Changes to DS

Vampire Member Posts: 90

In a game where gens can be done in 88 seconds, holding onto DS for 60 seconds can be a game changer....and when 4 survs have it, it hurts

Some ideas I had, but I would love some feedback on em

DS should either have the 60 seconds go by faster or outright stop when

-that surv works on a gen for x amount of seconds ( cool down goes down faster)

-another survivor is hooked (killer was able to down, pick up, and hook another survivor? that cancels out the tunneling excuse)

-all gens are done (end game has enough get out of jail free cards for survs)


  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    So is this a buff?

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I think they meant to say "deplete" instead of "stop".

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    How to kill a perk

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Just making it last 55 or 50 seconds might be enough to make it more fair for killers who aren't actively tunneling so survivors can use the perk more for what it was intended for ie escaping. Instead of using it as an invulnerability status for that period of time to perform rescues or troll and such.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    I think nerf wants? Decisive is not strong. Just wait for the time to expire or find another survivor. Because of this I am eating really heavy tunnel and camp. Because everybody applies this method. The old Decisive strike should be brought back.

    But before this happens, he needs to go through a small test. In version 3.6.0, the dimensions of the map will be resized, safe places will be reduced and walls will be broken. I don't know how much the pallets are. However, if there is an intense complaint after this event, the Decisive strike will be inadequate and will be restored. Even if it is old DS, you can still do 4k, don't lose hope. My point is that the nerf ate DS for abuse, but if you look at it, the murderers abuse some of their features. Do you think this is fair?

    When Legion ate a nerf, I still didn't lose hope. But still I can still do something. Review your mistakes and find out what you did wrong. Decisive strike is not strong. I'm sure everyone will start to complain when the old DS returns. But you have to get used to it, like every update, because in older versions I was able to achieve the impossible. When I first started the game, there was an old DS in 2017. When I played the first killer they managed to escape from 4/4, but there were ds in 4 kurtu but I managed to do at least 2k.

    So it's good to accomplish the impossible. Don't worry because I managed to do things impossible to count. Remember what I said and I want to say that Decisive strike is not strong.

  • DarqPhoenix
    DarqPhoenix Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2020

    I think these ideas are okay, besides working on a gen, except that the timer shouldn't go down or go away if the survivor is slugged on the ground, with the exception of end game.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2020

    In a game where gens can be done in 88 seconds

    I am assuming you are adding 8 seconds for all survivors to find and start a gen, as it only takes 80 seconds for a single survivor to complete a gen. This would mean as a killer you are applying zero pressure to the game.

    Realistically the quickest 5 gens could be done is about 136 seconds. That is 3 survivors using a Commodious Toolbox working on three individual gens and then as a group all three working on the last two together. Add about 10-20 seconds for travel time to get to gens, you are looking at 146-156 seconds with the most optimized team on the servers and you as a killer basically doing nothing.

    Now to your post point, It would be interesting to see DS run down well preforming actions, for example, working a gen decreases DS timer BY 3 times, healing another survivors is 2 times, healing yourself is at normal rate. Don't tunnel the injured survivors self caring in a corner basically.

    I actually suggest this a lot, DS should deactivate if the killer hooks another survivor, only on the condition that the user with DS is not slugged. I usually also say, DS should tick down at half (or two thirds) rate when slugged.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Oh no, what will we do without our 60 seconds of immunity?