Balance Solution for SWF

The main issue that high rank killers have currently is that there movements, perks, and etc are easily communicated in a SWF group. Trying to control that information being released is impossible. And yes, its fine to play with friends. However, what solution could be implemented that is fair for both sides that could bring SWF down to the information lvl of a solo player. That's right, I said down. There is no need to elevate the amount of information they or solo players receive. Frankly, its already ridiculous just how much info they get as soon as the match starts.
My solution is relatively simple and perhaps has even been suggested before. Make survive with friends play the game in the first person perspective (same as the killer). This would in my opinion raise the difficulty for only survive with friends groups. Making matches more of an actual challenge for them. In addition, I would recommend making survivors viewpoints fixed facing forward if they are working on a gen, totem, chest, or door. Why you ask? Because its unrealistic for a survivor to have eyes in the back of their heads.
This would also require survivors to become more skilled in general because it would no longer be feasible to loop a killer for ages. Unless you look over your shoulder and manage not to run into anything the whole time. This would also restore the sorely lacking horror element to the game that has not been present for the past several years. This would also have a bit of a benefit for them as well. Traps and items would be easier to see since the camera would be in the 1st person perspective.
If solo survivor wanted to play in 1st person I see no reason why it could not be made an option if they wanted to do it. I reiterate, only SWF should be forced into 1st person. Perks like spinechill and a few others may need adjusted for this change, but let's be fair. SWF basically gets spinechill, premonition, and deja vu for free with their comms in addition to their other meta perks. Something needs to give folks. The sabotage update is going to hurt killers. Maybe not a lot, but it's starting to stack up. Thoughts?
Sabotage should be quicker than it is in my opinion. I mean, Why is it fair that there are there a million hooks on the map? Why is it fair that you’re allowed one hit knock downs and melee lunges that are insanely lengthy or the fact that killers have either speed that’s equals or is faster than survivors? How is any of that fair? Killers will inevitably more often than not find someone and I don’t think the chases are fair either so... you’re really getting mad because people are working together and communicating LIKE THEY SHOULD BE? Isn’t that the point of the team of 4 that CANT fight back and hardly have a chance of really outrunning the killer once inevitably found anyways. Dead hard is nice and these Other chase related survivor perks are decent but not going to keep you on the run for long. The hook comes back so fast its almost useful to Sabo it just for points
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you’re gonna tell me a survivor really needs to sit there for an hour to Sabo when it Just comes right back? I can tell you without communication and teamwork this game is almost unplayable from a survivor standpoint. My team goes down and hooked instantly after giving no time to do gens. I think they just need to reduce the amount of hooks on the map or spread them out. It’s not fun for survs man. This game is bs killer hungry pansys that cry if they can’t get their 4Ks
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I'm not mad. Lol. I was simply offering a solution to a long standing issue. I mean they are called "killers" for a reason. They are supposed to try and kill you. Why are you mad is the better question?
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I never mentioned 4k for killer in this thread. In addition, the survivors are currently the power role. Not the killers.
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The only true way to address SWF without taking it out of the game is to give voicecomms to everyone. And before you berate me, you would obviously have the ability to mute certain people or turn it off completely.
This lets us finally balance killers against swf instead of somewhere in the middle of solo & swf without leaving solo's in the dust.
It really is the only simple way to deal with the gap.