Blood web for Auric Cells


One thing I thought would be cool is if there was an option to pay auric cells for the blood web. Like... It'd cost 2,500 to 'accept all' and get to the next blood web. Maybe even more to keep people from just buying a couple hundred and farming blood webs. But I think it would help with not only generating more revenue for Dead By Daylight, but it would help people with leveling a little faster. There's a lot of toxic killers/players out there. And sometimes, it's hard to get enough points to complete a blood web/get a few items.

There could even be a cool-down period to prevent people from abusing it.


  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806
    edited March 2020

    Blood webs are as fair as they are right now and there's no issue with that. If people farm it, they just have too much time on their hands and they can simply play good. Keep in mind that auric cells cost real money, the game itself already costs 20 euros and the chapters also cost 5-7 euros each which some people don't even agree with. So 2500 auric cells would literally be ~25 euros if bought separately, and for what, for a few more items, offerings and useless perks? Not everyone can spit out money like that.

    To fix your issue, just have more time on you and play more, and then do the same thing they do.

    Only a real tryhard has all Survivors and Killers on Prestige 3, Level 50.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I agree with you... However just saying "have more time" isn't really an answer.

    The grind should be easier than it is by either making bloodrush pernament or decreasing the costs a tad

  • Gorgonzola
    Gorgonzola Member Posts: 176

    Do you seriously want DBD to be Pay to Win?