Release the new chapter tomorrow

Hi i am new on this forum, however i am a veteran in DBD playing since the release. I noticed a official post about the new chapter coming on march the 10. instead of tomorrow. The release of the chapter was usually two weeks after the PTB started, it was so all the time. Me and lots of people exited for the new chapter took vacation in the work to play and stream it, and all of the sudden you change your mind and take a week between? For what? I dont mean to be rude, however this game will aslways have bugs, we all know it whats the point for this delay? The excitement for the chapter will only fade by the time you release it. So i would humbly ask to reconsider this decision. I know it is not in stone that it must release 2 weeks after the PTB, but most people were use to it.
One week is literally killin' ya?
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Sadly they are unable to fix most of the bugs, i witness even bugs old 2 years in the game, seriously whats the point in extra week
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It isn't always two weeks between PTB and release. Spirit was three weeks, for example.
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but apirit was pushed back cos of promblem with consols so it might be the case this time too
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Where does it say it releases the 10th?
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I respect you for all the stuff you have to go through but we all know that’s a lie.
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i cant blame you for it if new map is still darker then night like it was on ptb
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I see you haven´t read the topic, yes lots of people took a vacation in work expecting the chapter. I know you woudn´t get it in your young years, but in your distant future you would need to make a plans for such occasions, it is not as easy as comin from school dropping a bag on a bed and go play vidio games. You will see :)
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You literally took time off a job that you get payed for? PAYED? for a game? I'm sorry but that's your fault and no one else's.
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If you're taking vacation from work because of a dlc then you probably shouldn't be lecturing other people on their work ethic
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If he has time that he can take off what’s wrong with that?
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Oh I read it. Still laughing too. You're trying to pretend you're an adult and you TOOK TIME OFF WORK?
I'm not only physically probably older than you by twenty years but everyone on here is crushin' ya mentally.
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Whats wrong in taking a vacation day for a game i enjoy? You guys dont enjoy your life much don´t you? I have plenty of vacation left for my hobies and holidays, that doesnt mean i dont regreat taking this one for the game i enjoy. I guess you woudnt get it. Not everyone need to go on a holiday or smth, some people enjoy different things,
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People are being trolled for having jobs? Oh right it's the DBD forums.
Anyways, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
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Work ethic, what are you taking about? I took a few paid days off to enjoy myself, why is that your problem? People should enjoy whatever they want.
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Ok... so if you have plenty of vacation time that leads us right back to whats the problem than?
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I don't see the problem with taking time off for a video game. If its something someone enjoys, then why not? I know of a lot of people who take time off whenever there is a new Diablo game or WoW DLC.
With that being said, if you do take time off for a DLC that doesn't have an official date for release, you are taking a risk. Even if it does have an official release, delays are always possible. The developers are under no obligation to release it before they feel it is ready to be released. In fact, if they did release it before they felt it was ready to be released there would be issues with bugs and in-game problems.
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You sir, are definitely crushing me mentally, good job. I can do whatever i want in my spare time, you seem to be problem with people doing what they want with their life. You seem to miss understood what i meant in this topic. I just pointed out that lost of people that enjoyed this game took a time off to play tomorrow, and such a change in the schedule shoudnt be made, or be pointed out earlier that day before. I even wonder how you guys made this in to a attack againts me. I dont hava to pretend that i am adult, i work almost every day and get paid for it, have a decent life, and just wanted to make a change of a mind for the devs, but screw it, this forum is as toxic as the cummunity in game. I am not even suprised.
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They didnt give a specific date for this exact reason. So people wouldnt take off days of work to play a video game then get mad about it.
The delay could be ANYTHING from bugs, needing to be authorized on a console, issues with the files or any other number of issues.
Which is why they dont give exact dates and say dont look for patterns and get hyped, it's not intentional.
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You are right, thats this topic is more of a request. It is a risk, but the thing is why would they change the norm "2 weeks" without a reason? I hope we get a statement why they delay atleast.
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Wth? NO! I made a brash assumption and I demand the world revolve around that. Stop being toxic.
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Of course, I'm so sorry. I've done a pretty good job so far and will pander to both mains as I am the other....
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I love how you snuck pretty good job so far in there.. heheh
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Dude, why would there be a problem? I am just a person exited for the DLC wanting it to come earlier. It usually was a 2 weeks after the PTB, i took a day off to play, and i am disappointed. Why is it such a big deal for you? :D You personally insult me that i am not and adult for some reason and then you go into me. If w get official quote that the map need more adjustment or whatever than ok, but if its just for the sake of it then i see no point. i play and stream this game since the release, and there isnt relly much point it taking a week to fix bugs, when there are severe bugs in the gamke old 2 years, not fixed yet. You see my point? For example if they say that some troublesome game crushing bug came up then i would be happy to give them as much time as possible to fix that.
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They never revealed an official date in the first place....
If you're going to take time off for a game, at least make sure you're prepared for it next time. For example, don't just assume the release date because normally they will announce a date beforehand. Secondly, you're taking time off a financial job, a job that you get payed for doing. The spare time has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that you're complaining about taking time off work for a game DLC that hadn't had a release date, yet I'm sure there is billions of people out there who would love to do the job it is that you're doing but unfortunately don't have that opportunity. So just try and be patient and more grateful next time.
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So... take more... time off next week? You have plenty you said.
Go to the park tomorrow or something. See a movie.
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I hope that extra week bear some fruits and it is not wasted, after all today i got into 3 situations where a person in the game got stuck and we had to leave the match, resulting in the penalty. Situations like these make me skeptical about one week making a difference. After all we all are fans of this game.
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I just look at everything BHVR does as one big delay; so when they actually change things it feels a lot better than focusing on when they don't....because there is a lot of "don't".
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Me and my other part was on a movie yesterday and mini golf, i am not into walking within the parks and such, but yeah. I will have to change shifts with my college for the next week if i want to stream it unfortunately.
With this i end my discussion with you guys. Farewell, and hope we dont meet on European servers cuz you gonna get it :D
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While I understand why you might be frustrated, there was never an official announce for a release date for this week. As you mentioned, the 2 weeks schedule isn't set in stone, the proof being that we are currently trying something different. Knowing that and knowing there wasn't an official date announced, you made a personal decision. We cannot reconsider our schedule around that.
If you want to know, the reason we didn't announce a release this week is because we didn't plan to release this week, we are reviewing our update processes, which includes the scheduling. The goal this time was to leave more time between PTB and Chapter release, and hopefully be able to address more issues before release.
Hope that helps!
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i took a week off of work for Mass Effect Andromeda
regretted it, sadly
but still.. adults have jobs that give Paid Time Off, so what's the issue with using it in this manner? Some people rather use their vacation time to chill at home, and he scheduled it around a game he likes..
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I honestly rather wait a week more and have less bugs than a rushed release that needs to get hotfixed the next day.
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The problem is assuming a bunch of crap and expecting to get babied because YOU made a mistake.. The taking time off for work is just like icing, baby.