.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Lol. I can see it now. A surv crouches to hide from the killer. The killer sees it. The survs proceed to escape and and then the salty killer reports them for "t-bagging". Also you know how many people t-bag to say "hello"? Alot.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    So do those who play GF and tbag the hooks...do they get banned too?

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    My point is too many people would report just because their butthurt over a game. GF or Surv, if you get triggered over t-bagging you shouldn't be gaming at all cause it's in just about every game now. And no way the devs would have time to respond to or even care about t-bagging.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    If some GF is a jerk and tbags and hits me on the hook there is a 100% chance he is going to get comments from me he is 100% not going to like, being a jerk is not a reportable offense though.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited March 2020

    I never said death threats and insults like that were tame, in fact I said the opposite and that they were one of the only forms of actual toxicity in this game. It happens in DbD but not on such a scale when compared to almost every other big community (CSGO, DOTA, LoL). It's really not that bad and you need to get over the small things and not let it get to you.

    Edit: I do believe it is a nicer community than most. I haven't seen much that many would consider actual violent or gross behaviour (apart from 1 or 2 incidents with a certain YouTuber), the stuff you see is the equivalent to children crying when they don't get what they want. It's all whining and complaining, which isn't really "toxic behaviour" in my opinion, it's just annoying.

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107

    Play as ghostface and teabag them back, or if its that big of an issue play as doc and when they are teabagging at the exit gate just keep shocking them and farm some points. It would be absolutely horrible to ban people for teabagging or flashlight clicking or things that aren't consider cheating but annoying.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    How is crouching in a VIDEOGAME comparable to real life situations lmao

    y’all getting mad over nothing

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    Please remember to keep your comments on this discussion to the topic at hand and refrain from insulting each other, thanks.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
  • iOverSpray
    iOverSpray Member Posts: 101

    People already report because they're "butt hurt". If I bring video footage of 4 survivors simply taking turns getting hit while tea bagging waiting on the exit, there should be some thing I'm able to do about it. Add .5 seconds to the crawl away time and that will push them out! You guys are killing me with all the negative juju. This is meant to be a real topic about a real issue not a degrade me session.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    I agree with this.

    If the killer was not toxic when they could have been if they wanted to then why even do this tbaggin at the end?

    If tbaggin at the exit happens in too many games it could result in them leaving the game but survs never ever think about that. This could have been your future rank 1 killer that you so desperately need.

    I do think toxic behavior needs to be punished. In end game chat. When toxic behavior is used ingame and is not even warranted.

    My thing is this. I like hitting people on the hook if they are the last one so i just do it over and over. The thing is i only do this randomly. Yeah i know its bad. But i just like the reaction that they make. The sounds and the screams. I am a killer for pete's sake.

    But what i have noticed that in the next game after hitting somebody like that i get the most toxic obnoxious loopers that i can barely handle as karma. This is almost on a level of being able to predict this.

  • sahidoaisow
    sahidoaisow Member Posts: 11

    teabagging in a game really isnt the same as segregating an entire race of people. nobody really teabags to be offensive, some teabag to say thanks bc we have like 0 emotes. why are people getting mad over someone pressing lt its not that deep.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Considering the EGC is on and will end the game, no....lol.

  • iOverSpray
    iOverSpray Member Posts: 101

    It's easily defined by the way the game played out rather or not the bounce is to say thank you or clearly an act of disrespect.

  • iOverSpray
    iOverSpray Member Posts: 101

    Maybe the devs have faced this issue, maybe not. Maybe they care or maybe they do not. I'm positive how ever that some adjustments could be made to make this happen less. Some constructive ideas for in game changes or tweaks could go alot further then degrading or bashing ones ideas. Also reasons why it should be a part of the game and why it shouldn't be bothered I'm open to hearing and maybe change my thought process on the issue and others who may feel the same.