Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Change to hatch/keys

Once the hatch is closed, a key can no longer be used to open it.

I can't tell you how many times I have closed the hatch and started guarding the gates only to see the survivor just escape. Keys are the survivor equivalent of moris right now.

Hell, it even fits into the lore, like when the killer slams it shut, the lock breaks and can no longer be open.

Another small change I want is kinda simple. You know how in most video games the biggest threat is easily discernible? I literally can never tell when someone has a key, even in the pre-game lobby. Make it like, white or something?

That's all I think keys need.


  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Nerf keys only if moris are nerfed

    both completely ruin the balance of games

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,970

    I say just make them and moris rarer.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Nerf both keys and moris together.

    Ivory should only work after hooking a particular survivor twice. Ebony should only work after hooking every survivor once. Key should only work after the hatch is closed. Keys are also not dropped on death.

    Ebony is now a reward for hooking multiple people. Keys now only help the last survivor instead of guaranteeing multiple survivors escape at once.

    Survivors have counter play since they can keep track on how many different survivors have been hooked. Killers can now focus on the key survivor to remove them from the game.

    These are just quick ideas I think that would make the game a lot fairer. Maybe they aren't perfect but it's better than what they are now

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    How bout nooooo.

    How about just killing the survivor with the key and then there is Franklin's. So how many times has that been exactly? You can't tell us how many times because you don't know how many I'll tell you myself...not many times at all. It has been a rare thing where I have actually used a key to open the hatch and escape after the hatch has been closed...but the few times I have done it right in front of the killer's face have been very comic. It doesn't happen as often as killers want to believe it does but hey we have to do something to make sure we get that 4K right? If we aren't getting a 4k every time and some survivor with a key (which you can counter) escapes that is just totally unfair and must be stopped at all costs.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Anything that ruins games should be fixed not adjusted to ruin fewer games.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Fine get rid of keys and moris and every perk/addon/offering/power that allows for either instadowns or insta kills--noed, devour hope, instadown hatchets, all the Myers garbage and we have a deal.

  • BurnedNoodles
    BurnedNoodles Member Posts: 25

    keys can only be used by one person and the hatch closes immediatly so no more 3 man escapes on 1 gen

    the hatch opening with the key will have a animation so no more inchase hatch escapes

    the hatch can only be open 1 time

    thats fair

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    And how often does a 3man escape on one gen? I may have seen it once in 1500 hours of playing. And there is nothing wrong with a single survivor using the key to escape a chase...have done that a few times and again funny as hell.

  • BurnedNoodles
    BurnedNoodles Member Posts: 25

    1im one eu servers(considered the most sweaty servers by many dont know if its true)and 3 man escapes on 1 gen happen a lot u can see it in streams also

    2 its just not fair no mather how u look at it u cant lie to me its just complete bs it was funny for you but not for the killer since he just felt robbed and would 100 agree with him . imagine getting moried after 1 hook . is it fair? no. is it fun? no . was it fun for the killer knowing you will wait 10 minutes for another game ?absolutely . (mories are bs dont get me wrong they need to be nered asap

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I am primary a solo player. I do play with a swf (we are purple) and never have we all escaped through the hatch...I doubt we have ever escaped through a hatch at all...not a single one of us and if the killer felt robbed when I escaped as he was chasing me...even better.

  • Dannly
    Dannly Member Posts: 19

    Keys are pretty much BS. Like survivors play bad -> killer kills 3 of them -> yeah, you can't do gens, so have a totally luck-based mechanic -> killer somehow finds it first -> but has to patrol both exit gates and the hatch, which is well... likely not gonna work.

    However, most of the times, it's used to escape with nearly two survivors remaining. They smash the generators, killer manages protect the remaining gens and kilsl two survivors, the other two just go away. Boom. Hatch mechanics.

    Regarding Moris, I only use them when there are keys or blendettes. I do agree that they can be very unfair.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited March 2020

    Franklin's doesn't counter Keys. They can just hide the key until they can use it.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Why if I bring in a key (never play Claudette unless it is for a daily but she is a Blendette) I make sure I am standing as another survivor and then jump in with only a second to go so the killer can't do something like bring a mori or Franklin's, etc.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    They can but typically they keep the key in game all game. But that is a good idea I might try that sometime just to see how it does defeat the possibility of using it in a chase, maybe hide it until you know the hatch has spawned and of course show the key in lobby at the last second to reduce the chance at Franklin's.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,970

    I don't think they ruin the game per say, but making each a rarer occurrence will allow us to tolerate them more. They do bring a different element to the game that can be appreciated in small doses. Trying to stealth a mori killer after 1 hook or trying really hard not to be seen in the beginning of a match makes for intense moments. Very satisfying to escape someone with ebony mori, rancor, & devour hope. Even more satisfying to mori that tea bagging toxic prick with the flashlight. My absolute favorite has to be opening the closed hatch in front of the killer's face, while he strikes you with NOED. Makes your cheeks pucker up while you say "oh sh!t, wow that was close!"

    Of couse it sucks to be on the receiving end of a Mori or losing out to escape hatch survivors, but chalk it up to the Ying and the Yang. It just needs to be less common.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,284

    You're comparing key and Moris which can instantly end the game to killer powers and perks which can be countered.

    Once again, your comment makes no sense. Try again.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    So hyperbole is an alien concept to you. I was being facetious to the extreme. Keys in fact have can first off simply dodge the lobby where one appears (just as you can sorta do so with Moris) or tunnel any person who has a key to death. And simply they aren't nearly as big of a problem as whiny killers make them out to be and yes Moris are annoying as hell but the times I have died by Moris are a tiny percentage of the times I have been killed.

    So you don't like keys? Great. Get rid of keys but at the same time get rid of the killer closing the hatch and EGC so we can have 1 hour games of people hiding in corners and hatch standoffs again. I like that idea much better than a few people escaping with a key 5% of the time...sure you will agree 100% with me as well--that's sarcasm btw just in case you didn't notice.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,284

    This comment makes even less sense then the last lol.

    Dodging lobbies to avoid Keys and Moris is not a valid option. Also survivors can just hide the key by placing it in a corner or something until the hatch spawns. This is why Franklin's isn't a counter to keys either.

    Survivors can also do next to nothing to prevent a Mori other than not getting hooked.

    Your first comment implied that you thought Myers add-ons, insta-down powers etc. ruined games. Even if you were being sarcastic you always have to be aware that sarcasm doesn't translate well through text, which is why none of you comments made sense, and this was an absolute waste of time, smooth-brain.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I was being totally sarcastic. Of all the things to be triggered over keys and moris are some of the smallest issues in this game to be upset about.